《哈利 波特》 的七部小说与电影虽早已终结,但它的IP功力是强大的!2016年,对广大哈迷来说,是幸福的。继《哈利 波特与被诅咒的孩子》的舞台剧于7月30日日起在英国开演,衍生电影《神奇的动物在哪里》也将于11月18日上映,在原作图书出版方面,《哈利 波特与魔法石》的插画版本已于2015年10月发行。这是完全由插画组成的系列 而今年十月份,第二本 《哈利 波特与密室》 的插画本就要来了。插画版本的系列图书都将由英国插画师、概念艺术家Jim Kay亲自操刀完成。Jim Kay获得过很多奖项。关于创作《哈利 波特》的过程,来听听插画师怎么说的吧。 《哈利 波特与密室》的整个创作过程难以想象的艰辛。我们花了两年半的时间做完了第一本书;第二本书我们用了八个月,这个期间我还生病了。但我现在已
Jules Verne (1828-1905) is internationally famous as the author of a distinctive series of adventure stories describing new travel technologies which opened up the world and provided means to escape from it. The collective enthusiasm of generations of readers of his 'extraordinary voyages' was a key factor in the rise of modern science fiction. In The Mysterious Island a group of men escape imprisonment during the American Civil War by stealing a balloon. Blown across the world, they are air-wrecked on a remote desert island. In a manner reminiscent of Robinson Crusoe, the men apply their scientific knowledge and technical skill to exploit the island's bountiful resources, eventually constructing a sophisticated society in miniature. The book is also an intriguing mystery story, for the island has a secret.,
Paperback: 880 pages Publisher: Vintage (Jan. 10 2012) Language: English ISBN-10: 0307947173 ISBN-13: 978-0307947178 Product Dimensions: 13.8 x 4.3 x 20.3 cm Shipping Weight: 839 g Charles Dickens s most famous novel was also his own favorite, and the one that drew most on his own life story. David Copperfield is the classic account of a boy growing up in a world that is by turns magical, fearful, and grimly realistic. In a book that is part fairy tale and part thinly veiled autobiography, Dickens transmutes his experiences into a brilliant series of comic and sentimental adventures in the spirit of the great eighteenth-century novelists he so much admired. Few readers can fail to be touched by David s fate, and fewer still to be delighted by his story. The cruel Murdstone, the feckless Micawber, the unctuous and sinister Uriah Heep, and David Copperfield himself, into whose portrait Dickens poured so much of his own early life, form an enduring part of our literary leg
生命中只有两样东西不可缺少:诗歌和爱情。送一首诗给你的爱情! ★ 诺贝尔文学奖得主、 20世纪所有语种中*伟大的诗人 聂鲁达情诗全集,被誉为 情 诗 圣经 。全球销量已超过1亿册。 ★ 完整收录《二十首情诗和一首绝望的歌》《船长的诗》《一百首爱的十四行诗》:包含爱情的一切元 素, 穷尽爱情的一切表达。 ★ 中文版首次正式授权出版,由《万物静默如谜》译者陈黎、张芬龄自西班牙语完整译出。 聂鲁达20岁写就时的《二十首情诗和一首绝望的歌》,为他赢得了全世界的赞誉。《船长的诗》《一百首爱的十四行诗》是聂鲁达写给爱人玛蒂尔德的情诗,充满了突发的和炽烈的激情。 爱是这么短,遗忘是这么长 我喜欢你沉默的时候,因为你仿佛不在 等经典的聂鲁达诗句,打动着每一个恋人。 他的诗篇具有自然力般的作用,复苏了一个大陆的命运与梦想