Get smart about spending and saving –– and ride out arecession! Looking for practical ways to make every dollar count? This savvyguide gives you expert tips for tightening your belt and savingcash in every area of your life –– from your house and car todining and entertaining to banking and managing debt. You getrealistic solutions for making smarter choices and living well inthis time of economic turmoil –– without extraordinary sacrifice!Bump up your take–home pay–– spiff up your resume, find a good jobfast, explore telecommuting, or start a home–based business Getyour personal finances in tip–top shape –– create a budget, paydown debt, save on insurance, and protect your retirement fundsDevelop recession–proof habits –– use coupons and rebates, extendthe life of your wardrobe, utilize community resources, travel on abudget, and save on utilities and fuel expenses Decorate on a dimeand entertain on a shoestring –– plan parties, celebrate theholidays, and give
David Bach has a plan to help you live and finish rich—no matterwhere you start So you feel like you’ve started late? You are not alone. What if I told you that right now as you flip through this book,70% of the people in the store with you are living paycheck topaycheck? What if I told you that the man browsing the aisle to your leftowes more than $8,000 in credit card debt? And the woman on yourright has less than $1,000 in savings? See? You’re really not alone. Unfortunately, the vast majority of people who’ve saved too littleand borrowed too much will never catch up financially. Why? Becausethey don’t know how. You can start late and finish rich—but you need aplan. This book contains the plan. It’s inspiring, easy to follow, and isbased on proven financial principles. Building a secure financialfuture for yourself isn’t something you can do overnight. It willtake time and it will take work. But you can do it. I know. I’ve helped millions of people get their financial livest
What does it take to create your New American Dream? Suze Orman, the woman millions of Americans have turned to forfinancial advice, says it’s time for a serious reconsideration ofthe American Dream—what promise it still holds, what aspects are inneed of revision, and how it must be refashioned to fit our livesso that we can once again have faith that our hard work will payoff and that a secure and hopeful future is within our reach. In nine electrifying chapters, Orman delivers a master class onpersonal finance for this pivotal moment in time. She addressesevery aspect of the American Dream—home, family, career,retirement. She teaches us that in order to create lasting securitywe must learn to stand in our truth. We must recognize, embrace,and be honest about what is real for us today and allow thatunderstanding to inform the choices we make. The New AmericanDream is not the things we accumulate, says Orman, but theconfidence that comes from knowing that which we’ve worked so hard
The intimate, fly-on-the wall tale of the decline and fall of anAmerica icon With one notable exception, the firms that make up what we know asWall Street have always been part of an inbred, insular culturethat most people only vaguely understand. The exception was MerrillLynch, a firm that revolutionized the stock market by bringing WallStreet to Main Street, setting up offices in far-flung cities andtowns long ignored by the giants of finance. With its “thunderingherd” of financial advisers, perhaps no other business, whether infinancial services or elsewhere, so epitomized the American spirit.Merrill Lynch was not only “bullish on America,” it was a bigreason why so many average Americans were able to grow wealthy byinvesting in the stock market. Merrill Lynch was an icon. Its sudden decline, collapse, andsale to Bank of America was a shock. How did it happen? Why did ithappen? And what does this story of greed, hubris, and incompetencetell us about the culture of Wall Street that continues to
How can you construct a financial investment strategy toprotect yourself … yet still get the growth to ensure a solidfinancial future and comfortable retirement during these turbulenttimes? By building an investing safety net that gives you the gainsneeded for growth – though more modest than those of past years –but protection against the downside. So when turbulencestrikes again – and it will – you won’t re-live the financialnightmares of recent years when portfolios and 401Ks weredevastated.
