The archipelago of Earthsea is in turmoil. The dragons arebreaking old truces, and even the dead threaten to return from theafterlife, using the sorcerer Alder's dreams as a conduit. Alderseeks advice from Ged, once Archmage. It's decided that the threatcan only be confronted on the holy isle of Roke. In thismagnificent grand finale to the Earthsea Cycle, Le Guin ties upmany loose ends from her previous novels and brings back favoritecharacters to the delight of her fans.
This is the story of a little girl named Fern who loved alittlepig named Wilbur and of Wilbur's dear friend, CharlotteA.Cavatica, a beautiful large grey spider. With the unlikely helpofTempleton the rat, and a wonderfully clever plan of herown,Charlotte saves the life of Wilbur, who by this time has grownupto be quite a pig. This is a time-honored classic favorite. 《夏洛的网》,一首关于生命,友情,爱与忠诚的赞歌!一部傲居 “ 美国伟大的十部儿童文学名著 ” 首位的童话!风行世界五十年,发行。 夏洛是一只蜘蛛,威尔伯则是一只小猪,当小猪不可避免地要走向它一生的终点时,夏洛英勇地站了出来,它在自己的网上织出了一些赞美这只小猪的字样,从而使小猪在展览会上赢得风光,也侥幸地活了下来。这种奇特而温馨的友谊感染了无数的人。夏洛在剩下后一口气时,为威尔伯编织了后一个奇迹 ……