    • 西游记 蔡志忠 绘,(新加坡)Alan Chong 译 现代出版社【正版保证】
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    • 蔡志忠 绘,(新加坡)Alan Chong 译 /2006-12-01/ 现代出版社
    • The writings of Chinese early thinkers have influenced all facets of Chinese culture and society,from education to art,from politics and warfare to mon etiquette.The popular ic book artist TSAI CHIH CHUNG has faithfully brought the wisdom ofthese classics to life with his uniquely charming illustrations. This series on Traditional Chinese Thought features the great thinkers of Chinese histroy,including: Confucius,the sage of harmonious living Laozi,the Daoist sage of natural living Zhuangzi,the Daoist sage of freedom and spontaneity Sunzi,the sage of winning without warring Zen masters,the sages of living in the moment TSAI CHIH CHUNG first came to prominence through his award—winning animated moviO.S and his immensely popular daffy ic strips.When he turned his hand to the classics after a prolonged period of self education.they were acclaimed by critics and shot to the top of the bestsellers lists.Hiooks have been published in America by the renowne

    • ¥300 ¥1887 折扣:1.6折
    • 西游记 蔡志忠 绘,(新加坡)Alan Chong 译
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    • 蔡志忠 绘,(新加坡)Alan Chong 译 /2006-12-01/ 现代出版社
    • The writings of Chinese early thinkers have influenced all facets of Chinese culture and society,from education to art,from politics and warfare to mon etiquette.The popular ic book artist TSAI CHIH CHUNG has faithfully brought the wisdom ofthese classics to life with his uniquely charming illustrations. This series on Traditional Chinese Thought features the great thinkers of Chinese histroy,including: Confucius,the sage of harmonious living Laozi,the Daoist sage of natural living Zhuangzi,the Daoist sage of freedom and spontaneity Sunzi,the sage of winning without warring Zen masters,the sages of living in the moment TSAI CHIH CHUNG first came to prominence through his award—winning animated moviO.S and his immensely popular daffy ic strips.When he turned his hand to the classics after a prolonged period of self education.they were acclaimed by critics and shot to the top of the bestsellers lists.Hiooks have been published in America by the renowne

    • ¥121 ¥751.25 折扣:1.6折
    • 宇宙公式:东方宇宙四部曲之4【正版书籍,现货速发,可开电子发票】
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    • 蔡志忠 著 /2010-09-01/ 商务印书馆
    • 《东方宇宙四部曲4:宇宙公式》是蔡志忠闭关十年研究宇宙物理的经典之作。62岁的漫画家蔡志忠成功地完成了其动漫创作从传统经典到未来科学领域的惊人探索。他以一位东方漫画家的独特身份,经过数十年的思考与求证,以东方哲学观为基础,大胆挑战了物理学界的公论,参与了20世纪中叶以来人类数学和物理学领域的重大变革。整部《东方宇宙四部曲》试图通过对时间、空间、物质真相的探索,找到通行全宇宙的统一物理语言,并使之能一路到底地将宇宙、超星系团、星系、恒星、行星、台风、气象到原子、电子的质量、半径、速度、重力、密度、温度、周期,都写成只有时间t和光速比e两种物理符号的统一公式。而这种一路到底描述宇宙万物的方法,在作者看来,极有可能是进入统一物理的钥匙。《宇宙公式》是《东方宇宙四部曲》的第四部。《东方宇宙四

    • ¥203.05 ¥1219 折扣:1.7折