本书引进自 Springer 出版社,由国际病理诊断专家 Helmut H. Popper 和 Bruno Murer 新近合著的一部肺病理诊断图谱。两位著者在肺病理诊断方面经验丰富、造诣深厚,在书中列举分析了数百例真实病例,展示了数千张图片。全书共 34 章,结合大量典型和不典型病例及其病理照片,图文并茂地阐述了肺和胸膜的肿瘤及瘤前病变、罕见肿瘤,以及间质性肺病、代谢性肺病、感染性肺炎、尘肺病、药物性肺病、发育性和儿童肺疾病等非肿瘤性肺疾病的病理诊断新进展、新思路和实用技巧,具有明显的创新性。本书内容丰富实用,不仅具有学术前沿性,而且对日常肺病理诊断的参考意义重大,对处于各学习阶段的病理科医生及肺病相关专业的临床医生具有很强的指导价值。
《系统和肺》第二版是作者对1992年版本进行全面修订、充实后的一本崭新的临床参考书。本书以肺为纲,网络全身各系统疾病,涵盖内科学、免疫学、外科学、麻醉学、妇产科学、耳鼻喉科学、学、皮肤性病学等与呼吸系统相关的许多疑难病或罕见疾病。全书分为主要累及肺的系统、肺外疾病在肺部的表现和呼吸系统疾病对全身的影响三篇,共36 章,内容详尽丰富,是一本呼吸内科连锁临床各学科的很有特色的专著。本书突出知识性,参考近年来发表、出版的大量文献资料,引用概念,介绍知识,倡导技术。本书还特别注重实用性,列举了40多例确诊的典型病例和170多幅临床照片,这些资料绝大部分来自作者43年临床生涯积累所得,有些资料殊属难得。本书将会成为呼吸内科医生的良师益友,也可作为各临床学科医师的重要参考书。
In view of the importance of pulmonaryand critical care medicine to the field of internal medicine andthe speed with which the scientific basis of the discipline isevolving, this Sectional was developed. The purpose of thiook isto provide the readers with an overview of the field of pulmonaryand critical care medicine. To achieve this end, this Sectionalprises the key pulmonary and critical care medicine chapters inHarrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 17th edition,contributed by leading experts in the fields. This Sectional isdesigned not only for physicians-in-training, but also for medicalstudents, practicing clinicians, and other health careprofessionals who seek to maintain adequately updated knowledge ofthis rapidly advancing field. The editorelieve that thiookwill improve the reader's knowledge of the discipline, as well ashighlight its importance to the field of internal medicine.
由朱玲、翟振国主编的《肺栓塞临床实战》由10 部分组成,如:肺血栓栓塞症的误诊原因分析、深静 脉血栓形成的识别与诊治、围手术期静脉血栓栓塞症 的预防、内科住院患者静脉血栓栓塞症的预防、肿瘤 与静脉血栓栓塞症、超声技术在静脉血栓栓塞症诊治 中的应用等等,每一部分由临床病例入手,对真实案 例进行分析,解决病例中的困惑和疑问,其后以问答 的方式就相关问题进行讨论和分析。
In view of the importance of pulmonaryand critical care medicine to the field of internal medicine andthe speed with which the scientific basis of the discipline isevolving, this Sectional was developed. The purpose of thiook isto provide the readers with an overview of the field of pulmonaryand critical care medicine. To achieve this end, this Sectionalprises the key pulmonary and critical care medicine chapters inHarrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 17th edition,contributed by leading experts in the fields. This Sectional isdesigned not only for physicians-in-training, but also for medicalstudents, practicing clinicians, and other health careprofessionals who seek to maintain adequately updated knowledge ofthis rapidly advancing field. The editorelieve that thiookwill improve the reader's knowledge of the discipline, as well ashighlight its importance to the field of internal medicine.
肺血管病是比较常见又难治的疾病,临床医生需要系统学习。作者,有写作热情。本书以反映肺血管病领域进展和成果为切入点,从概念和分类、发病机制、诊断技术和标准、危险分层和 的角度,比较系统的介绍了肺血管病学领域中主要疾病的诊断、 及相关基础。
In view of the importance of pulmonaryand critical care medicine to the field of internal medicine andthe speed with which the scientific basis of the discipline isevolving, this Sectional was developed. The purpose of thiook isto provide the readers with an overview of the field of pulmonaryand critical care medicine. To achieve this end, this Sectionalprises the key pulmonary and critical care medicine chapters inHarrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 17th edition,contributed by leading experts in the fields. This Sectional isdesigned not only for physicians-in-training, but also for medicalstudents, practicing clinicians, and other health careprofessionals who seek to maintain adequately updated knowledge ofthis rapidly advancing field. The editorelieve that thiookwill improve the reader's knowledge of the discipline, as well ashighlight its importance to the field of internal medicine.
In view of the importance of pulmonaryand critical care medicine to the field of internal medicine andthe speed with which the scientific basis of the discipline isevolving, this Sectional was developed. The purpose of thiook isto provide the readers with an overview of the field of pulmonaryand critical care medicine. To achieve this end, this Sectionalprises the key pulmonary and critical care medicine chapters inHarrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 17th edition,contributed by leading experts in the fields. This Sectional isdesigned not only for physicians-in-training, but also for medicalstudents, practicing clinicians, and other health careprofessionals who seek to maintain adequately updated knowledge ofthis rapidly advancing field. The editorelieve that thiookwill improve the reader's knowledge of the discipline, as well ashighlight its importance to the field of internal medicine.
《系统和肺》第二版是作者对1992年版本进行全面修订、充实后的一本崭新的临床参考书。本书以肺为纲,网络全身各系统疾病,涵盖内科学、免疫学、外科学、麻醉学、妇产科学、耳鼻喉科学、学、皮肤性病学等与呼吸系统相关的许多疑难病或罕见疾病。全书分为主要累及肺的系统、肺外疾病在肺部的表现和呼吸系统疾病对全身的影响三篇,共36 章,内容详尽丰富,是一本呼吸内科连锁临床各学科的很有特色的专著。本书突出知识性,参考近年来发表、出版的大量文献资料,引用概念,介绍知识,倡导技术。本书还特别注重实用性,列举了40多例确诊的典型病例和170多幅临床照片,这些资料绝大部分来自作者43年临床生涯积累所得,有些资料殊属难得。本书将会成为呼吸内科医生的良师益友,也可作为各临床学科医师的重要参考书。