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    •   ( 82 条评论 )
    • 关永年 主编 /2010-01-01/ 外文出版社
    • This book deals with the 13-Step Taiji Exercise for Health and the Ten Movements of Taiji Roushu for Fitness. The l 3-Step Taiji Exercise for Health is a simplified form of the 248-Step Taiji Internal-power Exercise for Health, This simplified approach uses fewer movements, and is thus well-suited to beginners. The ten forms of fitness-related Taijiquan, integrating meditation and exercise, were developed by Guan Yongnian on the basis of theTaiji Exercise Manuals' written by Taiji master Zhao Zhongdao who lived to the age of 119. The Ten Movements of Taiji Roushu for Fitness is easy to learn and helps to boost energy and prevent illness.

    • ¥51.7 ¥55 折扣:9.4折
    • 人体的火【正版】
    •   ( 2 条评论 )
    • 高益民 编 /2010-07-01/ 化学工业出版社
    • 人人都想过“不上火的生活”,那么,人体内真的有“火”吗? 老中医高益民教授在《人体的火》中通过许多日常生活中常见的事例,讲解了人体内的各种“火”:生命之火、病理之火,、壮火,先天之火、后天之火,君火、相火,实火、虚火,三焦之火,五脏之火……有的是生命活动中必不可少“火”、有益健康的“火”,有的是我们要防治的“火”、避免发生的“火”。明白了人体的“火”,了解了如何保护有益的“火”,如何防治有害的“火”,才能达到阴阳和谐的健康境界。《人体的火》适合对中医养生感兴趣的老百姓阅读参考。

    • ¥58.34 ¥134 折扣:4.4折
    • 名医心鉴--环球中医药名医经验传承百篇
    •   ( 2 条评论 )
    • 编者:张伯礼 /2018-03-01/ 中国中医药
    • 张伯礼主编的《名医心鉴--环球中医药名医经验传承百篇》从《环球中医药》杂志2015~2017年发表的名医经验文章中选择113篇呈献给读者,按照类别分为17章,内容密切联系临床,是中医名家数十年临床体会的菁华,力求展示名医的中医思维模式,展示名医如何用中医的办法解决临床问题的经验,企望本书的出版对读者增进临床技能、提高临床疗效有所裨益。

    • ¥63.68 ¥98 折扣:6.5折
    • 本草纲目 (全六卷) Compendium of Materia Medica(Ⅰ---Ⅵ)
    •   ( 24 条评论 )
    • 李时珍 著,罗希文 译 /2003-10-01/ 外文出版社
    • 本书从《本草纲目》中选辑常用药物200余种,分为水火土金石,草、谷采、果、木、虫鳞介禽兽等六部分,具体药物下刚分释名、采制、性味、主治、发明、附方等6项,均选自《本草纲目》原文,基本上保持了原著的概貌,本书参考了多种版本的《本草纲目》,以面向大众,经济实用为目的。

    • ¥2553.2 ¥4800 折扣:5.3折
    • 常见病的针灸疗法
    •   ( 53 条评论 )
    • 涂希 编著 /2010-10-01/ 外文出版社
    • The therapy of acupuncture and moxibustion stimutates certain points on thehuman body with metattic needtes and moxa, activating the meridians andcottaterats and regutating the function of the internal, organs, qi and brood, so asto prevent and treat disease. This book describes how to treat common diseaseswith acupuncture and moxibustion. Any student or practitioner or acupunctureneeds to know not only the meridians, col.l.aterats, points and maniputations butal.so the essentiats of traditiona[ Chinese medicine. Ctinicatty, it is important tofottow the treatment determined by the symptoms.

    • ¥75.2 ¥80 折扣:9.4折
    •   ( 4 条评论 )
    • 郭保卫,(新西兰维里塔 著 /2008-01-01/ 外文出版社
    • Ailments from computer use are on the increase as a result of the explosion in the use of computers throughout the world. What I have endeavoured to do in this book is to concentrate various methods from several Chinese sources to assist in the cure and prevention of ailments from computer use by natural self-help methods. This book brings information to you, the reader, of alternative health remedies to those that you may already be aware of. Although the author does not have any medical training or qualifications, he feels that the information provided in this book will be of positive benefit to those who accept it in the spirit with which it is given. As a gift handed down by the Chinese Qi Gong masters from ancient times. If in doubt as to whether you should use the methods described here, it is recommended that you consult your physician before trying any of the contents of this book. The author and the publisher specifically disclaim liability for any loss or risk incurred by the use or appl

