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    • EFFORTLESS ENTREPRENEUR(ISBN=9780307587992) 英文原版
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    • Nick Friedman 等著 /2010-09-01/ Random House US
    • Nick Friedman and Omar Soliman started themultimillion-dollar franchise College Hunks Hauling Junk when theywere just twenty two, and they’ve been having the time of theirlives ever since. What’s their secret? That's just it--there isn't one. There's no fancy software orcomplicated business schemes. No outside investors or quirky marketniche. They just followed 10 common-sense commandments to buildinga straightforward, fun, and successful business that does a simplejob well. Anyone can understand it, and anyone can doit.

    • ¥45.5 折扣:3.5折
    • Conzentrate
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    • Sam Horn 著 /2001-02-01/ 中国科学技术大学出版社
    • If you ever feel: cluttered, scattered, distracted, unfocused, disorganized, preoccupied, overwhelmed, out of control, out of your mind... you can change your life! ConZentrate shows you how to master the art of paying attention, in thirty-five clear, practical, simple ways. Whether it's how to focus on a tedious task when the office is buzzing around you, or how to stop procrastinating, or how to keep your home from being a place of overwhelming clutter-- or ever how to tackle the challenges of A.D.D.-- Sam Horn's user-friendly book will inspire you to learn how to conzentrate, and discover the key to peak performance. 作者简介:Sam Horn, president of Action Seminars, has presented her real-life workshops to more than 400,000 people since 1981. Her impressive client list includes Young Presidents Organization, National Governors Association, Hewlett-Packard, Four Seasons Resort, the Fortune 500 Forum, the US Navy, and the IRS. She was the top rated speaker at both the 1996 and 1998 Internationa

    • ¥56 折扣:5折
    • ENCORE EFFECT, THE(ISBN=9780385519052) 英文原版
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    • Mark Sanborn 著 /2008-09-01/ Random House US
    • Whether you want to win that new account or inspire yourfamily and friends, bestselling author and acclaimed speaker MarkSanborn shows us how to make every performance count. Every day, we are called to perform— at work, at home, in ourcommunities. But is it possible to make every performanceoutstanding, the kind that leaves people applauding for anencore? Mark Sanborn, leadership expert and bestselling author of TheFred Factor, says that anyone can achieve remarkable performancetime after time—no matter what their personality, strengths, orweaknesses. In The Encore Effect Sanborn demonstrates, through hisown experiences as well as those of the people he’s worked with inhis career, how you can cultivate the traits shared by remarkableperformers and achieve extraordinary results in all aspects of yourlife. The secrets lie in five steps: Passion: The fuel for remarkable performance Prepare: How remarkable performance begins Practice: It won’t make you perfect, but it

    • ¥48.7 折扣:3.5折
    • Doing Business Ethically(ISBN=9781422139851) 英文原版
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    • Fifty Lessons 编 /2009-12-01/ Perseus
    • Wondering how the most accomplished leaders from around theglobe have tackled their toughest challenges? Now you can find out-with Lessons Learned. Concise and engaging, each volume in thisseries offers 12-14 insightful essays by top leaders in industry,the public sector, and academia on the most pressing issues they'vefaced. The contributors share surprisingly personal anecdotes andoffer authoritative and practical advice drawn from their years ofhard-earned experience. A crucial resource for today's busy executive, Lessons Learnedgives you instant access to the wisdom and expertise of the world'smost talented leaders.

    • ¥40.4 折扣:4.7折
    • BUSINESS NOTES(ISBN=9780517708910) 英文原版
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    • Florence Isaacs 编 /1998-03-01/
    • It is not a collection of business letters, ready to be mailedto any Tom, Dick, or Harriet. Rather, editor and author Isaacstakes her own advice and offers a very personal and very engagingview of an etiquette practice many would prefer to forget.Outlining every conceivable situation in which note writing couldbe a point well made, Isaacs first emphasizes the value of ignoringsuch high-tech tools as e-mail in favor of handwritten or typedmissives. Occasions range from "saw this and thought of you" to thedeath of a dear one; every single solution, whether penned by theauthor or others, adds both grace and humanity to a workrelationship, which is, after all, the prime raison d'etre fornotes and their continued use as a business and socialcommunications vehicle. Barbara Jacobs

