With today's popular television programs about criminal justice and crime scene investigation and the surge of detective movies and books, students often have a passion for exploring forensic science. Now you can guide that excitement into a profitable learning experience with the help of the innovative, new FORENSIC SCIENCE: FUNDAMENTALS AND INVESTIGATIONS, 2E. This dynamic, visually powerful text has been carefully crafted to ensure solid scientific content and an approach that delivers precisely what you need for your high school course. Now an established best-seller, FORENSIC SCIENCE: FUNDAMENTALS AND INVESTIGATIONS, 2E offers a truly experiential approach that engages students in active learning and emphasizes the application of integrated science in your course. Student materials combine math, chemistry, biology, physics, and earth science with content aligned to the National Science Education Standards, clearly identified by icons. This book balances extensive scientific concepts with hands-on classro
The Wiley CPAexcel Study Guides have helped over a half million candidates pass the CPA Exam. This volume contains all current AICPA content requirements in Auditing and Attestation (AUD). The comprehensive four-volume paperback set (AUD, BEC, FAR, REG) reviews all four parts of the CPA Exam. With 3,800 multiple-choice questions. The CPA study guides provide the detailed information candidates need to master or reinforce tough topic areas. The content is separated into 48 modules. * Unique modular format helps candidates zero in on areas that need work, organize their study program, and concentrate their efforts. * Comprehensive questions over 3,800 multiple-choice questions and their solutions in the complete set (AUD, BEC, FAR, REG). * Guidelines, pointers, and tips show how to build knowledge in a logical and reinforcing way. Arms test-takers with detailed text explanations and skill-building problems to help candidates identify, focus on, and master the specific topics that may
《肯德基标准化作业与管理细节》系统介绍了肯德基标准化运营的理念和细节,包括品牌的标准化、服务的标准化、质量控制的标准化、运营管理的标准化、员工培训的标准化、特许经营的标准化等,系统而详尽地剖析和总结了肯德基取得成功的关键所在,力求对中国本土餐饮企业的成长提供切实可行的操作性方法和建议。肯德基是在中国发展最快的快餐品牌,迄今为止,它进人中国市场已有二十多年,从一家门点到现如今的2000多家门店,它演绎了一种美国速度,更演绎了一个关于标准化的发展神话。 《肯德基标准化作业与管理细节》每章节都通过“学习目标”、“学习内容”和“餐饮精讲”逐步展开,讲述十分系统和专业,既可作为标准化作业的管理教程,也可作为餐饮企业细节化管理的培训、学习用教材或参考。
张仲景的《伤寒杂病论》在中医界被视为辨证论治的典范,其中“方证辨证”更为医家所常用,但尚未得到充分重视而上升到理论高度全面整理。本书正是适应这一要求而产生的。 绪论部分,对中国汤液方证的概念内涵、渊源沿革、结构意义、层次关系、与六经分证关系以及指导临床实践取得的成果进行了阐述。 各论部分,列举113个方证,进行分析示范,按方证的四要素、类证辨析、临床运用、现代研究、医案选例等项目分别论述。其重点在于方证的四要素、类证辨析、临床运用,以便于读者把握方证的特点并应用于临床。 附录部分,摘录《伤寒论》原文、原方,剂量说明,方证索引等,以启读者前后对照,既见经典本义,又见当今发展。 全书思路新颖,内容朴实简捷,有较强的理论性,也有较高的临床实用价值。可供临床医生、中医院校