An illustrated guide, in both book and CD-ROM, of landscapesseen from commercial airplane windows across the United States.This is a guide to what an airline passenger sees from his seatwhile flying over the United States. Through its ingeniousconstruction and a map of preferred flight paths, it's easy to findthose pages that correspond to whatever flight a passenger happensto be on, and then to identify features that can be seen from theair. The book marries geology, natural history, and human historyfor a glorious portrait of the continent, from the Atlantic CityBoardwalk to Mount St. Helens. Each two-page spread features anaerial photo with captions identifying features passengers will seeand an essay interpreting the features. Each chapter is a FlightCorridor, with pages sequenced to follow a trip from takeoff tolanding. Because many flight paths overlap, the fifteen corridorscover the forty most heavily traveled flight segments in thecontinental United States, plus many others. In many regions of