    • ¥57.8 折扣:3.5折
    • Winnie-The-Pooh on Management
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    • /2011-05-01/ Penguin
    • Finallyinpaperback-aquick,easy,andfunprimeronmanagementfundamentals.Thefailuretograspthebasicsofmanagementoftentripsupeventhemostsuccessfulcompanies.Withthatinmind,managementconsultantRogerE.AllenusesA.A.Milne'sbelovedstoriesandcharacterstoillustrateessentialbusinessprinciples,suchastheestablishmentofclearobjectivesandstrongleadership,theneedforaccurateinformation,andotherneglectedaspectsofprudentmanagement.WonderfullyreadableandinformativeandsuretohavethepaperbackappealofBenjaminHoff'sTheTaoofPooh,Winnie-the-PoohonManagementisamust-readforanyoneseekingtobuildtheirbusinessskillsbutreluctanttobecomemiredinanunnecessarilycomplextome.

    • ¥45.9 ¥215.73 折扣:2.1折
    • 美容化妆品销售金口才
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • /2016-08-01/ 中国经济出版社
    • 本书选取88个极具代表性的美容化妆品销售情景,是销售人员每天都会遇到,却又难以应对的问题。每个销售情景均以客户需求为出发点,以美容化妆品销售人员的沟通技能为线索,按“常见应对”“引导策略”“话术范例”“方法技巧”和“举一反三”共五个部分逐一讲述,简洁易懂,即学即用!?本书是美容化妆品企业及门店销售人员及其主管、经销商的实战宝典,更是馈员工及经销商的礼物。美容化妆品销售人员每天只需花上几分钟学3句销售妙语,30天即可达到妙语连珠、业绩飙升的效果!???

    • ¥45.68 ¥92.36 折扣:4.9折
    • HOW TO WOW(ISBN=9780345501790) 英文原版
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    • Frances Cole Jones 著 /2009-03-01/ Random House US
    • “The invaluable advice in How to Wow guarantees your successin any meeting situation, from the boardroom to the breakfasttable.” –Keith Ferrazzi, author of Never Eat Alone In today’s fast-paced world, where an elevator ride with your CEOcan turn into an impromptu meeting, your lunch date can become ajob interview, and your conversation at a cocktail party may be apreamble to a potential business merger, knowing how to marketyourself in any situation is vital. Corporate coach Frances ColeJones has helped numerous CEOs, celebrities, and publicpersonalities present their best selves on camera and onstage, inboardrooms and in person; now in her new book, How to Wow, sheshares her strategies for making your mark in business and inlife. Every encounter, Jones believes, provides you with an opportunityto positively influence colleagues, employers, neighbors–evencompetitors. Not only your words, but your tone of voice and yourbody language speak volumes. The question, however, is: A

    • ¥45.5 折扣:3.5折
    • DARE TO PREPARE(ISBN=9780307451804) 英文原版
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    • Gregory Jordan 等著 /2009-02-01/ Random House US
    • Over the course of a forty-year career in the worlds oflaw, sports, business, and politics, Ron Shapiro has worked withand advised an incredible variety of people. What he’s found isthat the secret ingredient for getting into the winner’s circle issimply the discipline of methodical preparation: that old-school,step-by-step way of having all your ducks in a row, whether you arean executive getting ready to do a deal or make a speech; a pitcherstudying the traits of opposing hitters and keeping a meticulousnotebook of their strengths and weaknesses; an international tradenegotiator who knows all about the issues and the people on theother side before sitting down at the table; or a surgeon whorehearses like a classical musician. Deep down, you know you should do it. But how often do you wingit and fly by the seat of your pants because “Gosh, I don’t havetime . . . I’ve done this before . . . I know what I’m doing”? Itis obvious that you have to get ready for whatever game you’replaying

