You approach with caution, drawn to their equine beauty. Thesleek stallion, the magnificent mare, and the gentle foal look likeany happy family. But don't get too close. These are wild horses,untamed by humans. Now photographers Yva Momatiuk and John Eastcotttake you inside the world of the wild horse. This husband-and-wifeteam of committed experts makes a case for the conservation of oneof America's favorite wild species.
霸王龙,故事生活中知名和常被误解的超级物种! 这只强大的恐龙,巨大、绿色、有鳞,或者,正如我们现在所知,巨大且部分有羽毛,具有敏锐的听觉、嗅觉和巨大的视觉,主宰了白垩纪的景观。每个人都知道6600万年前撞击地球的巨大小行星,它结束了恐龙时代。或者是这样吗?