Newton's fundamental discovery, the one which he considered necessary to keep secret and published only in the form of an anagram, consists of the following: Data aequatione quotcunque fluentes quantitae involvente fluones invenire et vice' versa. In contemporary mathematical language, this means: "It is useful to solve differential equations". At present, the theory of differential equations represents a vast con- glomerate of a great many ideas and methods of different nature, very useful for many applications and constantly stimulating theoretical in- vestigations in all areas of mathematics. Many of the routes connecting abstract mathematical theories to appli- cations in the natural sciences lead through differential equations. Many topics of the theory of differential equations grew so much that they became disciplines in themselves; problems from the theory of differential equations had great significance in the origins of such disciplines as linear algebra, the theory of Lie groups, function
《春雨 2015 中国华罗庚学校课本:数学(一年级)》涵盖《课程标准》和《教学大纲》要求,又不拘泥于《标准》与《大纲》;使青少年懂得科学探究的过程,拓展研究成果和思维空间;形成创造性学习的优势,获得可持续发展。 每章创设有探索价值的开放性科学问题,提出重难点所在,指点解决的方法、策略;每节给出教材可用结论,提出拓展的“探究目标”,展示“探究过程”,设计“创新洲练”,让学生参与、体验、发展;每章后的“阶段性复习题”和书末的“竞赛模拟试卷”,倡导学生及时总结,不断提升和超出自我。 《春雨 2015 中国华罗庚学校课本:数学(一年级)》主编与撰稿人均为知名专家和奥林匹克教练,具有长期从事开发3%左右智力超常青少年潜能的经验,善于创设学科背景问题,引导学生探究,走向成功。