Your skeleton helps you leap, somersault, and touch your toes-- without it, you would be as floppy as a beanbag There are over200 bones living and growing inside you that make up your skeleton.There are also ligaments and joints that hold your bones together,and cartilage in your bendable parts like your ears and your nose.Learn all about what a skeleton can do -- because this isn't somemake-believe Halloween skeleton, this is the real skeleton insideyou.
The bestselling, fan-favorite chapter-book series sends Jack andAnnie on a chilling rescue mission Merlin the magician and Morgan le Fay have disappeared, and inorder to find them, Jack and Annie journey with their friends Teddyand Kathleen to the Land-Behind-the-Clouds, a frozen kingdom of iceand snow. There they must overcome their fears and solve the IceWizard's riddle, because if Jack and Annie don't complete theirmission in time, Merlin and Morgan will disappear forever Magic Tree House books are "New York Times" bestsellers. Theseries' irresistible mix of magic, myth, history, and mystery hasinspired a love of reading in countless children all over theworld. Find out why with "Winter of the Ice Wizard "
Each person in the United States makes almost five pounds oftrash every day. That’s more trash per person per day than peoplemake in any other country! We throw away everything from applecores to bicycles. Sometimes, we even throw away things that couldbe poisonous if they aren’t disposed of properly. And often, wethrow away things we shouldn’t, things we could use again. So, whathappens to all our trash? How does it affect the environment? Andhow can we stop making so much of it? Read and find o
幽默 想象力 有趣!有趣!有趣! 激动人心=科学? 是的!这就是《可怕的科学》!本丛书三度荣获国际科普图书奖 安万特青少年奖,全球热销,版权销售至25个国家和地区,美国亚马逊网五星级评论,名校名师特别推荐。 当你听到科学家侃侃而谈的时候,你是不是觉得他们上知天文、下晓地理 好像什么都懂?可别被他们唬住了,科学家并不是什么都懂。要真是那样,他们就不用做什么实验了,一天到晚跷着二郎腿坐着就行了。实际上,我们的科学家还有很多疑难没解决,我们还有很多不知道或不理解的事。 2004年7月,《可怕的科学》获得了霍金《果壳里的宇宙》曾获得过的安万特科学书籍奖。安万特奖一向来被称作"科普诺贝尔奖"。《可怕的科学》这次获得的是安万特青少年奖,要获得这个奖是很不容易的,除了要由英国皇家科学院院士提名,还得由
Branley explains these powerful storms in simple terms youngchildren can understand. He describes the funnel cloud and how itforms and [tells] what to do during a tornado. The book ends on acomfortable note, that the idea is not to panic but to know what todo to ensure safety.
Archaeologists on a dig work very much like detectives at acrime scene. Every chipped rock, charred seed, or fossilized bonecould be a clue to how people lived in the past. In thisinformation-packed Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science book, Kate Dukeexplains what scientists are looking for, how they find it, andwhat their finds reveal.
The monarch butterfly, one of the most seemingly delicate ofall of nature’s animals, proves to be one of the toughest in thisreader. Making the yearly trip from the Northern United States andCanada to the Oyamel forest of Mexico is no easy task, and it takesfive generations of butterflies in order to do so. Battling coldtemperatures and the threat of starvation, these beautiful insectscomplete an almost 3,000 mile journey over the course of twomonths, only to have to turn and around and head back home.
Readand find out about one of nature's most mysterious forces--theearthquake. Some earthquakes are so small that you don't even feelthem, while others can make even big buildings shake Learn whyearthquakes happen, where they are most likely to occur, and whatto do if one happens near you.
Earle takes children on an undersea journey to explore anamazing "underwater city." She explains the formation of coralreefs and provides information about the conditions needed forsurvival. In addition, the author introduces other animals thatlive in and near the reef and stresses the importance of protectingcorals from pollution. Matthews's ink-and-gouache paintings bringthe colors and variety of this habitat to life. The book alsoincludes a simple experiment that demonstrates how "filter feeders"strain food from the water.
MathMatters(《数学帮帮忙》)系列目前共42册,包括 数字与运算 、 量与计量 、 图形与几何 、 探索规律 、 统计与概率 等内容,几乎涵盖了小学阶段所有重要的数学知识。 MathMatters(《数学帮帮忙》)系列的每一本书都会讲述一个发生在孩子身边的故事,由故事中出现的问题自然地引入一个数学知识,然后通过运用数学知识解决问题。 孩子在主动参与和积极思考的过程中会慢慢发觉,课本上那些既枯燥又抽象的数学知识竟变得如此容易理解和掌握!更重要的是,孩子能深深感受到运用数学知识去解决实际生活中的问题所带来的快乐,从而激发他们学习数学的兴趣,让他们逐渐爱上数学。 这套数学绘本非常适合亲子共读,在阅读过程中,家长可以带领孩子推测情节的发展,探讨解决难题的办法,让孩子在愉悦的氛围中学到知识和技巧。 每个故事后都会用多样的