In this sexy series based around the Mayan doomsday prophecy,a group of magic- wielding warrior heroes called the Nightkeepersare ready to fight the demon creatures of the underworld to preventannihilation... When prominent Mayanist Ambrose Ledbetter goesmissing, his daughter Sasha tracks his remains down to an ancienttemple. Before she can recover from the shock, she is kidnapped.Slick and charming recruit Michael Stone rescues Sasha from herimprisonment and feels an instant attraction. But he doesn't dareget involved, with the threat of his dark side growing stronger andthe powers of sorcery on the rise. Both Michael and Sasha willdiscover a new passion together and one they have to admit to inorder to change their worlds...
Baldacci's instant New York Times bestselling thriller is the story of a ragtag group of conspiracy theorists who gather to find the hidden truth behind the actions of the power elite in Washington, D.C.
A brand-new thriller from internationally bestselling JonathanKellerman TRUE DETECTIVES follows Moe Reed and Aaron Fox on thetwisted trail of a missing girl, a dark, baffling whodunit thatforces the brothers to put aside their mutual animus -- and toconfront the unresolved family mystery that turned them intoenemies. PIs can do things, legally, that cops can't. And cops haveaccess to resources denied their private counterparts. Only bypooling their efforts -- and by consulting a man both brothersrespect, psychologist Alex Delaware, do Fox and Reed stand a chanceof peeling back the secrets in high places that explain the fate ofan outwardly innocent young woman. And, by doing so, the brotherslearn about much more than murder.
戏剧与现实交错的杰作在雷格纳·希尔部推理小说《喜欢交际的女人》里,他创造的一对独特的侦探搭档也首度登场。一位是心宽体胖、好色贪怀、爱斗嘴耍活宝的刑事主任达尔齐尔,另一位则是教养优雅、学识丰富的警官帕斯科。 自从柯南·道尔创造了华生医生作为神探福尔摩斯的搭档之后,推理小说家就经常使用这种对比手法,用一位“次要而平凡”的角色来衬托神探的不凡。这些二号人物有时候是侦探的朋友,有时候是记者,有时候是助手或忠仆,但多半不脱烘托主角的功能。但雷格纳·希尔采取了另外一种途径:他让侦探的搭档有能力也有作用,甚至是重要的互补,没有对方彼此都不是完整的;他又让两人的文化特质与思考形态南辕北辙,比较与冲突的趣味因而源源不绝。仅此一项,就是希尔对推理小说的重大贡献。 希尔的小说结构复杂紧凑,在
They were just kids when they stumbled upon the hidden horror oftheir hometown. Now, as adults, none of them can withstand theforce that has drawn them all back to Derry, Maine, to face thenightmare without end, and the evil without a name.
Eve Dallas must face the impossible: someone has unleashed acomputer virus that may be able to spread from machine toman...
Everyone's favorite globe-trotting, wisecracking archaeologist is hurtling headfirst into high adventure and relying on his wits, his fists, and his trusty bullwhip to get him out of deep trouble. It's 1957, and the Cold War is heating up. A ruthless squad of Russian soldiers crashes Indiana Jones's latest expedition and forces the unwilling Indy along as they brazenly invade American soil, massacre U.S. soldiers, and plunder a top-secret government warehouse. Commanded by a sword-wielding colonel who's as sinister as she is stunning, the menacing Reds have one objective: a relic even more precious–and powerful–than the mythic Ark of the Covenant, capable of unlocking secrets beyond human comprehension. Quick thinking and some high-speed maneuvers help Indy narrowly escape certain death. But the Russians are unrelenting, and their next move leads Indy into the depths of the Amazon on a desperate rescue mission. With a hotheaded teenage biker as his unlikely wing man and his vengeful new Russian nemesis
Four spellbinding tales of evil. These arecan't-tear-your-eyes-away stories that burn your imagination. -- Playboy King is a master storyteller, and you will never forget thesestories. -- The Seattle Times
公元2012年10月11日,一次超高能量的强子对撞机实验引发了无人能够想象的后果。世界范围内,时间场被扭曲,每隔二十个小时,一切都会还原到10月11日早上6点47分的状态,除了人们的记忆之外。时间的循环无穷无尽,一个不可思议的新纪元由此开始。韩方,北京一名最普通的大学生,和朋友们一起经历了这个新纪元最初的震惊和灾难。在每况愈下的混乱局势中,他们必须设法自救。此后的世界被疯狂和愚昧所席卷,他们的生活分崩离析,在黑暗的时代中仍坚守着希望。经历种种劫难后,一个自称受到时间之神指引的神秘教派又在全球范围兴起,教主保罗似乎掌握了幕后真相,通过精心安排的计划把人类带向不可知的未来。 当令人窒息的真相逐步揭开时,韩方发现,在这片时间的废墟上,他和一个神秘的少女竟然肩负着世界最后的希望,可他们将如何拯救这
The Fourth Reich is waiting to be born. The only man who can stop it is about to sign its birth certificate. In 1945 the children of the Third Reich were secretly hidden all over the world - to be concealed until the 1970s, when they would come of age. Then the most elaborate plans and $780 million in a Swiss bank would be waiting. There would even be an unsuspecting outsider to set the plan into action. That outsider is Noel Holcroft, the American son of a high-ranking Nazi. He's just been shown an amazing document, the Holcroft Covenant. If he signs, it will be his own death warrant and a devastating threat to the security of the world.
A group of friends that hasnt seen one another in years isreunited through tragedy. Working through their grief together,they find that each of their lives is impacted in ways they couldhave never foreseen, in this story of friendship, family, and lifecoming full circle.
In time for Halloween comes a tale of family secrets, yesteryearromance, and spirits less friendly than Aunt Dimity.