Rory the Dinosaur Wants a Pet 内容简介 When Rory meets his friend Sheldon's pet crab, he realizes he wants a pet of his own. He searches high and low--from tree tops to sand pits--for a creature to love. It's at the end of a long day, when Rory least expects it, that he meets George. Comic artist Liz Climo celebrates the bond between child and pet with her adorable, deceptively simple illustrations and her timeless story of a child's quest for companionship. 媒体推荐 Praise for Rory the Dinosaur Wants a Pet: "The cartoon-style illustrations, achieved with "digital magic," are set off with plenty of white space, is an appealing read-aloud. Children just developing a sense of humor will appreciate the innocent silliness of the tale." ―Kirkus Reviews "Climo's crisp, ever-adorable cartoons show the two teeter-tottering, playing dress-up, and sharing a bubble bath. It's a cheerfully absurd portrait of unconditional love."―Publishers Weekly "Climo's sweet dig
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《格格干坏事儿》 格格干了一件坏事儿,她一向是只乖巧的猫咪,可她无意中做了这件坏事儿,她很是心烦意乱。不过,如果自己的花园突然不见了,任何一只猫都会伤心欲绝的…… Mo9 did a bad thing. She didn't mean to do o badthing, but she was upset. Any cot would be upset if her 9ardensuddenly disappeared... Judith Kerr is the best-sellin9 author and illustrator of the Mo9series and The Tiger Who Came to Tea. She has also written threenovels about her childhood, includin9 When Hitler Stole PinkRabbit. Her books for children have sold over 5 million copies andhave become classics.
《格格和奶奶》 格格喜欢一切都是老样子,她不喜欢兴奋的事儿,可托马斯一家要出外旅游去了,格格只好和奶奶待在一块儿。这个安排听起来相当不错,但没有人告诉格格,奶奶家还有一只小猫叫蒂布尔斯,格格有时候很喜欢他,有时候又不喜欢他。她很想念黛比,所以她偷偷地跑到家门口迎接黛比……