多么可爱的主意!Wee Gallery的精美插图浴室书籍可以挤压轻巧,当您将它们浸入水中或使用画笔添加水时,可以从黑白变为全彩。颜色我:谁在雨林?向孩子介绍一个厚脸皮月,昏昏欲睡的懒惰,强大的美洲虎,可爱的变色龙等等。保证沐浴时间的乐趣! What a lovely idea! Wee Gallery's beautifully illustrated bath books are squeezable and lightweight, and magically change from black and white to full colour when you dip them in water or use a paintbrush to add water. Colour Me: Who s In The Rainforest? introduces children to a cheeky month, sleepy sloth, powerful jaguar, cute chameleon and more. Bathtime fun guaranteed!
由于本商品有较多精细零部件,除质量问题及拆封后商品完整的情况外,不接受退换已使用或有丢失部件的商品,望能谅解与知悉。 建造和测试三种不同的全机动车!你会建造一辆快速的掠夺者,一辆超级强大的推土机和一辆尘土飞扬的沙丘车。一旦您的车辆已经建成并准备就绪,请使用您自己的Legos进行定制。这些机动车辆的核心是什么?套件中包含的Power Core。Power Core有两种不同的齿轮,可提供高速,高功率和前进和后退选项。通过MotorBlox,年轻的工程师将学习齿轮,扭矩,牵引力,车辆设计以及在构建时如何解决问题。有了MotorBlox,可能性是无限的! Build and test three different fully-motorized vehicles! You ll construct a blazing fast dragster, a super-powerful bulldozer, and a dusty dune buggy. Once your vehicles are built and ready, customize them with your very own Legos. The heart of these motorized, movi