
  • 2折-3.9折
仅五星 以上 以上 以上 以上
    • 杭州 Hangzhou 陈刚 著,兰佩瑾 策划,陈刚 译 外文出版社【正版】
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • 陈刚 著,兰佩瑾 策划,陈刚 译 /2004-01-01/ 外文出版社
    • Many guidebooks have appeared in Chinese dedicated to Hangzhou ,the city of Heaven described by Marco Polo.now,added to those is Hangzhou ,the first English guidebook of its kind in china .Thiook has fie outstanding features.作者简介: Chen Gang waorn and educated in Hangzhou ,To date,he is the only Tour Guide Extraordinaire in East China's Zhjiang Province,and the only professor in January 1982 from the English Language and Literatrre Department of Zhejiang University,he began to serve as an Engling-speaking guideinterpreter,and later as manaer of the EuroAmerican Department of china Travel servie,he is author of West Lake Poerics,chief translator of A Trip to Mountains and Rivers in Zhejing province ,one o the few oficial translators of the Macmillan Encyclopedia ,and theses on couplets have been featrred in national and provincial academic publiations.

    • ¥13 ¥33.37 折扣:3.9折
    • 年画上的中国 陆克勤 主编,顾伟光,(美)韩铁 译 五洲传播出版社【正版保证】
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • 陆克勤 主编,顾伟光,(美)韩铁 译 /2010-02-01/ 五洲传播出版社
    • With the 60th anniversary of the People's Republic on October 1, 2009, China has presented a new face to the world. Over the past 60 years, Chinese society has undergone significant changes that are clearly reflected in literature, painting, film, drama and other literary and artistic works. In China, both the rich and the poor, the elite and the working class all celebrate the Spring Festival. Paintings depicting Spring Festival entertainments are one of the most popular and inexpensive consumables of the season. Before TV sets and inter became as popular as today, Chinese New Year paintings (including publicity paintings) were one of the most direct and biggest media for observations of China, which were able to reach millions of households throughout the country. This book is posed of 200 carefully chosen Chinese New Year paintings from 1949 on, and is divided into threetime periods: 1949-1965. 1966-1978, and 1979-2009. These paintings tell of the major events in China from di

    • ¥47 ¥162.66 折扣:2.9折
    • 中国最美的古镇 Old Townscapes of China 刘彬 编著 外文出版社【正版】
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • 刘彬 编著 /2009-11-01/ 外文出版社
    • In such an era of cultural assimilation, when bulldozers nudge their way toward the increasingly fewer Beijing hutong and siheyuan, and Shanghai linong, it is not only the old city districts that are declining; the unique Chinese architecture, culture and lifestyle are vanishing with them. Fortunately, the vast territory of China is still dotted with old townscapes dating back thousands of years, carrying on the continuous history and civilization of China. Zhouzhuang, Fenghuang,Hongcun, Tongli, Pingyao, Luodai, Lijiang, Dali ...these old towns enjoy their own tranquility, far from the din of the cities, and exude their own distinctive flavor and delicacy without the pompous magnificence of imperial palaces. Their names are beautiful symbols of China because of their small picturesque bridges, flowing waters and local houses that have long been portrayed in Chinese ink and wash paintings, numerous exquisite brick,stone and wood carvings, arches erected to memorate chaste widows, a welter of ethnic customs of

    • ¥11 ¥39.37 折扣:2.8折
    • 长城 The Great Wall 兰佩瑾 编,曹蕾 编,翟东风 摄 外文出版社【正版】
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • 兰佩瑾 编,曹蕾 编,翟东风 摄 /1997-01-01/ 外文出版社
    • 万里长城上有关隘数十座,关关雄奇壮观,景色迥异。在河北省秦皇岛市东北,长城由山脉从北向南飞身而下,直捣渤海,形成“天下关”山海关,入海入即是的长城东端点----“老龙头”。此关山海相连,关城居中,呈四方形,挟两侧的墩堡、关隘沉稳拱立,有“一夫当关,万夫莫开”的气势。俯卧于北京西北50多公里处的燕山峡谷之中的,是京郊风景胜地居庸关。此关于明代修建,由两山夹峙其间。关城内遗有雕刻精美的云台。关沟中清溪萦绕,四击层峦叠嶂,以“居庸叠翠”跻身燕京八景。明长城的最西端嘉峪关,位于甘肃西部,是现存的长城关城中最完整的一处。

    • ¥12 ¥33.37 折扣:3.6折
    • CHINAPANORAMA 概况中国 郭鹏 等编著 高等教育出版社【正版】
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • 郭鹏 等编著 /2012-05-01/ 高等教育出版社
    • China Panorama is intended for the use by internationalstudents ing to China to study the required course "ChinaPanorama". As well as reading material for all of those studyingChinese as a second language, thiook is the top choice forlearning Chinese culture and motivating students' interest. Thisbook introduces topics such as Chinese geography, culture, history,international relations and the development of the nation. Readers will find they are inspired, challenged and provided withcultural facts throughout the learning process. In the practicesections, lots of thought provoking and practical exercises areset, encouraging intermunication between book and readers,teacher and students. It achieves the perfect match of culturalawareness and students needs.

