The "commanding heights," according to Pulitzer Prize-winnerDaniel Yergin and international business advisor Joseph Stanislaw,are those dominant enterprises and industries that form the higheconomic ground in nations around the globe. In their analysis ofthe new world economy, The Commanding Heights: The Battle BetweenGovernment and the Marketplace That Is Remaking the Modern World,they examine "the individuals, the ideas, the conflicts, and theturning points" that are responsible. And by considering eventssuch as the ongoing Asian monetary crisis, they suggest what theultimate interconnection of financial markets might mean in thefuture. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailableedition of this title.
This unique text uses Microsoft Excel workbooks toinstruct students. In addition to explaining fundamental conceptsin microeconomic theory, readers acquire a great deal ofsophisticated Excel skills and gain the practical mathematicsneeded to succeed in advanced courses. In addition to theinnovative pedagogical approach, the book features explicitlyrepeated use of a single central methodology, the economicapproach. Students learn how economists think and how to think likean economist. With concrete, numerical examples and novel, engagingapplications, interest for readers remains high as live graphs anddata respond to manipulation by the user. Finally, clear writingand active learning are features sure to appeal to modernpractitioners and their students. The website accompanying the textis found at .
Unrivaled in its unique combination of analytical rigor and accessibility, Intermediate Microeconomics: A Modern Approach has garnered one of the broadest adoption lists in the market. Now appearing in its Sixth Edition, Professor Varian's hallmark text is better than ever, featuring new treatments of game theory and competitive strategy, and a variety of new illustrative examples. Modern, authoritative, and above all crafted by an outstanding teacher and scholar, Intermediate Microeconomics, Sixth Edition will expand students' analytic powers and strengthen their understanding of microeconomics.
Free to succeed . . . Whether in troubled economic times or during years of prosperity,there is a proven way for companies to boost productivity, profits,and growth. Remarkably, it costs nothing––whether cost is measuredin terms of monetary resources or time– –and is simply based on thebelief that, if only people can be free to act in the bestinterests of their company, the results will be tremendous.Freedom, Inc. presents the evidence that this is not thePollyannaish wish of a few dreamers, but a reality built bybottom-line-focused leaders. . . . The culture of freedom works–and Freedom, Inc. reveals thesecrets of a successful business paradigm based on a trusting,nonhierarchical, liberated environment. The visionary leaders profiled here performed near-miracles indriving their companies to unheard-of levels of success, often fromunlikely or disheartening beginnings. Businesses as diverse asinsurance company USAA, winemaker Sea Smoke Cellars, Gore Associates,
Presenting a thorough analysis of the Dutch participation inthe transatlantic slave trade, this book is based upon extensiveresearch in Dutch archives. The book examines the whole range ofDutch involvement in the Atlantic slave trade from the beginning ofthe 1600s to the nineteenth century.
Deeply romantic andextraordinarily suspenseful, TWILIGHT, NEW MOON, ECLIPSE andBREAKING DAWN capture the struggle between defying our instinctsand satisfying our desires. This stunning set makes the perfectgift for fans of this bestselling vampire love story. The set willgive existing fans a focus for their devotion and new fans will beentranced as the love story between Bella and the Vampire Edwarddevelops from tentative beginnings in Twilight to its stunningconclusion in the publishing phenomenon that is Breaking Dawn.
From Wall Street to the West Coast, from blue-collarbillionaires to blue-blood fortunes, from the Google guys tohedge-fund honchos, All the Money in the World gives us the lowdownon today richest Americans. Veteran journalists Peter W. Bernsteinand Annalyn Swan delve into who made and lost the most money in thepast twenty-five years, the fields and industries that haveproduced the greatest wealth, the biggest risk takers, the mostcompetitive players, the most wasteful family feuds, the trophywives, the most conspicuous consumers, the biggest art collectors,and the most and least generous philanthropists. Incorporating exclusive, never-before-published data from Forbesmagazine, All the Money in the World is a vastly entertaining,behind-the-scenes look at today's Big Rich.
This study introduces 'time-specific' analysis of economicprocesses. Economic processes are conventionally analysed from onepoint in time to another over a series of time units - days, weeks,or years. By contrast, these time-specific models focus on thetemporal character of events within the unit time - their timing,duration, and sequence - utilizing the information that is lost inthe macroscopic time perspective of standard economic theory. Whattime-specific analysis reveals are economic and technologicalcharacteristics of goods and services - prices and cost behaviourand temporal mobility or immobility within the unit time - thataffect capital productivity and its utilization, optimal schedulesof production, work, and consumption, least-cost methods ofproducing time-shaped outputs, and efficient welfare-maximizingbehavior in time-specific, including peak-load, markets.
