Situated in the central patr of the Asian continent,the westem region of China is on the roortop of the world.With and area larger than half of Europe,is has a favorable geographical location.From west China,one can easily travel westward to reach Central Asian countries and even Amsterdan in Europe.It adjoins Southeast Asia and the South Asian subcontinent in the southwest,and the Beibu Gulf and South Chian Sea in the south.The region encopmasses one-third of Chian s administrative regionns-Shaanxi,Gansu,Qinghai,Sichuan,Yunnan and Guizhou provinces,Chongqing Municipality,and the Ningxia Hui,Xingjiang Uygur,Guangxy Zhuang,Inner Mongolia and Tibet autonomous regions.Covering 5.4 million square km.west Chian equals 56 percent of the nation s total land area,and supports a population of280 million,or23 percent of the national total. To get to know west China,begin with its most famous waterways,the Yangtze and Yellow rivers,both of which have nurtured the country s 5,000-year-old civilization.Taking melte
中部贫困地区(国家扶贫工作重点县)占全国贫困地区的四分之一以上,自改革开放以来经济社会总体上有了较大发展,然而,由于种种原因,这些地区的经济社会至今发展不快,且中部贫困地区与中部革命老区存在高度的重合,90%以上的贫困地区都是革命老区,贫困问题依然突出,2013年,中部贫困地区130个贫困老区农村贫困人口1323.03万余人,占其总人口的19.14%,占中部六省贫困人口的49.57%。马克思说: 竞争是挡不住的洪流。 竞争有利于倒贫困地区改进发展模式,提高地方政府执政水平。提升中部贫困地区经济社会发展竞争力是缓解贫困的重要途径之一。要实现中部贫困地区稳步脱贫和持续发展,培育中部贫困地区经济社会发展竞争力是关键。中部贫困地区经济社会发展竞争力的内涵是什么,其现状如何,各贫困地区竞争力的优势与劣势何在?这些都需要详细系