    • ¥13 ¥33.37 折扣:3.9折
    • 年画上的中国 陆克勤 主编,顾伟光,(美)韩铁 译 五洲传播出版社【正版】
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • 陆克勤 主编,顾伟光,(美)韩铁 译 /2010-02-01/ 五洲传播出版社
    • With the 60th anniversary of the People's Republic on October 1, 2009, China has presented a new face to the world. Over the past 60 years, Chinese society has undergone significant changes that are clearly reflected in literature, painting, film, drama and other literary and artistic works. In China, both the rich and the poor, the elite and the working class all celebrate the Spring Festival. Paintings depicting Spring Festival entertainments are one of the most popular and inexpensive consumables of the season. Before TV sets and inter became as popular as today, Chinese New Year paintings (including publicity paintings) were one of the most direct and biggest media for observations of China, which were able to reach millions of households throughout the country. This book is posed of 200 carefully chosen Chinese New Year paintings from 1949 on, and is divided into threetime periods: 1949-1965. 1966-1978, and 1979-2009. These paintings tell of the major events in China from di

    • ¥34 ¥97 折扣:3.5折
    • CHINAPANORAMA 概况中国 郭鹏 等编著 高等教育出版社【正版保证】
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • 郭鹏 等编著 /2012-05-01/ 高等教育出版社
    • China Panorama is intended for the use by internationalstudents ing to China to study the required course "ChinaPanorama". As well as reading material for all of those studyingChinese as a second language, thiook is the top choice forlearning Chinese culture and motivating students' interest. Thisbook introduces topics such as Chinese geography, culture, history,international relations and the development of the nation. Readers will find they are inspired, challenged and provided withcultural facts throughout the learning process. In the practicesections, lots of thought provoking and practical exercises areset, encouraging intermunication between book and readers,teacher and students. It achieves the perfect match of culturalawareness and students needs.

    • ¥13 ¥33.37 折扣:3.9折
    • CHINAPANORAMA 概况中国 郭鹏 等编著 高等教育出版社【正版保证】
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • 郭鹏 等编著 /2012-05-01/ 高等教育出版社
    • China Panorama is intended for the use by internationalstudents ing to China to study the required course "ChinaPanorama". As well as reading material for all of those studyingChinese as a second language, thiook is the top choice forlearning Chinese culture and motivating students' interest. Thisbook introduces topics such as Chinese geography, culture, history,international relations and the development of the nation. Readers will find they are inspired, challenged and provided withcultural facts throughout the learning process. In the practicesections, lots of thought provoking and practical exercises areset, encouraging intermunication between book and readers,teacher and students. It achieves the perfect match of culturalawareness and students needs.

    • ¥12 ¥33 折扣:3.6折
    • 漫游北京--京城博物馆 Les Musées de Beijing 兰佩瑾 编,王建华 等摄 外文出版社【正版】
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • 兰佩瑾 编,王建华 等摄 /2008-01-01/ 外文出版社
    • La richesse du patrimoine culturel d'une ville est generalement liee a sa Iongue histoire. Or depuis la haute antiquite, il y a 4e0 000 ans de cela, le developpement de la region de Beijing a ete continuel, et se poursuit encore de nos jours. Beijing est aujour- d'hui une metropole internationale tournee vers I'avenir. Ses vestiges et ses monuments, representatifs des diverses epoques de son histoire, rassemblent un riche patrimoine, qui fait de la ville un immense musee empli d'inestimables tresors. Ses 130 musees repertories, par leur abondance et leur variete, font le bonheur des touristes. Centre culturel de la Chine, Beijing pte de nombreux musees nationaux dont les collections permettent de decouvrir la quintessence de la culture chinoise. Les musees specialises retracent les progres realises dans les differents domaines. Par ailleurs de nombreuses demeures anciennes ayant appartenu de grandes figures sont autant de petits musees intimes. Les musees municipaux, quanta eux, temoignent de la specificite d

    • ¥5 ¥17.37 折扣:2.9折
    • CHINAPANORAMA 概况中国 郭鹏 等编著 高等教育出版社【正版】
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • 郭鹏 等编著 /2012-05-01/ 高等教育出版社
    • China Panorama is intended for the use by internationalstudents ing to China to study the required course "ChinaPanorama". As well as reading material for all of those studyingChinese as a second language, thiook is the top choice forlearning Chinese culture and motivating students' interest. Thisbook introduces topics such as Chinese geography, culture, history,international relations and the development of the nation. Readers will find they are inspired, challenged and provided withcultural facts throughout the learning process. In the practicesections, lots of thought provoking and practical exercises areset, encouraging intermunication between book and readers,teacher and students. It achieves the perfect match of culturalawareness and students needs.

