潜水到一个凉爽的水下谁是谁, 什么是海在这个手掌大小的弹出式宝藏。探索海洋生物,如螃蟹、章鱼和海马,它们以生动的珊瑚色和群青色飞溅,并游过以熟悉的水生生物为特色的水域一一从渔船到灯塔再到潜水艇。
Say hello to LEGO[registered] Friends - LEGO's gorgeous newrange aimed exclusively at girls! Meet the characters - Andrea,Emma, Mia, Stephanie and Olivia - and have fun using your coolstickers in this brilliant activity book!
This bestselling book features a collection of favorite I Spyriddles that send readers searching for hidden objects in 13photographs with a mystery theme.
Celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the I Spy series with I SPYSPECTACULAR! 20 years ago, Jean Marzollo and Walter Wick created the firsttitle in their bestselling I Spy series, I SPY: A BOOK OF PICTURERIDDLES. Now you can celebrate that 20th Anniversary with I SPYSPECTACULAR! New riddles from Jean Marzollo are paired with 13 ofWalter Wick's photographs from the classic I Spy vault to create aspectacular search-and-find. I SPY SPECTACULAR features a specialanniversary section, including the history of the first I Spy bookand its creators, that is truly spectacular!
This "LEGO Legends of Chima Sticker Activity Book" is themust-have for any LEGO fans. Following in the footsteps of LEGOAtlantis and LEGO Ninjago comes an incredible new LEGO theme -"Legends of Chima"! Step into the mystical land of Chima, wheretribes of animal warriors battle for control of the precious CHI.It is packed with loads of stickers and activities from the land ofChima. You can also enhance your LEGO Chima experience with ourfantastic "Legends of Chima: Wolves and Crocodiles" activitybook.
School's open for I Spy fans, with a fun learning activity onevery page. Readers will find a blackboard scene with brainteasersto solve, a classification puzzle to ponder, a nature scene toexplore, and much, much more!
您的孩子喜歡火車,並且總是夢想著長大以後能成為火車駕駛嗎?如果您的答案是肯定的,那麼在孩子長大以前,就先用這本書讓他們過過乾癮吧! 這本刺激有趣的故事書,內含四組紙上軌道和一台火車形狀的迴力車,包準讓您的孩子玩得愛不釋手。迴力車的操作方法非常簡單,只要將迴力車往後滑幾下,就可以啟動車內的「引擎」,再將它放在軌道上,火車便可自動行駛前進,一路穿越城市裡的火車站、郊區的小橋和田野,直到抵達目的地動物園為止。 除此之外,火車還將駛過許多有趣的場景,每翻開一頁都是新的驚喜,快和孩子一同跟著火車的軌道前進,帶令頁他們了解這個世界各式各樣的風景變化,享受親子之間快樂的閱讀時光。如果您的孩子喜歡火車,那麼本書是聖誕禮物的選擇。
A celebration of America's #1 pet, breed by breed, from thefriendly neighborhood Silver Classic Tabby to the exotic Korat, theCornish Rex Cat to the Somali, the Chartreux and the Egyptian Mau,once worshipped in ancient Egypt as the living form of thecat-goddess Bastet. Learn all about their mysterious ways,fascinating and often legendary history, unusual quirks--one breed,the Norwegian Forest Cat, has special claws allowing it to climbrocks; another the La Perm, is a face-kisser--appearance,temperament, and more. 50 individually die-cut cards, full-colorthroughout.
From the very hungry caterpillar to the big brown bear andmany more, the World of Eric Carle brings all of the belovedillustrator's creations together. Boys and girls ages 3-7 will havehours of fun adding their own colorful and creative touches to theart of Eric Carle in this deluxe coloring book that features morethan 300 stickers!
This bestselling book features a collection of favorite I Spyriddles that send readers searching 12 photographs for hiddenobjects.
This bestselling book features a collection of favorite I Spyriddles that send readers searching 12 photographs for hiddenobjects.
Blizzard Entertainment and Dark Horse Books are proud to present the third installment of their bestselling World of Warcraft Chronicle series! Like its predecessors, Volume III features beautiful full-color artwork by Peter Lee, Emily Chen, Stanton Feng, and other fan-favorite artists, as well as intricately detailed maps and spot art by Joseph Lacroix. Bolster your knowledge of Warcraft lore with this striking third volume!,