These lively, varied and thought-provoking science-fiction stories (from the era of Jules Verne and H. G. Wells) are linked by their imposing central character, the pugnaciously adventurous and outrageous Professor Challenger. The Lost World (forebear of Jurassic Park) vividly depicts a perilous region in which the explorers confront creatures from the prehistoric era. 'The Poison Belt' presents an eerie doomsday scenario, while ‘The Disintegration Machine’ satirically comments on scientific cynicism. In ‘When the World Screamed’, the planet responds violently to an experimental incursion. The strangest item is 'The Land of Mist', which seeks to reconcile science with spiritualism. This memorable collection provides imaginative entertainment, entrancing escapism and bold provocation.
In THE OTHER SIDE OF MIDNIGHT, they played the ultimate game of love, lust, and death. Now, in MEMORIES OF MIDNIGHT, the survivors meet to play one last time... Shadowed by tragedy and burdened by amnesia, a beautiful woman desperately tries to return to reality. She is Catherine Douglas, destined to once again challenge the cruel, charismatic power of Constantin Demiris, the Greek shipping tycoon who murdered Catherine's husband. Now, in the glittering capitals and carefree playgrounds of post-war Europe, Demiris sets his deadly sights on Catherine -- and the single, treacherous secret whose shattering truth is known to her alone...
FlorentinoArizahasneverforgottenhisfirstlove.HehaswaitednearlyalifetimeinsilencesincehisbelovedFerminamarriedanotherman.Nowomancanreplaceherinhisheart.Butnowherhusbandisdead.Finally-afterfifty-oneyears,ninemonthsandfourdays-Florentinohasanotherchancetodeclarehiseternalpassionandwinherback.Willlovethathassurvivedhalfacenturyremainunrequited? 《马尔克斯:霍乱时期的爱情》是加西亚·马尔克斯获得诺贝尔文学奖之后完成的第一部小说。 讲述了一段跨越半个多世纪的爱情史诗,穷尽了所有爱情的可能性:忠贞的、隐秘的、粗暴的、羞怯的、柏拉图式的、放荡的、转瞬即逝的、生死相依的……再现了时光的无情流逝,被誉为“人类有史以来最伟大的爱情小说”,是20世纪最重要的经典文学巨著之一。 马尔克斯曾说:“这一部是我最好的作品,是我发自内心的创作。”
I'm the only one who saw what they did...From the shelter of the pine trees, through the falling snow, John watched as the men kicked down doors, shattered windows and fired their first shot. It was a long time before he stopped trembling, before he dared to return and see if anyone needed his help. Among the ruins he found a small boy, too terrified to tell John his name. Now the only witness and the sole survivor are running for their lives. John knows how to look after himself, how to live off the land and his wits. But now he's looking after someone else and every choice he makes could mean the difference between life and death... The Witness is set in the Scottish Highlands in the near future, when the disastrous nationalization of the land has led to a violent uprising.
在波澜壮阔的三国时代,除了曹操、诸葛亮、刘备、孙权、周瑜等家喻户晓的人物,还有许多配角,他们也有自己的喜怒哀乐。作者从微小的史料记载中,想象出许多配角的故事。 ???《街亭》借“马谡失街亭”事件,追问马谡的结局,*后揭示了街亭之战被掩埋的真相。 ???《白帝城之夜》以刘备白帝城病重为背景,虚构了一出皇位更迭的故事。 ???《官渡杀人事件》讲述徐他刺杀曹操事件,这背后隐藏着怎样的悄无声息却惊心动魄的激烈交锋? ???《宛城惊变》分析“宛城之战”必死之局为何只有曹操逃出生天的秘密。 ???《孔雀东南飞》中焦仲卿与刘兰芝二人的爱情悲剧与三国波澜壮阔的群雄争霸有何关联? ???《洛神赋》流传千古,甄宓、曹丕、曹植三人之间究竟有何纠葛? ???《三国新语》与《三国志·步幸传》借三国史实逸事
What have the invention of the wheel, Pompeii, the Wall Street Crash, Harry Potter and the internet got in common? Why are all forecasters con-artists? What can Catherine the Great's lovers tell us about probability? And, why should you never run for a train or read a newspaper? This book is all about Black Swans: the random events that underlie our lives, from bestsellers to world disasters. Their impact is huge; they're impossible to predict; yet after they happen we always try to rationalize them. A rallying cry to ignore the 'experts', The Black Swan shows us how to stop trying to predict everything - and take advantage of uncertainty. 在发现澳大利亚的黑天鹅之前,欧洲人认为天鹅都是白色的,“黑天鹅”曾经是他们言谈与写作中的惯用语,用来指不可能存在的事物,但这个不可动摇的信念随着第一只黑天鹅的出现而崩溃。 黑天鹅的存在寓示着不可预测的重大稀有事件,它在意料之外,却又改变一切,但人
TheAlchemistpickedupabookthatsomeoneinthecaravanhadbrought.Leafingthroughthepages,hefoundastoryaboutNarcissus. ThealchemistknewthelegendofNarcissus,ayouthwhokneltdailybesidealaketocomtemplatehisownbeauty.Hewassofascinatedbyhimselfthat,onemorning,hefellintothelakeanddrowned.Atthespotwherehefell,aflowerwasborn,whichwascalledthenarcissus. Butthiswasnothowtheauthorofthebookendedthestory. HesaidthatwhenNarcissusdied,thegoddnessesoftheforestappearedandfoundthelake,whichhadbeenfreshwater,transformedintoalakeofsaltytears. "Whydoyouweep?"thegoddnessesaskes. "IweepforNarcissus,"thelakereplied. "Ah,itisnosurprisethatyouweepforNarcissus,"theysaid,"forthoughwealwayspursuedhimintheforest,youalonecouldcontemplatehisbeautycloseathand." "But...wasNarcissusbeautiful?"thelakeasked "Whobetterthanyoutoknowthat?"thegoddnesssaidinwonder."Afterall,itwasbyyourbanksthatheknelteachdaytocontemplatehimself!" Thelakewassilentforsometime.Finally,itsaid: "IweepforNarcissus,butInevernoticedthatNarcissuswasbeautiful.Iweepbecause,ea
With a brilliant comic voice as well as Jane Austen's penchant for social satire, Candace Bushnell, who with Sex and the City changed forever how we view New York City, female friendships, and the love of a good pair of Manolos, now brings us a sharply observant, keenly funny, wildly entertaining latter day comedy of manners. Modern-day heroine Janey Wilcox is a lingerie model whose reach often exceeds her grasp, and whose new-found success has gone to her head. As we follow Janey's adventures, Bushnell draws us into a seemingly glamorous world of $100,000 cars, hunky polo players and media moguls, Fifth Avenue apartments, and relationships whose hidden agendas are detectable only by the socially astute. But just as Janey enters this world of too much money and too few morals, unseen forces conspire to bring her down, forcing her to reexamine her values about love and friendship-and how far she's really willing to go to realize her dreams.