Polar Bear,Polar Bear, What do you hear? 北极熊,北极熊,你听到了什么? Polar Bear和套装的Brown Bear其他三本一样的唱读调子。虽然图画和文字、主角都不同,但却是一样的节奏。这本《Polar Bear,Polar Bear,What Do you Hear》,是由重复的问题"What Do You Hear?" 带出 10 种动物的回答 I hear a......in my ear 。 在10个一问一答中,巧妙的加入了10 种声音动词。比如 I hear a lion roaring in my ear. I hear a hippopotamus snorting in my ear 这些声音动词。 而到了最后一页, 我听到孩子们在学北极熊吼叫,学狮子咆哮,学河马打哼声,学火烈鸟的笛叫声,学斑马粗声叫,学蟒蛇发嘶嘶声,学大象吼叫,学豹低吼,学孔雀尖叫,学海象咆哮...... 在阅读过程中,也能感觉耳边充满了各种声音,把一本书变这么热闹有趣。
《 小羊罗素睡不着 》 -- 幽默逗趣地道出了孩子贪玩,不肯睡觉的心态,也从孩子的角度诙谐地来揣测帮助罗素入睡的丰富想象力 这就是小羊罗素。有时候,他只是比别的小伙伴慢了一拍。所有的小羊都睡了,除了罗素。无论他怎么努力,就是睡不着。这可该怎么办呢?罗素尝试了很多种办法,直到后,他终于睡着了。 晚安,罗素! This is Russell. Sometimes Russell is just a little bit out ofstep with the rest of the flock. All the sheep are falling asleep-- except Russell. What's a sheep to do? Russell trieseverything... until, at last, he falls asleep. “ Go ToSleep, Russell the Sheep ” Picture book favourite Russell the Sheep in abrand new interactive format for younger children. SometimesRussell the Sheep is just a little bit out of step with the rest offlock. All the ther sheep are fastasleep, but no matter how hard he t
Little Tiger did not want to go to bed. Eventually his Mummywas fed up with him, so decided to let him stay up all night.Little Tiger was delighted and went off into the jungle to playwith his friends. But they were all asleep, and he was allalone.
Once there were two friends ,one of whom wamted to fly……