A beautiful new colouring book that takes you on a magical journey beneath the waves, from the creator of the worldwide bestsellers, Secret Garden and Enchanted Forest. With Lost Ocean , Johanna Basford invites colour-inners of all ages to discover an enchanting underwater world hidden within the depths of the sea. With intricate pen and ink illustrations to complete, colour and embellish, readers will meet shoals of exotic fish, curious octopi and delicately penned seahorses, visit coral reefs and barnacle-studded shipwrecks, and discover intricate shells and pirate treasure. Secret Garden and Enchanted Forest fans and newcomers alike will delight in this creative journey into an inky new world. ,
英國、美國亞馬遜網路書店排行榜預購第???? 英國、美國亞馬遜網路書店藝術類第???? 紐約時報暢銷?????《秘密花園??作??????作品?????**??,000萬讀者引頸期?????特別附有8面拉?????????來探索??座奇妙的魔法森林?????這本????由??秘密花園》作者喬漢娜?貝斯福????作的美麗著色書,將會帶領???????探索????魔法森林,找尋??座森林中的城堡裡藏有????神秘事物?????????《秘密花園??的互動??設計,本書每????都藏有許多小物品,還有奇妙的迷宮般圖形??????頭讀者會看到如童話般的森林,接著則會出現繁複的樹林與細緻的花朵??城堡、寶物箱、望遠鏡等,有趣又魔幻的圖像為每個頁面增添如童話故事般的氛圍?????本書中還特別設計了拉頁,可以如城堡大????打開,另外並附上特別印製的書衣,上面還可以著色!本書特色???★特別附??面拉頁,裡面有另????令人驚艷的作?????★圖形空間較大,塗色