An internationally renowned energy expert has written a bookessential for every American–a galvanizing account of how therising price and diminishing availability of oil are going toradically change our lives. Why Your World Is About to Get aWhole Lot Smaller is a powerful and provocative book thatexplores what the new global economy will look like and what itwill mean for all of us. In a compelling and accessible style, Jeff Rubin reveals thatdespite the recent recessionary dip, oil prices will skyrocketagain once the economy recovers. The fact is, worldwide oilreserves are disappearing for good. Consequently, the amount offood and other goods we get from abroad will be curtailed;long-distance driving will become a luxury and international travelrare. Globalization as we know it will reverse. The near futurewill be a time that, in its physical limits, may resemble thedistant past. But Why Your World Is About to Get a Whole Lot Smaller is ahopeful work about how we can benefit–personally, political
The Great Recession is not done with us yet. While the mostacute part of the economic crisis is past, the recession's mostsignificant impact on American life still lies in the future. Thepersonal, social, and cultural changes that result from severeeconomic shocks build and manifest themselves only slowly. Buthistory shows us that, ultimately, shocks this severe profoundlyalter the character of society. Don Peck’s Pinched, a fascinating and harrowing exploration ofour dramatic economic climate, keenly observes how the recessionhas changed the places we live, the work we do, and even who weare—and details the transformations that are yet to come. Everyclass and every generation will be affected: newly minted collegegraduates, blue-collar men, affluent professionals, exurbanfamilies, elite financiers, inner city youth, middle-classretirees. This was not an ordinary recession, and ordinary responses willnot fully end it. The crash has shifted the course of the economy.In its aftermath, the
As Europe proceeds towards economic and monetary union, fiscalconvergence and the prospect of a common money are at the centre ofdiscussion. This volume from the Centre for Economic PolicyResearch brings together theoretical, applied and historicalresearch on the management of public debt and its implications forfinancial stability. Gale fills a gap in the literature, using aconsistent framework to investigate the welfare economics of publicdebt, while Calvo and Guidotti analyse the trade-off betweenindexation and maturity when it comes to minimizing debt service.Confidence crises have become relevant again in view of the highdebt ratios in countries such as Belgium, Italy and Ireland.Alesina, Prati and Tabellini develop a formal model of thepropagation of a debt run and use it to interpret Italian debtpanics. Giavazzi and Pagano concentrate on how inappropriate debtmanagement can precipitate a run on the currency while Makinen andWoodward review a broad sweep of historical experience.
Of the twenty most costly catastrophes since 1970, more than half have occurred since 2001. Is this an omen of what the 21st century will be? How might we behave in this new, uncertain and more dangerous environment? Will our actions be rational or irrational? A select group of scholars, innovators, and Nobel Laureates was asked to address challenges to rational decision making both in our day-to-day life and in the face of catastrophic threats such as climate changes, natural disasters, technological hazards, and human malevolence. At the crossroads of decision sciences, behavioral and neuro-economics, psychology, management, insurance, and finance, their contributions aim to introduce readers to the latest thinking and discoveries. The Irrational Economist challenges the conventional wisdom about how to make the right decisions in the new era we have entered. It reveals a profound revolution in thinking as understood by some of the greatest minds in our day, and underscores the growing role and
在线阅读本书 In the past decade of rapid change in the world economy, RandyCharles Epping's Beginner’s Guide to the World Economy hasbeen the most reliable tool for keeping track of what's happening.The third edition updates the information in previous editions andexplains many new concepts. What is the new economy? What is globalization? Is the euro thefinal seal on European Union? How is e-commerce transforming ourworld beyond economics? What is virtual money, and does it havereal value? How do social concerns and societal ills (drugs,poverty, AIDS, endangered natural resources) play a part in therapidly changing world economy. What are multinationals, and dothey signal the end of nationalism? These and many other pertinentissues are concisely addressed in the most accessible primer forthose who want to be economically literate (and who doesn't?).
Part business book, part golf novel, Plugged resonates long afterwards and provides real world lessons thatapply to the home, the office or the golf course. Chet McGill, thededicated vice president of sales at AlphaMax Manufacturing, isunder fire — Trident, their biggest client, is being pursued,aggressively, by a new competitor. At the same time, Chet isfeeling off-balance as he preps for a golf tournament in which he’spartnered with Reggie Ward, Trident’s vice president of operations.Faced with big problems and with all eyes on him, Chet learns toget back to what's important to his company, his clients, andhimself. Plugged teaches readers to "shoot for PAR," asimple, proven method to achieve success in just three useful steps— prioritize, adapt, and be responsible. In the spirit of WhoMoved My Cheese? , Krissi and Dan Barr offer a simple parablethat is engaging, engrossing and empowering.
Why do so many global strategies fail—despite companies’ powerful brands and other border-crossing advantages? Seduced by market size, the illusion of a borderless, “flat” world, and the allure of similarities, firms launch one-size-fits-all strategies. But cross-border differences are larger than we often assume, explains Pankaj Ghemawat in Redefining Global Strategy. Most economic activity—including direct investment, tourism, and communication—happens locally, not internationally. In this “semiglobalized” world, one-size-fits-all strategies don’t stand a chance. Companies must instead reckon with cross-border differences. Ghemawat shows you how—by providing tools for: Assessing the cultural, administrative, geographic, and economic differences between countries at the industry level and deciding which ones merit attention. Tracking the implications of particular border-crossing moves for your company’s ability to create value. Creating superior perfo
This is the first textbook in microeconomics written exclusivelyfor MBA students. McKenzie/Lee minimizes attention to mathematicsand maximizes attention to intuitive economic thinking. The text isstructured clearly and accessibly: Part I of each chapter outlinesthe basic theory and Part II applies this basic theory tomanagement issues. 'Perspective' sections in each chapter provide anew line of argument or different take on a business or policyissue, and carefully chosen topics and review questions aredesigned to spark lively and instructive debates. Throughout thebook, McKenzie and Lee aim to infuse students with the economic wayof thinking in the context of a host of problems that MBA students,as future managers of real-world firms, will find relevant to theircareer goals.
Finding Out About explains how to build useful tools forsearching collections of text and other media. In the process ittakes a close look at the properties of textual documents that donot become clear until very large collections of them are broughttogether and shows that the constructions of effective searchengines requires knowledge of the statistical and mathematicalproperties of linguistic phenomena, as well as an appreciation forthe cognitive foundation we bring to the task as language users.The unique approach of this book is its even handling of thephenomena of both numbers and words, giving it a wide appeal. Thetextbook works for undergraduate and graduate classes oninformation retrieval, library science, and computationallinguistics. More exercises are available to instructors. Asupporting Web site includes recent additions to the book, as wellas links to sites of new topics and methods.