艾玛有好多好多好朋友呀!他们各有各的不同:斑马的条纹*多,长颈鹿的脖子*长,袋鼠*会蹦 不过他们有一点一样,就是他们都很爱艾玛!超可爱的低幼启蒙纸板书,帮助孩子识记各种动物的名称,和艾玛一起收获友谊的快乐。
PreSchool-K ``Oh Dear!'' is young Buster's response each time thathis search for eggs on his grandmother's farm is futile. Thepattern is the same throughout his search: he looks in the barn, orsty, or pond, where a flap can be lifted to reveal the animal thatlives there, making the sound associated with it. The animal is notlabeled, so young listeners are called upon to make theidentification themselves. When Buster finally tries the henhouse,a second flap reveals the eggs beneath the hen. The book has anattractive, open look, with much white space and clear, large type.The animals and farmyard scenes are large, simple forms in brightcolors. Unfortunately, Buster and his grandmother are doll-like intheir circle heads, dot eyes, and red-spotted cheeks, and do nothold the same appeal. Lift-the-flap books are a gimmick thatchildren love, but these flaps are particularly fragile, and eachis hinged in a different place. Eager hands tugging at them willeasily result in a cry of ``Oh dear!'' before too long. David
起床了,新的一天又开始了!花格子大象艾玛要先打个大大的呵欠,再洗个澡,还要吃饭、玩游戏、看望自己的好朋友 他的一天可真忙!适合幼儿小手的启蒙纸板书,帮孩子认知一天的时间、识记各种动作,跟着艾玛一起,度过愉快的一天。
这是一套适合0~3岁孩子阅读的纸板书,该系列一共四册。作者用宝宝也能听懂的亲切语言来解释神奇的科学现象,用宝宝日常接触到的事物将物理学中基本的概念和思维模式清晰地表达出来。 《积木与夸克》 宝宝用积木建高塔,大自然用夸克建万物。夸克、质子、中子、原子和分子,它们和宝宝的世界联系在了一起。 《太阳与热力学》 热力学告诉宝宝能量是如何流动的,从阳光、小树、苹果,再到宝宝!所有的生物都从太阳那里获得能量。 《小猫与量子物理》 宝宝和 薛定谔的猫 玩起了捉迷藏。在量子物理学里,藏在盒子里的小猫处于量子叠加态,既是睡着的,又是醒着的。 《小鸟与航天工程》 人类起初从小鸟的飞行中获得灵感,从小鸟到飞机,再到飞向外太空的火箭。小鸟也一直在牵引着宝宝的目光,带着好奇的他们飞得越来越远。