    • ¥61.1 ¥65 折扣:9.4折
    • 山居本草/中国古医籍整理丛书
    •   ( 15 条评论 )
    • (清)程履新|校注:李文华//刘珊珊//王春燕... /2017-12-01/ 中国中医药
    • 《山居本草》,清·程履新撰。程履新,字德基,明末清初安徽省休宁人。生卒年代不详。《山居本草》为一部集养生与本草于一体的综合性本草著作,全书充分体现了中医以预防为主的观点,所收集药物多为易得易取之物, 制及用药亦简便易行,在中医卫生保健和食疗等方面均有很好的参考价值。本次整理以上海图书馆藏清康熙三十五年(1696)高氏刻本为底本。

    • ¥100.38 ¥168 折扣:6折
    • 针灸取穴法 The Way to Locate Acupoints
    •   ( 135 条评论 )
    • 杨甲三 编著 /2009-01-01/ 外文出版社
    • Acupuncture and moxibustion are two distinctive fields of traditional.Chinese medicine that have no known paraUel,in the West.Acupuncture treats diseases by puncturing certain points on the body cal,l,ed acupoints with tong metal.needl,es and inducing stimul.ation by various manipulation methods.Moxibustion invol,ves the sl,ow burning of moxa or other material.s to heat or steam the diseased area or acupoints.To achieve the desired therapeutic effect the significance of[ocating acupoints accurately cannot be overemphasized.Dr Yang Jiasan.associate professor and head of the Acupuncture Department at Dongzhimen Hospital.has been both a teacher and a cl,inician for decades.Through practice as wel,[as study of acupuncture l,iterature both ancient and modern.he has developed a method of l,ocating points that those tacking knowledge of traditional,Chinese medical.theory find easy to grasp because it uses modern anatomical.landmarks as much as possible.Its efficiency has been appreciated by students as wel,l,as pati

    • ¥56.4 ¥60 折扣:9.4折
    • 足疗治百病 Foot Therapy for Common Diseases
    •   ( 32 条评论 )
    • 纪青山 /2009-10-01/ 外文出版社
    • 本书详细、系统地介绍了中医外治法在足疗中的作用原理与使用方法,涉及内科、外科、妇科、儿科、皮肤科、五官科及一些疑难杂症等,挑选了一些适合在广大家庭应用且易学易做的足疗方法,每种方法都详细地介绍了其按摩手法、功效、注意事项与适应证等。全书内容丰富、翔实,具有较强的可读性、实践性、实用性。

    • ¥70.5 ¥75 折扣:9.4折
    • 中国针灸测试
    •   ( 75 条评论 )
    • 崔永强 著 /2010-10-01/ 外文出版社
    • AcupunCture and moxibustion are an imiportant com ponent part of Traditionat Chinese Medicine (TCM)、heir effectiveness lln|preventing and curing diseases and.improving peopte's hearth has aroused ilncreaslng Interest among peopte atI over the WOrtd. This book has lbeen compited on the basis of basic TCM principtes and ctinicat observations.at the same time referring to traditionat modes of Chinese acupuncture and moxibustion tests and iretevant teaching materiats currentty in use at home and abroad.Containing nlultipIe-choice and traditionat questions together with their answers.the book iS usefut as a source of ready-made questions for use by examiners.a source of ideas for them in the construction of new qIuestions.an aid to students ptanning to take tests of the subject.and a means by which to assess One's own progress in the acquiring of TCM knowtedge. Training courses for TCM and Chinese Acu puncture at the hospitat where the author has been working for over 20 1years. Rated amo

    • ¥92.1 ¥98 折扣:9.4折
    • 中国人是如何养生的(西)
    •   ( 13 条评论 )
    • 王幼征 著 /2014-09-01/ 五洲传播出版社
    • 中国人是如何养生的?这不仅仅是本书的标题,也是许多外国朋友的疑惑。随着中外文化交流的不断深入,越来越多的外国朋友对中国传统医学也产生了浓厚兴趣。在5000年的文明发展过程中,中国人民逐渐形成了一套独具特色的医学体系,并以此指导生活起居,繁衍生息。王幼征所著的《中国人是如何养生的(西班牙文版)》旨在以通俗易懂的方式解读中医养生,通过对十余位中医名家的采访,清晰勾勒出中医的发展历史,同时,也介绍了食疗、穴位按摩等实用养生技巧,相信对于外国朋友了解中医文化大有裨益。 A lo largo de m sde 5 mil a os, los chinos han vivido y se han multiplicado apoy ndose, entreotras creaciones culturales milenarias, en su medicina tradicional. Este libro, adem s de tocar temas sobre laterapia alimentaria, de contar cuentos hist ricos y leyendas, de referiraspectos del tratamiento ps col gico de los antiguos c

    • ¥128 ¥128 折扣:10折