钱杨主编的《专业学位研究生英语》以提高专业学位研究生英语能力为主要目的,充分考虑到该类学生入学时的总体英语水平及英语在其实际工作中的需求,突出实用性与针对性,帮助学生将听、说、读、写、译等多项语言技能融为一体。 本书共十个单元,每个单元包括两篇课文,课文体裁丰富,可以满足不同专业学生的不同兴趣和实际工作的需求;同时,课文题材多样,涉及生活的多个方面。每篇课文后都配有针对课文的练习和在此基础上提升的相关练习;练习配置系统、合理,题量适度,具有代表性,可以较好满足实际教学要求,倍增教师的备课效率和学生的学习效果。 本书可供各类高校相应专业作教材使用。
Subsequent to Writing and Practice, thiook features a collection of some of our students’ written work combined with careful and insightful comments of a team of senior professors and teachers who have for many yeareen involved in teaching English writing to research students at the master’s and doctoral levels. We believe that this selection of our students’ original work, inadequate in various aspects yet refreshing in creativity, can dramatically reveal the actual learning experience typical of Chinese students working their way to good English writing. It is our hope that with the expertise of our editorial team dedicated to helping students improve their English writing proficiency, thiook that features students’ originality and interactive learning strategy will be able to present to students an opportunity to criticize and draw on their fellows’ work while reflecting on their own, and to invite our academic peers to re-examihe approaches we have been adopting in our teaching of English writin
Subsequent to Writing and Practice, thiook features a collection of some of our students’ written work bined with careful and insightful ments of a team of senior professors and teachers who have for many yeareen involved in teaching English writing to research students at the master’s and doctoral levels. We believe that this selection of our students’ original work, inadequate in various aspects yet refreshing in creativity, can dramatically reveal the actual learning experience typical of Chinese students working their way to good English writing. It is our hope that with the expertise of our editorial team dedicated to helping students improve their English writing proficiency, thiook that features students’ originality and interactive learning strategy will be able to present to students an opportunity to criticize and draw on their fellows’ work while reflecting on their own, and to invite our academic peers to re-examihe approaches we have been adopting in our teaching of English writing.
这可是千载一时的难得机会——两个日本超级爵士乐迷碰到了一块,让二十六位当代美国爵士乐好手得以聚首于一册群英谱之上。 画家和田诚是听遍了“各个时期各种类型的爵士乐”,碰上个村上春树更是了不得,“同爵士乐一起度过了人生大部分时间”,“一段时期甚至把它当作工作来做”。于是,他俩都为爵士乐使出了拿手绝活。和田的二十六幅画自是优雅浑成,大巧若拙;村上的二十六篇文字更是精彩绝艳,不同凡响,“每当帕克即将在香醇的旋律和形象的泉水中翻滚沸腾或消融之时,吉尔斯比便果断地吹入新鲜空气以加固堤防,而于烟笼雾罩之时则以昨刃将其划裂”——如此一气流转的华彩长句,你在村上的其他书中还真不易读到。