Publisher: CanongateBooks;Mainedition(6July2023) Language: English Paperback: 496pages ISBN-10: 1838854800 ISBN-13: 978-1838854805 Dimensions: 12.9x3x19.8cm 《星期日泰晤士报》水石雜誌 2022年蕞佳图书:2022年《星期日邮报》蕞佳图书艾伦·里克曼几乎在所有类型的电影中都是蕞受欢迎的演员之一,从他在《虎胆龙威》中饰演的恶棍汉斯·格鲁伯到他饰演西弗勒斯·斯内普教授等令人心碎的角色。他高贵的气质、洪亮的嗓音和他为每个角色带来的睿智,至今仍吸引着新的观众。但里克曼的艺术性并
Inventor. Visionary. Genius. Dropout. Adopted. Steve Jobs was the founder of Apple, and he was all of these things. Steve Jobs has been described as a showman, artist, tyrant, genius, jerk. Through his life he was loved, hated, admired and dismissed, yet he was a living legend; the genius who founded Apple in his parent's garage when he was just 21 years old, revolutionising the music world. He single-handedly introduced the first computer that could sit on your desk, and founded and nurtured a company called Pixar, bringing to life Oscar-winning animations Toy Story and Finding Nemo. So how did the man -- who was neither engineer nor computer geek -- change the world we live in, making us want every product he touched? On graduation day in 2005, a fifty-year-old Steve Jobs said: "Today I want to tell you three stories from my life. That's it. Just three stories. The first story is about connecting the dots. My second story is abou