Your skeleton helps you leap, somersault, and touch your toes-- without it, you would be as floppy as a beanbag There are over200 bones living and growing inside you that make up your skeleton.There are also ligaments and joints that hold your bones together,and cartilage in your bendable parts like your ears and your nose.Learn all about what a skeleton can do -- because this isn't somemake-believe Halloween skeleton, this is the real skeleton insideyou.
The bestselling, fan-favorite chapter-book series sends Jack andAnnie on a chilling rescue mission Merlin the magician and Morgan le Fay have disappeared, and inorder to find them, Jack and Annie journey with their friends Teddyand Kathleen to the Land-Behind-the-Clouds, a frozen kingdom of iceand snow. There they must overcome their fears and solve the IceWizard's riddle, because if Jack and Annie don't complete theirmission in time, Merlin and Morgan will disappear forever Magic Tree House books are "New York Times" bestsellers. Theseries' irresistible mix of magic, myth, history, and mystery hasinspired a love of reading in countless children all over theworld. Find out why with "Winter of the Ice Wizard "
幽默 想象力 有趣!有趣!有趣! 激动人心=科学? 是的!这就是《可怕的科学》!本丛书三度荣获国际科普图书奖 安万特青少年奖,全球热销,版权销售至25个国家和地区,美国亚马逊网五星级评论,名校名师特别推荐。 当你听到科学家侃侃而谈的时候,你是不是觉得他们上知天文、下晓地理 好像什么都懂?可别被他们唬住了,科学家并不是什么都懂。要真是那样,他们就不用做什么实验了,一天到晚跷着二郎腿坐着就行了。实际上,我们的科学家还有很多疑难没解决,我们还有很多不知道或不理解的事。 2004年7月,《可怕的科学》获得了霍金《果壳里的宇宙》曾获得过的安万特科学书籍奖。安万特奖一向来被称作"科普诺贝尔奖"。《可怕的科学》这次获得的是安万特青少年奖,要获得这个奖是很不容易的,除了要由英国皇家科学院院士提名,还得由
Joanna Cole的大作,风靡全球的一套科学桥梁阅读读物――神奇校车再次出版。在书中,小读者可以跟着主人公一起进行探险,故事情节新鲜刺激,却富有科学性,对话俏皮幽默,在不经意间散落出各种知识,展现出一种严谨、新奇、而又充满乐趣的教学方式,孩子跟随着书中的小伙伴们一起体验原理、学会操作、懂得思考、爱上科学,满足他们与生俱来的求知欲。在不断的求知和探索中,孩子们能够领略到人类的渺小以及科学的强大,对自然抱有敬畏之心,从而慢慢培养他们的人文和科技素养。 这套神奇校车是手绘版,线条细腻,色彩柔和,全套书共六本,并包含时长接近3小时的CD,读者可以选择按书页有断续地朗读或者不间断朗读。 CD时长:2小时47分 《神奇校车》荣获了美国一系列奖项,包括: 全美受欢迎的儿童自然科学图书系列。
Archaeologists on a dig work very much like detectives at acrime scene. Every chipped rock, charred seed, or fossilized bonecould be a clue to how people lived in the past. In thisinformation-packed Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science book, Kate Dukeexplains what scientists are looking for, how they find it, andwhat their finds reveal.
This book is one of a new series of books, "Read andDiscover", designed to encourage children to learn about the worldas they learn to read. You can use it for fishing, hunting, tying,pulling, lifting and carrying - a piece of string is a wonderfulthing! It supports KS1-2 Science and Literacy. It is written inconsultation with the Centre for Literacy in Primary Education. Itoffers non-fiction for developing readers. It features texts andillustrations which support children learning to read. It containsextra information section at the back of the book with index,author and illustrator biography.
Readand find out about one of nature's most mysterious forces--theearthquake. Some earthquakes are so small that you don't even feelthem, while others can make even big buildings shake Learn whyearthquakes happen, where they are most likely to occur, and whatto do if one happens near you.
The ingeniously designed, safe plastic bottle is perfect for catching and viewing creepy crawlies, then letting them go unharmed. This is a bug kit with a conscience! The full-colour book provides field notes to 46 bugs (up from the original 24) arranged by habitat, including pond, forest, ground, leaves, field, flower. Written by entomologist Hugh Danks, the "Bug Book" gives comprehensive information about these fascinating creatures - how they live, what they eat, unusual characteristics, and more.It offers simple, clear guidelines on how to collect and care for bugs, and equally helpful hints on which bugs not to catch. New to the kit are a fold-out bug chart for quick identification, a magnifier to see the critters up close, and a bug explorer's journal to record discoveries. Discover how the whirligig beetle got its name, why fireflies light up, and how water striders walk on water. And then impress parents and friends - here are all the tools kids need to become bona fide bug experts.
Holly Keller has created vivacious new paintings for thisfavorite Reading Rainbow title about geology. Readers follow twoenthusiastic rock hounds around the globe as they add to theircollection. Along the way they will learn how sedimentary,metamorphic, and igneous rocks are formed. From the Egyptianpyramids to Roman roads, from the diamond ring on your finger tothe pebbles under your feet'rocks are everywhere!
Jack and Annie are ready for their next fantasy adventure in thebestselling middle-grade series—the Magic Tree House! Wildfire! That's what Jack and Annie are up against when they are whiskedaway to the land of Australia. And they're not alone! Jack andAnnie must help a baby kangaroo and a koala escape from afire-filled forest. Will they be able to rescue the animals intime? Visit the Magic Tree House website!
The classroom is decorated as Dinosaur Land, but Ms.Frizzle-inspired by an archeological dig-craves a more authenticexperience. The Magic School Bus turns into a time machine andtransports the class back millions of years to an adventure wherethey learn about dinosaurs, their habitats and diets, and even aMaiasaura nesting ground.