With up-to-the-minute information . . . And an all-newpreface by the author! Out of the red . . . ? Do this month’s bills pile up before you’ve paid lastmonth’s? ? Do you regularly receive past-due notices? ? Do you get letters threatening legal action if immediate paymentis not made? ? Do the total amounts of your revolving charge accounts keeprising? Into the black . . . Whether you are currently in debt or fear you’re fallinginto debt, you are not alone. Sixty million Americans--from doctorsto secretaries, from executives to the unemployed--face the sameproblem and live under the same daily stress. Based on the proventechniques of the national Debtors Anonymous program, here is thefirst complete, step-by-step guide to getting out of debt once andfor all. You’ll learn: ? How to recognize the warning signs of serious debt ? How to negotiate with angry creditors, collection agencies, andthe IRS ? How to design a realistic and painless pay-back schedule ? How to identify your spending blind
Over and over, people share their fears with David Bach,America’s leading money coach and the number-one nationalbest-selling author of The Automatic Millionaire. “If only I hadstarted saving when I was younger!” they say. “Is there any hopefor me?” There IS hope, and help is here at last! In Start Late, Finish Rich, David Bach takes the “Finish Rich”wisdom that has already helped millions of people and tailors itspecifically to all of us who forgot to save, procrastinated, orgot sidetracked by life’s unexpected challenges. Whether you are in your thirties, forties, fifties, or evenolder, Bach shows that you really can start late and still live andfinish rich – and you can get your plan in place fast. In amotivating, swift read you learn how to ramp up the road tofinancial security with the principles of spend less, save more,make more – and most important, LIVE MORE. And he gives you thetime tested plan to do it. The Start Late, Finish Rich promise is bold a
Before I became “Phil Town, teacher of investing principles tomore than 500,000 people a year,” I was a lot like you: someone whoviewed individual stock investing as way too hard to dosuccessfully. As a guy who barely made a living as a river guide, Iconsidered the whole process pretty impenetrable, and I wasconvinced that to do it right you had to make it a full-time job.Me, I was more interested in having full-time fun. So I was tempted to do what you’re probably doing right now:letting some mutual fund manager worry about growing your nest egg.Let me tell you why that decision could one day make you absolutelymiserable.
THE ESSENTIAL GALBRAITH includes key selections from the mostimportant works of John Kenneth Galbraith, one of the mostdistinguished writers of our time - from THE AFFLUENT SOCIETY, thegroundbreaking book in which he conined the tern "conventionalwisdom," to THE GREAT CRASH, an unsurpassed account of the eventsthat triggered America's worst economic crisis. Galbraith's newintroductions place the works in their historical moment and makeclear their enduring relevance for the new century. THE ESSENTIALGALBRAITH will delight old admirers and introduce one of our mostbeloved writers to a new generation of readers. It is also anindispensable resource for scholars and students of economics,history, and politics, offering unparalleled access to the seminalwritings of an extraordinary thinker.
"Home Economics" reintroduces readers to all Grandma's thriftytips, down-home know-how, honest-to-goodness advice, and deliciousrecipes. Modeled on and compiled from vintage home-ec textbooks,this adorable guide contains everything needed to whip up and keepup a happy, healthy, and - most important - economical homelife.
Unravel the Mysteries of the Financial Markets—the Language,the Players, and the Strategies for Success Understanding money and investing has never been more importantthan it is today, as many of us are called upon to manage our ownretirement planning, college savings funds, and health-care costs.Up-to-date and expertly written, The Wall Street Journal CompleteMoney and Investing Guidebook provides investors with a simple—butnot simplistic—grounding in the world of finance. It breaks downthe basics of how money and investing work, explaining: ? What must-have information you need to invest in stocks, bonds,and mutual funds ? How to see through the inscrutable theories and arcane jargonof financial insiders and advisers ? What market players, investing strategies, and money andinvesting history you should know ? Why individual investors should pay attention to theeconomy Written in a clear, engaging style by Dave Kansas, one ofAmerica’s top business journalist
For Making Sense of Investing Today...the Fully Revised and Expanded Edition of the Bestselling The Motley Fool Investment Guide Today, with the Internet, anyone can be an informed investor. Once you learn to tune out the hype and focus on meaningful factors, you can beat the Street. The Motley Fool Investment Guide, completely revised and updated with clear and witty explanations, deciphers all the new information -- from evaluating individual stocks to creating a diverse investment portfolio. David and Tom Gardner have investing ideas for you -- no matter how much time or money you have. This new edition of The Motley Fool Investment Guide is built for today's investor, sophisticate and novice alike, with updated information on: * Finding high-growth stocks that will beat the market over the long term * Identifying volatile young companies that traditional valuation measures may miss * Using and the Internet to locate great sources of useful information
"This is a modern classic." —Paul A. Samuelson, First AmericanNobel Prize Winner in Economics "The best book there is about the stock market and all that goeswith it." — The New York Times Book Review "Anyone whose orientation is toward where the action is, where thehappenings happen, should buy a copy of The Money Game andread it with due diligence." — Book World " 'Adam Smith' is a veteran observer and commentator on the eventsand people of Wall Street.... His thorough knowledge of financialaffairs gives his observations a great degree of authenticity. Butthe joy of reading this book comes from his delightful sense ofhumor. He is a lively and ingeniously witty writer who never stoopsto acerbity. None of the solemn, sacred cows of Wall Street escapesdebunking." — Library Journal