    • ¥45.5 折扣:3.5折
    • Daily Reflections For Highly Effective Teens 杰出少年的七个习惯
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    • Sean Covey 著 /1999-11-01/ SCRIBNER
    • Make the ultimate teenage success guide part of your life every daySean Covey's "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens" has helped hundreds of thousands of teens find a path toward success and personal fulfilment. Now, with "Daily Reflections for Highly Effective Teens, " comes a book that will inspire teens to understand, appreciate, and internalize the power of the 7 Habits. With this day-by-day success guide, teenagers will learn how to improve their self-image, build friendships, resist peer pressure, achieve their goals, make important decisions, and live healthier, more self-confident lives. Packed with great quotes, excellent ideas, and inspiration, Sean Covey's warm, insightful, and humorous guide gives teens a road map for surviving and thriving in adolescence and beyond.

    • ¥53.5 折扣:5折
    • 101 GRT MAIL-ORDER BUSINESSES2(ISBN=9780761521303) 英文原版
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    • Tyler G. Hicks 编 /2000-01-01/ Random House US
    • Make a Mint by Mail Order! Sellcomputers, vitamins, clothing, or gourmet foods. Create and sellnewsletters on almost any topic. Make and sell your favorite artsand crafts. Would you like to join the booming mail-order business?You can! Bestselling author Ty Hicks shows you how. Youdon’t need a lot of money, years of experience, or a collegeeducation—just a mailing address and the desire to deliver productsand services quickly for the best value your customers can get. TyHicks explains in clear, easy steps how to start your mail-orderbusiness today, including: ·Getting started quickly and easily ·Creating an e-commerce Web site to promote and sell yourproducts or services directly ·Using proven marketing and promotion strategies ·Carving niche markets with unusual products and services ·Expanding your business for maximum profitability ·And much, much more!

    • ¥48.7 折扣:3.5折
    • WSJ COMPLETE SMALL BUSINESS(ISBN=9780307408938) 英文原版
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    • Colleen DeBaise 著 /2009-12-01/ Random House US
    • Because starting a small business is not only a huge financialrisk but also a complete lifestyle change, anyone who wants to behis or her own boss needs to approach entrepreneurship thoughtfullyand with careful planning. That’s why there is no better resourcethan The Wall Street Journal Complete Small Business Guidebook, apractical guide for turning your entrepreneurial dreams into asuccessful company, from America’s most trusted source of financialadvice. It answers would-be business owners’ biggest question—howdo I fund my venture?—then explains the mechanics of building,running and growing a profitable business. You’ll learn: ? How to write a winning business plan ? Secrets to finding extra money during the lean years andbeyond ? Ways to keep your stress in check while maintaining a work/lifebalance ? How to manage your time, including taking vacations anddealing with sick days ? Strategies for keeping your business running smoothly—frominvesting in technology to hiring the right peop

    • ¥45.5 折扣:3.5折
    • Giant Steps : Author Of Awaken The Giant And Unlimited Power
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    • Anthony Robbins 著 /1994-09-01/ Simon & Schuster
    • Based on the finest tools, techniques, principles, and strategies offered in Awaken the Giant Within, best-selling author and peak performance consultant Anthony Robbins offers daily inspirations and small actions -- exercises -- that will compel you to take giant steps forward in the quality of your life. From the simple power of decision-making to the more specific tools that can redefine the quality of your relationships, finances, health, and emotions, Robbins shows you how to get maximum results with a minimum investment of time.

    • ¥57.9 折扣:5折
    • WOMEN & MONEY(ISBN=9780812981315)
    •   ( 12 条评论 )
    • Suze Orman 著 /2011-12-01/ Random House US
    • The million-copy bestseller is finally in paperback In thisgroundbreaking book, Suze Orman, the nation's go-to expert on allthings financial, investigates the complicated, dysfunctionalrelationship women have with money. With her signature mix ofinsight, compassion, and soul-deep recognition, Suze Orman equipswomen with the financial knowledge and emotional awareness toovercome the blocks that have kept them from acting in the bestinterest of their money-and of themselves. At the heart of the bookis The Save Yourself Plan: a streamlined five-month program thatdelivers genuine long-term financial security. But what's at stakeis far bigger even than money-it's about every woman's sense of whoshe is, what she deserves, and why it all begins with the decisionto save yourself. In addition to The Save Yourself Plan, you'llfind inside - a thoughtful analysis of the causes and effects ofreckless financial behavior- a persuasive argument for change thatis free of shame and blame- the 8 qualities of a wealthy wo

