伦敦*受欢迎的流行餐厅备受期待的第壹本食谱 主厨李 蒂尔南(Lee Tiernan)的 Black Axe Mangal 引起了一场骚动,它将创新的明火烹饪和未充分利用的食材与大胆的美学相结合,这归因于他对音乐和滑板文化的热爱。这是这家伦敦餐厅的第壹本食谱,汇集了蒂尔南(Tiernan)的招牌菜谱 包括猪脸和西梅甜甜圈,乌贼墨鱼翅和熏鳕鱼子的生鱼片和虾皮猪尾 以及Black Axe Mangal三个基本烹饪法的分步说明:面包,烟熏和烧烤。 The much-anticipated first cookbook from one of London's most-loved cult restaurants Chef Lee Tiernan's Black Axe Mangal is a sensual riot, combining innovative open-fire cooking and underused ingredients with a bold aesthetic, influenced by his love of music and skate culture. This, the London restaurant's first cookbook, brings together Tiernan's signature recipes - including Pig's Cheek and Prune Doughnuts, Squid Ink Flatbreads with Smoked Cod's Roe and Shr
巴黎Le Dauphin and Le Chateaubriand餐厅的合伙人弗兰克 奥杜(Franck Audoux)用漂亮的档案照片、插图和广告,以及新的摄影作品,通过赋予这些被遗忘的法国烈酒和开胃酒一个现代的转变,让它们重新焕发生机。他提供了40多种经典法国鸡尾酒的配方,从萨泽拉克鸡尾酒到Highball鸡尾酒,并提供了一些当代的技巧和技巧,家中就能轻松享用。 A fresh take on the classics, from Sazerac to the humble Highball: the adventurous recipes invented when America was dry and Paris was a refuge from Prohibition. Following Prohibition, Paris, much like London, became known for serving up original and innovative mixed drinks. Although cocktails were present in the late nineteenth century, it was the interwar period, and particularly les ann es folles that transformed the culture of the cocktail consumption. This fertile time, both intellectually and artistically, was nourished by a growing influx of expatriates from
在这本美丽的书中,*厨师兼食品设计师Valerie Aikman-Smith向您介绍了一系列令人称奇的烹饪盐和胡椒粉,可为您的烹饪增添风味,深度和松散感。从法国 鸢尾 到印尼南邦辣椒,您可能从未听说过的精美调味料,超过70种美食食谱。所有小菜,主盘,面,甜点,饮料,果酱和盐水,磨砂和油的创意都应有尽有。自制辣爆米花和Chipotle盐或北非烤鹰嘴豆的小吃。在小盘子上吃草,包括盐腌鳕鱼和胡椒泛烤橄榄。享受从西班牙凉菜汤加熏制咸面包块到胡椒牛肉河粉的美味汤,以及其他更丰富的菜肴,例如绿茶盐脆皮烤鸭,柠檬胡椒乳清干酪面no,带有柚子蘸酱的Porcini结皮的Ahi金枪鱼或荞麦辣枫木烤豆腐面条。为了满足爱吃甜食的需求,店内提供了令人惊讶的零食,从胡椒开心果坚果脆皮和巧克力海盐饼干到山羊' 的奶酪Panna Cotta与蜜饯樱桃。*后,来一杯鸡尾酒,放松休息