《研究生学术英语听说教程》覆盖了经济、科学与技术、健康、工业与农业、体育、伦理、公益慈善、教育、历史、文化、自然科学、社会问题等主题。每个单元由听力和口语两部分组成,听说活动都是围绕着同一个话题展开的,话题都是学生熟悉并且感兴趣的内容,选材新颖,因此学习者会听得有兴趣,说得有内容。 《研究生学术英语听说教程》旨在培养学习者有效、得体地使用英语进行交际。因此该教程的听力部分着重训练学习者思辨、推理、归纳总结、处理信息、做笔记的综合能力。该教材的口语训练部分设计了相关话题的情景对话,教师和学生可以根据相关主题组织辩论、口头概括、个人陈述等活动,模拟各种学术活动场景,例如专题讲座、研讨会、学术演讲、国际会议。听说活动以技巧介绍为开端,然后引导学习者开展有针对性的听说训练,完成由
Subsequent to Writing and Practice, thiook features a collection of some of our students’ written work bined with careful and insightful ments of a team of senior professors and teachers who have for many yeareen involved in teaching English writing to research students at the master’s and doctoral levels. We believe that this selection of our students’ original work, inadequate in various aspects yet refreshing in creativity, can dramatically reveal the actual learning experience typical of Chinese students working their way to good English writing. It is our hope that with the expertise of our editorial team dedicated to helping students improve their English writing proficiency, thiook that features students’ originality and interactive learning strategy will be able to present to students an opportunity to criticize and draw on their fellows’ work while reflecting on their own, and to invite our academic peers to re-examihe approaches we have been adopting in our teaching of English writing.
Subsequent to Writing and Practice, thiook features a collection of some of our students’ written work bined with careful and insightful ments of a team of senior professors and teachers who have for many yeareen involved in teaching English writing to research students at the master’s and doctoral levels. We believe that this selection of our students’ original work, inadequate in various aspects yet refreshing in creativity, can dramatically reveal the actual learning experience typical of Chinese students working their way to good English writing. It is our hope that with the expertise of our editorial team dedicated to helping students improve their English writing proficiency, thiook that features students’ originality and interactive learning strategy will be able to present to students an opportunity to criticize and draw on their fellows’ work while reflecting on their own, and to invite our academic peers to re-examihe approaches we have been adopting in our teaching of English writing.
《航海英语听力与会话(第4版)》内容主要包括航海英语听力与会话客观题源、主观题源训练两部分,旨在帮助学生逐步提高英语听力与会话能力,启发学生学习兴趣,引领和激发学生自主应用和学习语言。 同其他的图书相比,本套图书具有独特、鲜明的特点: 1.题源训练:敏锐的听力与会话感觉要通过大量的训练来培养。听力与会话实践性极强,紧靠一些解题技巧在短时间内是无法施展的,只有真正掌握了航海实践知识结合训练才能提高英语听力与会话能力。 2.学习软件:该软件的特点是“锁定薄弱环节、突出复习重点、合理安排复习计划、随时检测复习效果”。软件包含千余道题目,提供“英语评估练习”、“错题重做”(可以锁定用户的薄弱环节,突出考生复习“重点”)、“做题计时”、“机编模拟测试”(可以自动生成模拟考卷,使用户评测自己的
Subsequent to Writing and Practice, thiook features a collection of some of our students’ written work bined with careful and insightful ments of a team of senior professors and teachers who have for many yeareen involved in teaching English writing to research students at the master’s and doctoral levels. We believe that this selection of our students’ original work, inadequate in various aspects yet refreshing in creativity, can dramatically reveal the actual learning experience typical of Chinese students working their way to good English writing. It is our hope that with the expertise of our editorial team dedicated to helping students improve their English writing proficiency, thiook that features students’ originality and interactive learning strategy will be able to present to students an opportunity to criticize and draw on their fellows’ work while reflecting on their own, and to invite our academic peers to re-examihe approaches we have been adopting in our teaching of English writing.
《研究生学术英语听说教程》覆盖了经济、科学与技术、健康、工业与农业、体育、伦理、公益慈善、教育、历史、文化、自然科学、社会问题等主题。每个单元由听力和口语两部分组成,听说活动都是围绕着同一个话题展开的,话题都是学生熟悉并且感兴趣的内容,选材新颖,因此学习者会听得有兴趣,说得有内容。 《研究生学术英语听说教程》旨在培养学习者有效、得体地使用英语进行交际。因此该教程的听力部分着重训练学习者思辨、推理、归纳总结、处理信息、做笔记的综合能力。该教材的口语训练部分设计了相关话题的情景对话,教师和学生可以根据相关主题组织辩论、口头概括、个人陈述等活动,模拟各种学术活动场景,例如专题讲座、研讨会、学术演讲、国际会议。听说活动以技巧介绍为开端,然后引导学习者开展有针对性的听说训练,完成由
《研究生学术英语听说教程》覆盖了经济、科学与技术、健康、工业与农业、体育、伦理、公益慈善、教育、历史、文化、自然科学、社会问题等主题。每个单元由听力和口语两部分组成,听说活动都是围绕着同一个话题展开的,话题都是学生熟悉并且感兴趣的内容,选材新颖,因此学习者会听得有兴趣,说得有内容。 《研究生学术英语听说教程》旨在培养学习者有效、得体地使用英语进行交际。因此该教程的听力部分着重训练学习者思辨、推理、归纳总结、处理信息、做笔记的综合能力。该教材的口语训练部分设计了相关话题的情景对话,教师和学生可以根据相关主题组织辩论、口头概括、个人陈述等活动,模拟各种学术活动场景,例如专题讲座、研讨会、学术演讲、国际会议。听说活动以技巧介绍为开端,然后引导学习者开展有针对性的听说训练,完成由
《研究生学术英语听说教程》覆盖了经济、科学与技术、健康、工业与农业、体育、伦理、公益慈善、教育、历史、文化、自然科学、社会问题等主题。每个单元由听力和口语两部分组成,听说活动都是围绕着同一个话题展开的,话题都是学生熟悉并且感兴趣的内容,选材新颖,因此学习者会听得有兴趣,说得有内容。 《研究生学术英语听说教程》旨在培养学习者有效、得体地使用英语进行交际。因此该教程的听力部分着重训练学习者思辨、推理、归纳总结、处理信息、做笔记的综合能力。该教材的口语训练部分设计了相关话题的情景对话,教师和学生可以根据相关主题组织辩论、口头概括、个人陈述等活动,模拟各种学术活动场景,例如专题讲座、研讨会、学术演讲、国际会议。听说活动以技巧介绍为开端,然后引导学习者开展有针对性的听说训练,完成由语