The writings of Chinese early thinkers have influenced all facets of Chinese culture and society,from education to art,from politics and warfare to mon etiquette.The popular ic book artist TSAI CHIH CHUNG has faithfully brought the wisdom ofthese classics to life with his uniquely charming illustrations. This series on Traditional Chinese Thought features the great thinkers of Chinese histroy,including: Confucius,the sage of harmonious living Laozi,the Daoist sage of natural living Zhuangzi,the Daoist sage of freedom and spontaneity Sunzi,the sage of winning without warring Zen masters,the sages of living in the moment TSAI CHIH CHUNG first came to prominence through his award—winning animated moviO.S and his immensely popular daffy ic strips.When he turned his hand to the classics after a prolonged period of self education.they were acclaimed by critics and shot to the top of the bestsellers lists.Hiooks have been published in America by the renowne
The writings of Chinese early thinkers have influenced all facets of Chinese culture and society,from education to art,from politics and warfare to mon etiquette.The popular ic book artist TSAI CHIH CHUNG has faithfully brought the wisdom ofthese classics to life with his uniquely charming illustrations. This series on Traditional Chinese Thought features the great thinkers of Chinese histroy,including: Confucius,the sage of harmonious living Laozi,the Daoist sage of natural living Zhuangzi,the Daoist sage of freedom and spontaneity Sunzi,the sage of winning without warring Zen masters,the sages of living in the moment TSAI CHIH CHUNG first came to prominence through his award—winning animated moviO.S and his immensely popular daffy ic strips.When he turned his hand to the classics after a prolonged period of self education.they were acclaimed by critics and shot to the top of the bestsellers lists.Hiooks have been published in America by the renowne
The writings of Chinese early thinkers have influenced all facets of Chinese culture and society,from education to art,from politics and warfare to mon etiquette.The popular ic book artist TSAI CHIH CHUNG has faithfully brought the wisdom ofthese classics to life with his uniquely charming illustrations. This series on Traditional Chinese Thought features the great thinkers of Chinese histroy,including: Confucius,the sage of harmonious living Laozi,the Daoist sage of natural living Zhuangzi,the Daoist sage of freedom and spontaneity Sunzi,the sage of winning without warring Zen masters,the sages of living in the moment TSAI CHIH CHUNG first came to prominence through his award—winning animated moviO.S and his immensely popular daffy ic strips.When he turned his hand to the classics after a prolonged period of self education.they were acclaimed by critics and shot to the top of the bestsellers lists.Hiooks have been published in America by the renowne
漫画大师 蔡志忠 + 水墨名家 李义弘 中国水墨的空灵余韵一直是表达佛学禅理的最佳路径。漫画大师蔡志忠结合水墨画名家李义弘,藉由山水的意境以及对于禅宗公案的新诠释,于水墨画中展现禅意的美学。 禅宗讲求不立文字,让禅师以短语或者是动作启发修行者,就是禅宗公案。现今阅读禅宗公案,面对机锋文字的艰深大感不易,蔡志忠以更简洁明了的故事直指人心,告诉我们了解禅其实并不难。 只要我们的心不为客尘所动,不被境遇所惑,让心如镜子反映万象一样,无论境遇如何变化,只有完全顺势反映事物的行为,而没有行为的那个我存在。那便是空的境界,也使我们的心得以自持。
1999年蔡志忠获得“荷兰克劳斯亲王奖”,表彰他“通过漫画将中国传统哲学与文学做出了的再创造”。他的漫画古籍作品《庄子说》《老子说》《漫画禅说》等100多部作品在45个国家和地区出版,过4000,在世界各地拥有大批读者群。在内地,20世纪90年代蔡志忠古籍漫画领衔掀起了“俗说经典”的热潮,成为了经典常销书。至今有不少读者从那时开始熟悉并喜欢他的漫画古籍作品,视为“儿时记忆的国学启蒙书”。 中信出版社此次出版的“蔡志忠漫画古籍典藏系列”共收录蔡氏漫画古籍作品5辑37种40册,整体展现了蔡志忠漫画古籍经典作品的全貌;力求设计出蔡氏作品新高度适合大众阅读、有辨识度、有质感、可以收藏的蔡志忠漫画古籍经典作品。加入古籍原文,辅助阅读;同时将蔡志忠作品的艺术感、想象力通过包装设计的创新、印刷工艺的考究全面展现出来。