    • 大动量:什么控制了我们的世界
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    • /2012-03-01/ 新华出版社
    • ?《大动量:什么控制了我们的世界》的内容从金融次贷危机到伊拉克战争,从宗教信仰差异带来的行为到流行文化的潮流裹挟,从媒体网络的科技飞跃到全球环保运动所遭遇的支持与抵制,作者的视线遍及当今世界发展的各个关键领域,深刻剖析了随着“速度”(组织效率和传播速度)和“质量”(组织和投入的规模、影响力)的高度发展,大动量是如何对人类施加着支配性的、却又难以被察觉的巨大影响。?《大动量:什么控制了我们的世界》包含作者马克罗德对丰富案例的大量独到分析,文笔生动、鞭辟入里,并冷静地提醒世人小心大动量可能为世界带来的毁灭性打击,诚恳地建议我们如何在生活中保持冷静和独立的头脑,以幸存和完胜于这个易被各种危险动量所笼罩的“疯狂”世界。

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    • The Audacity of Hope:Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dr
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    • Barack Obama巴拉克·奥巴马) /2008-01-01/ VINTAGE
    • Before becoming the 44th President-elect of the United States, in July 2004, Barack Obama electrified the Democratic National Convention with an address that spoke to Americans across the political spectrum. One phrase in particular anchored itself in listeners' minds, a reminder that for all the discord and struggle to be found in our history as a nation, we have always been guided by a dogged optimism in the future, or what President Obama called "the audacity of hope." In The Audacity of Hope, President Obama called for a different brand of politics–a politics for those weary of bitter partisanship and alienated by the "endless clash of armies" we see in congress and on the campaign trail; a politics rooted in the faith, inclusiveness, and nobility of spirit at the heart of "our improbable experiment in democracy." He explores those forces–from the fear of losing to the perpetual need to raise money to the power of the media–that can stifle even thebest-intentioned politician. He also writes, with

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