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    • 爱传小子【正版书籍,满额减】
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    • 陈一元,蒋文生,王裕舟 著 /2018-04-01/ 中国市场出版社
    • 《爱传小子:穿越81个经典国学故事玩转2700个易混英文单词》提炼了81个中华经典故事,整理了、英国等英语中出现过的近2700个单词,镶嵌其中。主人公阳伯带着侄儿阳阳,从中国DI一个朝代——夏朝开始,采取穿越古今的方式,畅游华夏五千年,拜访历代人物;从《大禹治水,三过家门而不入》,到《东方崛起,量子之父潘建伟》,结合81个中华典故来学习英语词汇;并以“词典记忆法”为基础,以独创的顺口溜展现出来,朗朗上口,押韵好记。单词一串串记!其记忆效果可速达传统学习法的5倍!10倍!甚至20倍!激发学习兴趣,让学习者尽情沉浸在历史文化与英语学习水乳交融的情境中,从而牢固掌握海量英语单词。《爱传小子:穿越81个经典国学故事玩转2700个易混英文单词》既可为少年儿童未来取得出类拔萃的成绩打下坚实基础;也可为广大英语爱好者自由阅

    • ¥99 ¥368.1 折扣:2.7折
    • One Year to an Organized Life with Baby(ISBN=9780738214559)
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    • Regina LeedsMeagan Francis 著 /2011-02-01/ Perseus
    • Bringing a baby into the family is undeniably one of lifesmost momentous experiences, marked by expectation, joy, andhundreds of tasks and questions. Which baby gear essentials do youneed to buy and when? How can you reorganize your home to make roomfor your baby? When should you start looking for a daycare centeror nanny? One Year to an Organized Life with Baby prioritizeseverything that parents-to-be need to know in order to get theirhome and life ready for a new baby, as well as strategies forkeeping it all together once the baby is born. Packed withtimelines, checklists, and tips, this unique week-by-week,month-by-month program eliminates stress and refocuses prospectiveparents so that they can fully enjoy the changing landscape oftheir lives.

    • ¥73.5 折扣:5折
    • How Much Is Enough?
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    • Ph.D. Jean Illsley Clarke Ph.D. 等著 /2003-11-01/ Perseus
    • All parents share the same goal—to give their kids the best ofeverything. But despite our good intentions, the life-enhancingabundance we heap on our children is often more than they need orcan handle, and we cross the line into overindulgence. In How MuchIs Enough?, parenting experts Jean Illsley Clarke, Connie Dawson,and David Bredehoft explain for the first time how giving childrentoo much, over-nurturing them, and providing them with softstructure will prevent them from learning many of the importantlife skills they need to become happy, healthy adults. Filled withsmart advice, real-life stories, and effective strategies, How MuchIs Enough? tells you everything you need to know to avoid—orrepair—the damage overindulgence causes, including: ? How to figure out if you’re being overindulgent and ways toact differently ? How to teach your child what "enough" means ? Tips on establishing firm rules and structure ? How to instill responsibility and independence in yourkids ? What to do w

    • ¥69 折扣:5折
    • Keeping Your Child in Mind(ISBN=9780738214856)
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    • Claudia Gold 著 /2011-10-01/ Perseus
    • Being understood by someone you love is one of the mostpowerful feelings, at all ages. For a young child, it is the mostimportant of all experiences because it allows the child's mind andsense of self to grow. In the midst of the perennial concerns parents bring to Dr. ClaudiaGold, she shows the magical effect of seeing a problem from theirchild's point of view. Most parenting books teach parents what todo to solve behavior problems, but Dr. Gold shows parents "how tobe" with a child. Crises are defused when children feel truly heardand validated; this is how they learn to understand, and,eventually, control themselves. Dr. Gold's insightful guide uses new research in developmentalpsychology and vivid stories from her practice to show parents howto keep a child in mind and deepen this central relationship intheir lives.

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    • Science of Happiness(ISBN=9781569243282)
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    • Stefan Klein 著 /2006-03-01/ Perseus
    • Clinical psychologists have been dealing with miserablefeelings since their discipline was established. In the last 30years, neuroscientists have made major headway in the understandingof the sources of anger, depression, and fear. Today, wholeindustries profit from this knowledge—producing pills for everysort of pathological mood disturbance. But until recently, fewneuroscientists focused on the subject of happiness. Now, in TheScience of Happiness, leading German science journalist StefanKlein ranges widely across the latest frontiers of neuroscience andneuropsychology to explain how happiness is fostered in our brainsand what biological purpose it serves (and, importantly, how we cancontrol our negative feelings and emotions). In addition, heexplains the neurophysiology of our passions (the elementary rulesof which are hardwired into our brains), the power ofconsciousness, and how we can use it. In a final section, Kleinexplores the conditions required to foster the "pursuit ofhappiness." A remark

    • ¥69 折扣:5折
    • How Children Learn(ISBN=9780201484045)
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    • John Holt 著 /1995-08-01/ Perseus
    • A classic for parents and teachers, with over 750,000 copiessold.. This enduring classic of educational thought offers teachersand parents deep, original insight into the nature of earlylearning. John Holt was the first to make clear that, for smallchildren, learning is as natural as breathing. In this delightfulyet profound book, he looks at how we learn to talk, to read, tocount, and to reason, and how we can nurture and encourage thesenatural abilities in our children.

    • ¥69 折扣:5折