小毛人和爸爸妈妈生活在毛人村。他的家在一棵大树里面。 他早上去看望爷爷,然后去小河边抓鱼,后来又遇到没有皮毛的小瓢虫以及村子里小小的小小毛人…… There was a little fur family warm as toast smaller than most in little fur coats and they lived in a warm wooden tree. The Little Fur Family tells the story of a little fur child's dayin the woods. The day ends when his big fur parents tuck him in bed"all soft and warm," and sing him to sleep with a lovely bedtimesong. Cuddle up to a classic with this timeless story! Garth William'ssoft illustrations join Margaret Wise Brown's rhythmic text tocreate a gentle lullaby. Bound in imitation fur, Little Fur Familyis sure to comfort and delight
The amazing Bob! The amazing Boynton! Because who else butSandra Boynton could imagine 15 Bobs in one book? Actually, that's14 Bobs, and one Simon James Alexander Ragsdale the Third (he's aturtle), which gives Fifteen Animals! the added dimension of beinga unique counting book—count the Bobs, count the pets, count thebunnies, count the fish. The latest of the Boynton on Board Books,Fifteen Animals! also comes with a free song available viadownload. It's all the energy and appeal of Boynton: the livelylanguage, distinctive illustrations, and inimitable characters. Andmusic. And counting. And, for the first time, a person character,an earnest little boy who loves animals and happily sings: I really like animals, I like them a lot. Fifteen animals is what I’ve got. I’ve got fifteen animals. They're friendly and tame, and I’ve given each one a special name. Make that Bob.