Discoveredintheatticinwhichshespentthelastyearsofherlife,AnneFrank'sremarkablediaryhassincebecomeaworldclassic apowerfulreminderofthehorrorsofwarandaneloquenttestamenttothehumanspirit.In1942,withNazisoccupyingHolland,athirteen-year-oldJewishgirlandherfamilyfledtheirhomeinAmsterdamandwentintohiding.Forthenexttwoyears,untiltheirwhereaboutswerebetrayedtotheGestapo,theyandanotherfamilylivedcloisteredinthe"SecretAnnex"ofanoldofficebuilding.Cutofffromtheoutsideworld,theyfacedhunger,boredom,theconstantcrueltiesoflivinginconfinedquarters,andtheever-presentthreatofdiscoveryanddeath.InherdiaryAnneFrankrecordedvividimpressionsofherexperiencesduringthisperiod.Byturnsthoughtful,moving,andamusing,heraccountoffersafascinatingcommentaryonhumancourageandfrailtyandacompellingself-portraitofasensitiveandspiritedyoungwomanwhosepromisewastragicallycutshort.
Steven Gerrard is a hero to millions, not only as the inspirational captain of Liverpool FC, but as a key member of the England team. Here, for the first time, he tells the story of his lifelong obsession with football, in an honest and revealing book whi
Sir Alex announced his retirement as manager of Manchester United after 27 years in the role. He has gone out in a blaze of glory, with United winning the Premier League for the 13th time, and he is widely considered to be the greatest manager in the history of British football. Over the last quarter of a century there have been seismic changes at Manchester United. The only constant element has been the quality of the manager's league-winning squad and United's run of success, which included winning the Champions League for a second time in 2008. Sir Alex created a purposeful, but welcoming, and much envied culture at the club which has lasted the test of time. Sir Alex saw Manchester United change from a conventional football club to what is now a major business enterprise, and he never failed to move with the times. It was directly due to his vision, energy and ability that he was able to build teams both on and off the pitch. He was a man-manager of phenomenal skill, and increasingly he had to deal wit
The Outspoken political anastlst and bestselling author of Rewriting History turns up the heat in this wildly popular New York Times bestseller. Are you appalled by the antiwar tone the news media has taken since the war on terror began? wondering when celebrities became geopolitical oracles? unsure of who has betrayed us more:our supposed allies abroad or our own corrupt elected officials at home? In off with Their Heads Dick Morris Points an accusing finger at the many ways the public has been lied to and misled pickpocketed and endangered From private corruption to public treachery Morris rips the cover off the cowardly and duplicitous figures who have sacrificed Americas interests for thir own Even longtime political buffs will marvel at the astonishing behavior morris reveals at every level of society-and how it threatens to compromise the American way of life.