    • ¥43 折扣:5折
    • Made To Stick (ISBN=9780812982008)
    •   ( 23 条评论 )
    • Chip Heath 著 /2010-09-01/
    • What is that makes urban myths so persistent but many everydaytruths so eminently forgettable? How do newspapers set aboutensuring that their headlines make you want to read on? And why dowe remember complicated stories but not complicated facts? In thecourse of over ten years of study, Chip and Dan Heath haveestablished what it is that determines whether particular ideas orstories stick in our minds or not, and "Made to Stick" is thefascinating outcome of their painstaking research.Packed full ofcase histories and thought-provoking anecdotes, it shows, amongother things, how one Australian scientist convinced the world he'ddiscovered the cause of stomach ulcers by drinking a glass filledwith bacteria, how a gifted sports reporter got people to watch afootball match by showing them the outside of the stadium, and howhigh-concept pitches such as 'Jaws on a spaceship' ("Alien") and'Die Hard on a bus' ("Speed") convince movie executives to investvast sums of money in a project on the basis of almost noinformati

    • ¥46.8 折扣:4.5折
    • How to Find the Work You Love(ISBN=9780142196298) 英文原版
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    • Laurence G. Boldt 著 /2004-02-01/ Penguin
    • Technological advances and the global marketplace are changingthe way we live and work. Doing the work you love is the critical factor to personal fulfillment and economic success. Noone understands this more than Laurence G. Boldt, whose Zen andthe Art of Making a Living helped many carve out new andrewarding career paths. But how do you find the courage to startthe search for a new career? And how do you tap into your own bestresources to discover what you want to do and what you’re good at?This remarkable guide offers simple yet profound strategies to helpyou answer those questions by focusing on four key elements to besought in any life’s work: Integrity, Service, Enjoyment, andExcellence. Boldt has reduced the quest for meaningful work to itsessence and will lead you to an understanding of what you could andshould be doing with your life.

    • ¥43 折扣:3.9折
    • WOMEN DON'T ASK(ISBN=9780553383874)
    •   ( 14 条评论 )
    • Linda BabcockSara Laschever 著 /2007-02-01/ Random House US
    • Combining fascinating research with revealing commentary fromhundreds of women, this groundbreaking book explores the personaland societal reasons women seldom ask for what they need, want, anddeserve at home and at work–and shows how they can develop thiscrucial skill. By neglecting to negotiate her starting salary for her first job,a woman may sacrifice over half a million dollars in earnings bythe end of her career. Yet, as research reveals, men are four timesmore likely to ask for higher pay than are women with the samequalifications. From career promotions to help with child care,studies show time and again that women don’t ask–and frequentlydon’t even realize that they can. Women Don’t Ask offers real-lifeexamples of the differences between the negotiating habits of menand women, and guides women in retooling their attitudes andapproaches. Discover how to: ? Take the first step–choosing to negotiate at all ? Develop a comfortable, effective negotiation st

    • ¥58.5 折扣:4.5折
    • LIFE WOULD BE PERFECT IF I LIV(ISBN=9780307454843) 英文原版
    •   ( 2 条评论 )
    • Meghan Daum 著 /2011-06-01/ Random House US
    • In this laugh-out-loud personal journey , acclaimed authorMeghan Daum explores the perils and pleasures of believing thatonly a house can make you whole. From her teenage apartmentfantasies and her mother’s decorating manias to her own “hiddenroom” dreams and the bungalow she eventually buys on her own, Life Would Be Perfect If I Lived in That House is the truestory of one woman’s quest for the four perfect walls to callhome.

    • ¥45.5 折扣:3.5折