Mutual-fund superstar Peter Lynch and author John Rothchildexplain the basic principles of investing and business in a primerthat will enlighten and entertain anyone who is high-school age orolder. Many investors, including some with substantial portfolios, haveonly the sketchiest idea of how the stock market works. The reason,say Lynch and Rothchild, is that the basics of investing -- thefundamentals of our economic system and what they have to do withthe stock market -- aren't taught in school. At a time whenindividuals have to make important decisions about saving forcollege and 401(k) retirement funds, this failure to provide abasic education in investing can have tragic consequences. For those who know what to look for, investment opportunities areeverywhere. The average high-school student is familiar with Nike,Reebok, McDonald's, the Gap, and the Body Shop. Nearly everyteenager in America drinks Coke or Pepsi, but only a very few ownshares in either company or even understand how to buy them. Everystu
This book was written to offer encouragement and basicinformation to the individual investor. Who knew it would gothrough thirty printings and sell more than one million copies? Asthis latest edition appears eleven years beyond the first, I'mconvinced that the same principles that helped me perform well atthe Fidelity Magellan Fund still apply to investing in stockstoday. It's been a remarkable stretch since One Up on Wall Street hit thebookstores in 1989. I left Magellan in May, 1990, and pundits saidit was a brilliant move. They congratulated me for getting out atthe right time -- just before the collapse of the great bullmarket. For the moment, the pessimists looked smart. The country'smajor banks flirted with insolvency, and a few went belly up. Byearly fall, war was brewing in Iraq. Stocks suffered one of theirworst declines in recent memory. But then the war was won, thebanking system survived, and stocks rebounded. Some rebound! The Dow is up more than fourfold since October, 1990,from the 2,400 lev
Ten years ago, Suze Orman, America’s most celebrated financeexpert, transformed the way we all view personal finance with hergroundbreaking The 9 Steps to Financial Freedom. This New YorkTimes bestselling blockbuster broke from the ranks of traditionalmoney management books by looking at finances from an entirely newperspective, advising people to approach money from an emotionalstandpoint in order to achieve their financial dreams. Byemphasizing the psychological and spiritual power money has in ourlives, while still including information on all aspects of ourfinancial daily activities, Orman has helped millions break throughthe barriers that hold them back. She is now our country’s leadingpersonal finance expert, and here is the book that started itall. Orman is back in a brand-new, fully updated edition to The 9Steps to Financial Freedom, her personal finance classic thatoffers thoughtful, easy-to-follow steps toward a life of financialfreedom. Here is the most up-to-the-minute information
John Kenneth Galbraith has long been at the center of Americaneconomics, in key positions of responsibility during the New Deal,World War II, and since, guiding policy and debate. His trenchantnew book distills this lifetime of experience in the public andprivate sectors; it is a scathing critique of matters as they standtoday. Sounding the alarm about the increasing gap between realityand "conventional wisdom" -- a phrase he coined -- Galbraith tells,along with much else, how we have reached a point where the privatesector has unprecedented control over the public sector. We havegiven ourselves over to self-serving belief and "contrivednonsense" or, more simply, fraud. This has come at the expense ofthe economy, effective government, and the business world.Particularly noted is the central power of the corporation and theshift in authority from shareholders and board members tomanagement. In an intense exercise of fraud, the pretense ofshareholder power is still maintained, even with the immediatepart
Updated for paperback publication, Aftershock is a brilliantreading of the causes of our current economic crisis, with a planfor dealing with its challenging aftermath. When the nation’s economy foundered in 2008, blame was directedalmost universally at Wall Street bankers. But Robert B. Reich, oneof our most experienced and trusted voices on public policy,suggests another reason for the meltdown. Our real problem, heargues, lies in the increasing concentration of wealth in the handsof the richest Americans, while stagnant wages and rising costshave forced the middle class to go deep into debt. Reich’sthoughtful and detailed account of where we are headed over thenext decades—and how we can fix our economic system—is a practical,humane, and much-needed blueprint for restoring America’s economyand rebuilding our society.
Even after the ruinous financial crisis of 2008, America isstill beset by the depredations of an oligarchy that is now bigger,more profitable, and more resistant to regulation than ever.Anchored by six megabanks—Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase,Citigroup, Wells Fargo, Goldman Sachs, and Morgan Stanley—whichtogether control assets amounting, astonishingly, to more than 60percent of the country’s gross domestic product, these financialinstitutions (now more emphatically “too big to fail”) continue tohold the global economy hostage, threatening yet another financialmeltdown with their excessive risk-taking and toxic “business asusual” practices. How did this come to be—and what is to be done?These are the central concerns of 13 Bankers, a brilliant,historically informed account of our troubled politicaleconomy. In 13 Bankers, Simon Johnson—one of the most prominent andfrequently cited economists in America (former chief economist ofthe International Monetary Fund, Professor of Entre