    • ¥12 ¥33 折扣:3.6折
    • 追寻藏羚羊 Tracking Down Tibetan Antelopes 奚志农 摄影 ,王蕾 撰文 外文出版社【正版
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • 奚志农 摄影 ,王蕾 撰文 /2004-01-01/ 外文出版社
    • The Tibean antelope is unique to China's Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.lts habitat is lo-cated 4.000-5.500 m above sea level,in Changtang in northern Tibet,and Hoh Xil in Qinghai Province and the Altun Mountains in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. This is an area lr rrozen soil,glaciers,lakes and marshes, known as the"forbiddenzone" ln an extremely hostile environment for man,the Tibetan antelope thrives. Many other animals can hardly breathe at an altitude lr 4.000-5.000 m,let alone run,yet the Tibetan antelope can run 20-30 km continuously at a speed lr 60 kph,en-abling it to outdistance beasts lr prey. The Tibetan antelope isalways alert to danger.lt was only with the greatest greatest difficulty that our photographer could get shots of the animals on the distant horizon,using a camera with a 400 long-focus lens plus a 2.8-times focal-augmenting lens,and having carefully camouflaged himself beforehand. Yet,poachers have been slaughtering the Tibetan antelope for many years,reducing it to the status of an e

    • ¥11 ¥39 折扣:2.8折
    • 杭州 Hangzhou 陈刚 著,兰佩瑾 策划,陈刚 译 外文出版社【正版】
    •   ( 1 条评论 )
    • 陈刚 著,兰佩瑾 策划,陈刚 译 /2004-01-01/ 外文出版社
    • Many guidebooks have appeared in Chinese dedicated to Hangzhou ,the city of Heaven described by Marco Polo.now,added to those is Hangzhou ,the first English guidebook of its kind in china .Thiook has fie outstanding features.作者简介: Chen Gang waorn and educated in Hangzhou ,To date,he is the only Tour Guide Extraordinaire in East China's Zhjiang Province,and the only professor in January 1982 from the English Language and Literatrre Department of Zhejiang University,he began to serve as an Engling-speaking guideinterpreter,and later as manaer of the EuroAmerican Department of china Travel servie,he is author of West Lake Poerics,chief translator of A Trip to Mountains and Rivers in Zhejing province ,one o the few oficial translators of the Macmillan Encyclopedia ,and theses on couplets have been featrred in national and provincial academic publiations.

    • ¥14 ¥53.37 折扣:2.6折
    • 风雨敦煌话沧桑 甘肃省人民政府新闻办公室 编 五洲传播出版社【正版】
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • 甘肃省人民政府新闻办公室 编 /2006-09-01/ 五洲传播出版社
    • 在甘肃省的版图上,位于黄河以西、祁连山脉与蒙古高原南缘隆起的北山之间,有一条长约一千公里,宽约数十里至百里的狭长地带,这就是的“河西走廊”。从这里往西,经过中亚,可以和南亚、西亚乃至整个欧洲联系起来。历史上,它曾是中西贸易最主要的通道,这条通道,被称为“丝绸之路”,它对世界文明的发展作出过重大贡献。敦煌,就处在河西走廊最西端。 1900年,一个偶然的机会,有一个叫王圆篆的道士,在敦煌莫高窟的一个洞窟里发现了数万卷经卷及文书。这位道士根本没有想到,他的这一发现,使敦煌这个从13世纪以后逐渐衰落的文明都市,再度引起全世界的广泛瞩目。

    • ¥10 ¥43.37 折扣:2.3折
    • 北京胡同 沈延太 摄,王长青 摄 外文出版【正版】
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • 沈延太 摄,王长青 摄 /2002-01-01/ 外文出版
    • 笔者生在北京,长在北京,半个多世纪过去了,大约算得上是个地道的“老北京”。北京城里最使人难以忘怀的是什么呢?就是那大大小小的、在南方被叫做街巷的胡同。每当我从外地特别是从外国出差归来的时候,最急于想见到的使是那一条条古朴的、幽雅的、熟悉的、亲切的胡同。或者说,只有见到了这些胡同才能算是回到了北京,回到了家。胡同与家分不开,北京与胡同分不开。意义上说,胡同就是北京的魂。

