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    • Up from Slavery
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    • Booker T. Washington 著 /2010-05-01/ Penguin
    • Historically acknowledged as one of America's most powerfulorators, Washington challenged racial prejudice when such behaviorfrom a black man was unheard of. Here is the dramatic,autobiographical account of how he stood fast against the socialand ideological bias prevalent in his day.

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    • 詹妮和著名作家Janey and the Famous Author
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    • Mary Downing Hahn 著 /2005-08-01/
    • Third-grader Janey is never without a Bob the Dog Detective book by her favorite author, Lily May Appleton. She sneaks reading time during school and is often scolded for letting her mind wander. Janey snaps to attention, though, when her teacher mentions Ms. Appleton’s name. The author is scheduled to speak at a children’s literature festival, and Janey’s class will have a chance to meet her! At last the big day comes, but once again Janey’s daydreaming gets her into trouble. She becomes separated from her class and completely misses the session with Ms. Appleton. Lost and devastated, Janey is consoled by a kind stranger who claims to be none other than—Lily May Appleton!

    • ¥18.9 折扣:4.5折