?7?4在烦恼于服装设计的时候能够立刻使用! ?7?4方便可爱的服装部件918件收录! ?7?4服装设计的幅度扩大的创意满载! 大受好评发售中的插图教程书《童话奇幻少女角色与作画技巧》的作者佐仓oriko的第2本书。 关注佐仓*擅长的服装设计,包括小物件(如头饰、耳环、胸饰、包等)、上半身部件(如领子、袖子、胸口等)及下半身 (裙子、裤子、袜子、鞋子等) 等按部位和部件分类,细小的部件她独自的设计的变化像目录一样介绍了很多的样式。 为了方便想象,还刊登了从商品目录中各自选取的人物设计实例。 不仅仅是设计,连褶边和蕾丝、丝带的画法也进行解说。 【 Contents 】 *一章 服装设计思路 第二章 服装设计实例集 第三章 小物品目录 帽子 / 头带 / 头纱 / 头冠 / 蓬蓬发圈 / 鞭子夹 / 发圈 / 发夹 / 耳环 / 耳夹 / 手链 / 项链 /
It's 1946; the war is over, but Peggy Carter has new battles to fight as the men return home. The love of her life -Steve Rogers -is gone, and Peggy is pinned with administrative work at her new job in the covert SS R (Strategic Scientific Reserve). She finds solace in secret missions from Howard Stark -but the missions are more dangerous than she knows. Hayley Atwell reprises her role as Peggy Carter in the show inspired by Marvel's feature films Captain America: The First Avenger and Captain America: The Winter Soldier, along with the short Marvel One-Shot: Agent Carter. In this collectible volume, go behind the scenes with production design, photographs and stills from the set -plus interviews with the cast and crew. Follow Peggy's journey in Marvel's Agent Carter: Season One Declassified as she navigates life as a single woman in an America still recovering from war. ,