    • ¥13 ¥41 折扣:3.2折
    • 追寻藏羚羊 Tracking Down Tibetan Antelopes 奚志农 摄影 ,王蕾 撰文 外文出版社,【正
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • 奚志农 摄影 ,王蕾 撰文 /2004-01-01/ 外文出版社
    • The Tibean antelope is unique to China's Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.lts habitat is lo-cated 4.000-5.500 m above sea level,in Changtang in northern Tibet,and Hoh Xil in Qinghai Province and the Altun Mountains in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. This is an area lr rrozen soil,glaciers,lakes and marshes, known as the"forbiddenzone" ln an extremely hostile environment for man,the Tibetan antelope thrives. Many other animals can hardly breathe at an altitude lr 4.000-5.000 m,let alone run,yet the Tibetan antelope can run 20-30 km continuously at a speed lr 60 kph,en-abling it to outdistance beasts lr prey. The Tibetan antelope isalways alert to danger.lt was only with the greatest greatest difficulty that our photographer could get shots of the animals on the distant horizon,using a camera with a 400 long-focus lens plus a 2.8-times focal-augmenting lens,and having carefully camouflaged himself beforehand. Yet,poachers have been slaughtering the Tibetan antelope for many years,reducing it to the status of an e

    • ¥11 ¥39 折扣:2.8折
    • 中国最美的古镇 Old Townscapes of China 刘彬 编著 外文出版社,【正版可开发票】
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • 刘彬 编著 /2009-11-01/ 外文出版社
    • In such an era of cultural assimilation, when bulldozers nudge their way toward the increasingly fewer Beijing hutong and siheyuan, and Shanghai linong, it is not only the old city districts that are declining; the unique Chinese architecture, culture and lifestyle are vanishing with them. Fortunately, the vast territory of China is still dotted with old townscapes dating back thousands of years, carrying on the continuous history and civilization of China. Zhouzhuang, Fenghuang,Hongcun, Tongli, Pingyao, Luodai, Lijiang, Dali ...these old towns enjoy their own tranquility, far from the din of the cities, and exude their own distinctive flavor and delicacy without the pompous magnificence of imperial palaces. Their names are beautiful symbols of China because of their small picturesque bridges, flowing waters and local houses that have long been portrayed in Chinese ink and wash paintings, numerous exquisite brick,stone and wood carvings, arches erected to memorate chaste widows, a welter of ethnic customs of

    • ¥10 ¥33 折扣:3折
    • 杭州 Hangzhou 陈刚 著,兰佩瑾 策划,陈刚 译 外文出版社,【正版可开发票】
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • 陈刚 著,兰佩瑾 策划,陈刚 译 /2004-01-01/ 外文出版社
    • Many guidebooks have appeared in Chinese dedicated to Hangzhou ,the city of Heaven described by Marco Polo.now,added to those is Hangzhou ,the first English guidebook of its kind in china .Thiook has fie outstanding features.作者简介: Chen Gang waorn and educated in Hangzhou ,To date,he is the only Tour Guide Extraordinaire in East China's Zhjiang Province,and the only professor in January 1982 from the English Language and Literatrre Department of Zhejiang University,he began to serve as an Engling-speaking guideinterpreter,and later as manaer of the EuroAmerican Department of china Travel servie,he is author of West Lake Poerics,chief translator of A Trip to Mountains and Rivers in Zhejing province ,one o the few oficial translators of the Macmillan Encyclopedia ,and theses on couplets have been featrred in national and provincial academic publiations.

    • ¥20 ¥57 折扣:3.5折
    • 漫游中国 Getting Around in China (美)理查林(Richardson,F.) 著 外文出版社,【
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • (美)理查林(Richardson,F.) 著 /2007-01-01/ 外文出版社
    • Many friends have assisted with the information in thiook, fartoo many to list here, and I thank them all. However much help I've had,the errors are all mine. iSpecial thanks to Sun Weihua, Dr. 'Kevin Stuart, Litaiji, TillieSctuton, Dana Pope, Alix Fortson, Shelly Sutton, my late sister Betty Richardson, Cai Zisheng, Lun Xin, Lobsang Tsering, Prof. Yingting Zhang, Ilse Huntley, Marv Vickers, Frans Hoenderken, Dave Zeretzke,Gretchen Wagner, Tan Jingyun, Dr. Stan W~lliams, Prof. Tao Renchuan, Carson Sprenger, Millie Thorson, Ollie Wilgress, Jim Lovering, Anita Anderson, Gerald Roche, Josie Scruton, Mark Minlder, Anthony Robinson, Sam and Sally Green, Sybil Wong, Jared Roach, Nurse Yan Aili, Niu Xiaojun, and many, many more.

    • ¥22 ¥65.37 折扣:3.4折