Mouse Math(《鼠小弟爱数学》)目前共20册,每本书讲了一个幽默的故事、解释了一个数学概念,还有一组趣味活动。故事涉及的数学重要基础概念包括数字大小、顺序、空间运动、容量和体积、加减法等。 同时,每个故事都蕴含着成长的道理,把数学概念、思维方式和绘本故事、生活技能、品格培养巧妙地结合在一起。 Mouse Math(《鼠小弟爱数学》)将数学概念自然融入到小老鼠们的日常生活中,让孩子不知不觉地主动思考,将数学转化为宝贵的生活工具。 本册Albert Starts School(《阿宝上学去》)讲的是 星期 的数学概念:Albert终于要上学啦,翘首以盼的开学日正是周一,他发现上学和在家有很大的区别。可是,别急,这一周里还要发生不少让他吃惊的事呢!
"Key Words with Peter and Jane" uses the most frequently metwords in the English language as a starting point for learning toread successfully and confidently. The Key Words reading scheme isscientifically researched and world renowned. Book 2c follows Peterand Jane on a fishing trip and introduces 27 words such as'sweets', 'jump' and 'fish'. Once this book has been completed, thechild moves on to book 3a. "The Key Words with Peter and JaneBooks" work because each of the key words is introduced graduallyand repeated frequently. This builds confidence in children whenthey recognize these key words on sight (also known as the 'lookand say' method of learning). Examples of key words are: the, one,two, he. There are 12 levels, each with 3 books: a, b, and c."Series a" gradually introduces new words. "Series b" providesfurther practise of words featured in "The 'a' Series". "Series c"links reading with writing and phonics. All the words that havebeen introduced in each 'a' and 'b' book are also reinforced i
新加坡幼儿数学一套三册,适合年龄4-7岁,配合新加坡家长对孩子的期待及要求,从主题涵盖范围,内容以及难度选择,均以新加坡小学数学内容衔接为目标。这三本都是一些基础的数学题,适合没有接触过数学的孩子进行理解和学习。在题目的类型上也很多样。N到K1、K2呈现循序渐进的原则,从简单到难,逐步引入数学基本概念。CPA教学法,从看图学数字,到看图了解数字关系,最后过渡到抽象的数字计算概念。 顺利衔接小学数学。这三本书Mastering Maths 《新加坡幼儿数学》,就是将英语用作工具,目的是来学习数学。
"Key Words with Peter and Jane" uses the most frequently metwords in the English language as a starting point for learning toread successfully and confidently. The Key Words reading scheme isscientifically researched and world renowned. "Book 12c" providesthe link with writing for the words used in "12a" and "12b". Oncethis book has been completed, the child has finished the readingscheme. "The Key Words with Peter and Jane" books work because eachof the key words is introduced gradually and repeated frequently.This builds confidence in children when they recognise these keywords on sight (also known as the 'look and say' method oflearning). Examples of key words are: the, one, two, he. There are12 levels, each with 3 books: a, b, and c. "Series a": graduallyintroduces new words. "Series b": provides further practise ofwords featured in the 'a' series. "Series c": links reading withwriting and phonics. All the words that have been introduced ineach 'a' and 'b' book are also reinforced in the 'c' books.
English for Beginners is a Ladybird series designed for young people learning English worldwide. The emphasis is on word recognition and word learning through simple, clear text and colourful pictures and activities. Each workbook is accompanied by its own hardback title, re-enforcing the learning process in a structured but entertaining way. First 100 Verbs Workbook contains more than twenty stimulating and enjoyable activities based on the vocabulary presented in First 100 Verbs. Each activity is clearly illustrated and each encourages writing, drawing, reading and understanding.
Let sReadTogether系列(《自然拼读一起学》)目前共15册,每册都通过一个简单押韵的故事引入相关的自然拼读知识,包括基础的短元音(a、e、i、o、u)、长元音(a、e、i、o、u)和元音组合(ar、oi、ou、oo、er、ai、au、aw)的读音和拼写。 孩子可以通过阅读有趣的故事学习自然拼读知识,积累词汇,轻松掌握英语基础。 每册故事后是精心设计的有趣活动,家长老师可以用它帮孩子进一步熟悉书中的自然拼读知识,然后举一反三,掌握有相同字母相同发音的其他单词,辨别单词间的不同之处,并逐渐学会组词造句。 本册BittyFish[《小鱼贝蒂(短元音i)》]的自然拼读知识点是 短元音i ,讲的是:押韵的故事中包含几十个含短元音i的单词,让孩子在听、读中掌握单词的发音及拼写。故事讲的是:BittyFish希望能在一个大鱼缸里自由地游来游去,还希望能有朋友和她一起