A rainy day won't stop Dora and Boots from having fun! Thissuper chubby has a padded cover and is perfect for little hands andDora fans!
《TITCH》是一个关于成长的故事。主人公是小Titch,他有一个哥哥和一个姐姐,哥哥姐姐的东西都是大的,Titch的都是小的。哥哥姐姐有大的自行车,Titch只有小的三轮车;哥哥姐姐有大风筝,Titch只有小风车;哥哥姐姐有大鼓和喇叭,Titch只有小木笛;哥哥姐姐有大锯子和大锤子,Titch只有小钉子;哥哥姐姐有大锹和花盆,Titch只有一粒小种子,但Titch的小种子却长成比哥哥姐姐还要高大树。重复的句式,大和小的对比概念,表达着小Titch想要快快长大的愿望。彭懿的《图画书阅读与经典》中写到“这种无形的渴望变成了一棵有形的大树”。 Titch is little. Everything he has is little -- his littlepinwheel, his little tricycle. He even plays a little whistle.Peep. Pete and Mary are big. Everything they have is bigger thanTitch's, and better. Their big bikes go faster. Their big kites flyhigher. And their huge instrument
Numbers 1 to 30 reinforces your child’s classroom learning of number recognition, number formation, quantities and counting. It provides the repeated practice your child needs to thoroughly learn the numbers 1 to 30. Activities include: Tracing and writing numbers Identifying and sequencing numbers Drawing specified quantities Counting objects in a set Comparing sets of objects For use with Grades K-2.
A day in the life of parent and child--full of smiles andgiggles, messes and meals, boundless energy and well-earned rest.Not to mention lots of love. Here, in simple rhyming verse,accompanied by colorful, playful illustrations, is one such day.Share it with others and treasure the memories.
BrightReaders(配套培生朗文e阅读在线课程)是培养孩子从早期到自主阅读的英语分级阅读系列图书,全套共6个级别,每级10本图书,总计60本,60个故事。它满足6-12岁儿童英语学习所需,是经典的读物,也是学习英语的经典教材。它秉承“故事里探索世界,阅读中培养人格”的教育理念,为孩子终身学习的能力奠定基础。 这套亚洲畅销分级读物有以下特色,令人爱不释手: 培生朗文国际化儿童教育专家和语言专家编写 涵盖语文、数学、外语、历史、地理、社会6个不同学科的知识 包含1200个英语词汇和200个经典句型,不断重复出现的高频词汇、句型,与有趣的故事融合,让孩子在快乐的故事中学好英语。 冒险、奇幻、动物、生活故事,调动儿童多种感官与动画中的角色一起历险、一起成长。 创意互动,色彩明快,让孩子在阅读中,自
Numbers 1 to 30 reinforces your child’s classroom learning of number recognition, number formation, quantities and counting. It provides the repeated practice your child needs to thoroughly learn the numbers 1 to 30. Activities include: Tracing and writing numbers Identifying and sequencing numbers Drawing specified quantities Counting objects in a set Comparing sets of objects For use with Grades K-2.
Dora and Boots are taking a trip to Dora's grandma's houseto deliver a special valentine surprise. Along the way they see allof their friends celebrating Valentine's Day. From cupcakes tocandies, there's so much to find in this sweet lift-the-flapstory.
《THE GRUFFALO'S CHILD》 But one wild and windy night the Gruffalo's Child ignores herfather's warning and tiptoes out into the snow. After all, the BigBad Mouse doesn't really esist…… does he? 《THE Polar Bear and the Snow Cloud》 《Sam's Snowflake》 《JACK FROST》 《Henry's Holiday》 《Bella Gets Her Skates On》 《Say Hello to the Snowy Animals!》 《Betty and the YET!》 《BIG BEAR LITTLE BROTHET》 《Foxes in the Snow》
“折耳兔 奇奇好棒 ” 之 《一起来玩吧》 —— 虽然只是孩子间普通的一句话,却意味着快乐的开始 小兔子们像平时一样分成好几个小组,各自玩起了游戏。白兔子们玩的是 “ 胡萝卜快跑 ” ;灰兔子们玩的是 “ 风筝向前飞 ” ;褐色小兔子们玩的是 “ 青蛙背上跳 ” ; “ 火车呜呜开 ” 是黑兔子们的* …… 虽然奇奇是一只小白兔,他却不想只玩 “ 胡萝卜快跑 ” ,而是渴望着 “ 要是大家能在一起玩游戏该多好啊! ” 这时,奇奇注意到旁边一只孤零零的小斑点兔 ——“ 泡泡 ”…… 我们将看到一个友善的奇奇、仗义执言的奇奇和智慧的奇奇。是奇奇的友善拉近了泡泡和大家的距离,是奇奇的仗义执言维护了朋友的尊严,是智慧的奇奇化解了尴尬的场面并给大家创造出新的欢乐,而所有的这些快乐都
Frog is feeling most unwell. He keeps getting hot, then cold,and something inside his chest is going “thump, thump.” Hare saysit means he’s in love! But who with? And how can he show hisdevotion — perhaps by performing the biggest jump ever?
《格格和奶奶》 格格喜欢一切都是老样子,她不喜欢兴奋的事儿,可托马斯一家要出外旅游去了,格格只好和奶奶待在一块儿。这个安排听起来相当不错,但没有人告诉格格,奶奶家还有一只小猫叫蒂布尔斯,格格有时候很喜欢他,有时候又不喜欢他。她很想念黛比,所以她偷偷地跑到家门口迎接黛比……
《格格在黑夜里》 格格坐在黑夜里深思,但黑夜并不是她想要的,黑夜里没有她的晚饭,没有她的篮子,没有她的家人,只有一些奇奇怪怪的东西 —— 长尖牙的大鸟?硕大的老鼠?会爬树的狗?会飞的小猫?这些都会出现在黑夜里吗?
小熊帕丁顿从来没有参加过狂欢节,格鲁伯先生特意带他去运河狂欢节游玩。为了赢得两张运河游船的免费船票,两个好朋友参加了小蜜蜂找单词之旅的活动。小熊帕丁顿很快就发现自己在找东西方面很拿手,他找到了很多以英文字母 B 开头的东西,但是,他好像不是一个想得到奖品的人…… Paddington has never been to a carnival before, so MrGruber takes him down to the canal to join in the fun. Hoping towina boat ride for two, the friends enter the Busy Bee AdventureTrail.Paddington soon discovers that he's very good at spottingthings beginning with the letter B, but it seems that he's not theonly one with his eye on the prize...
Who has a stripy tail and whoswin9s through the trees?Discovergorgeous 9orillas, tiny froglets and more in this adorablebook about baby animals in the jungle.