This book is a course in modern quantum field theory as seen through the eyes of a theoristworking in condensed matter physics. It contains a gentle introduction to the subject andcan therefore be used even by graduate students. The introductory parts include a deriva-tion of the path integral representation, Feynman diagrams and elements of the theory ofmetals including a discussion of Landau Fermi liquid theory. In later chapters the discus-sion gradually turns to more advanced methods used in the theory of strongly correlatedsystems. The book contains a thorough exposition of such nonperturbative techniques as1/N-expansion, bosonization (Abelian and non-Abelian), conformal field theory and theoryof integrable systems. The book is intended for graduate students, postdoctoral associatesand independent researchers working in condensed matter physics.
本书是根据瑞士W.Kurz和D.J.Fisher所著的Fundamentals of Solidificattion第四版(修订版)翻译的。全书共有7章和14个附录,系统地介绍了通过凝固形成晶体的基本理论,包括晶体的形核、生长、热量质量输运、固液界面形态及其稳定性、溶质再分配以及与此相关的缺陷的形成,并以固溶体、共晶和包晶三种基本合金组织形式为例进行了分析和数学处理。每一章后面附有习题和参考文献,读者可根据需要进一步学习。 本书不仅可作为冶金类、材料类专业本科生和研究生的教材,也可供相关领域的研究人员学习和参考。