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    • 生存之民工【正版书籍】
    •   ( 1 条评论 )
    • 李晓兵著 /2005-11-01/ 海天出版社
    • 这是陕西作家李晓兵标志性作品,2005年中国以民工为题材的同名电视剧的文学脚本,它讲述了一群游走在现代都市的社会层的城市边缘人——农民工生活的故事。该小说真实地记录了现代都市里一群被忽视的农民工合法追讨微薄的血汗钱,却被诱拐、诱骗、致残、致死的一些鲜为人知的真相;不加掩盖地暴露了黑心包工头纠党结伙、非法牟取暴利、欺骗压榨农民工的暴戾面目。这里是一个真实的世界,没有夸张,没有矫情,一切的一切都是他们生活的血泪史,看了,你一定会流泪。

    • ¥30.9 ¥68.9 折扣:4.5折
    • 亚特兰蒂斯3:美丽新世界【达额立减】
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    • A.G.里德尔著;邢立达译;何锐译 /2014-12-01/ 四川文艺出版社
    • 七万年前,原始人类在濒临灭绝的严峻情况下勉强幸存,七万年后,拥有先进文明与高端科技的人类又再一次面临灭绝危机……瘟疫虽然有了最终的解药,伊麻里组织却依旧进逼着全世界,阿瑞斯更是引爆了遍布在南极洲周围的水雷,融化的古代冰层形成一场大洪水,迅速侵袭世界各地。此时,凯特跟大卫收到一组来自外层空间的加密信号,他们知道这段信号是阻止伊麻里的关键,必须尽快解开密码,于是,一行人穿过传送门来到了亚特兰蒂斯的烽火系统……随着亚特兰蒂斯记忆拼图的逐渐完成,人类世界起源的面纱即将揭开,过去与现在相互角力,的结局,人类将何去何从?

    • ¥41.85 ¥91.9 折扣:4.6折
    • 三国配角演义长安十二时辰作者马伯庸力作,揭开波谲云诡的历史谜团【售后无忧】
    •   ( 1 条评论 )
    • 马伯庸著;博集天卷出品 /2019-12-01/ 湖南文艺出版社
    • 在波澜壮阔的三国时代,除了曹操、诸葛亮、刘备、孙权、周瑜等家喻户晓的人物,还有许多配角,他们也有自己的喜怒哀乐。作者从微小的史料记载中,想象出许多配角的故事。 ???《街亭》借“马谡失街亭”事件,追问马谡的结局,*后揭示了街亭之战被掩埋的真相。 ???《白帝城之夜》以刘备白帝城病重为背景,虚构了一出皇位更迭的故事。 ???《官渡杀人事件》讲述徐他刺杀曹操事件,这背后隐藏着怎样的悄无声息却惊心动魄的激烈交锋? ???《宛城惊变》分析“宛城之战”必死之局为何只有曹操逃出生天的秘密。 ???《孔雀东南飞》中焦仲卿与刘兰芝二人的爱情悲剧与三国波澜壮阔的群雄争霸有何关联? ???《洛神赋》流传千古,甄宓、曹丕、曹植三人之间究竟有何纠葛? ???《三国新语》与《三国志·步幸传》借三国史实逸事

    • ¥32.62 ¥84 折扣:3.9折
    • From the Land of the Moon(ISBN=9781609450014)
    •   ( 1 条评论 )
    • Milena Agus, Ann Goldstein 著 /2010-11-01/ Hachette
    • Starred Review. In her debut novel, Agus follows the fortunes ofa Sardinian woman whose adventures begin as WWII comes to an end;the unnamed narrator is her granddaughter who is about to bemarried. The woman had suitors, but with no firm proposals by 30,she was forced into a marriage to a widower whose experiences inthe brothel dictate their life in the bedroom. Several miscarriagesand kidney stones later, she is sent to thermal baths on themainland for a cure, where she takes as her lover a war veteranwhose kindness is in stark contrast to her husband's indifference.The veteran has a wife and daughter in Milan and she returns hometo give birth to a son. Years later, she searches for her lostlove, wandering the streets of Milan. The narrator constantlyamends the tale, demonstrating the uncertainty of stories passeddown. Agus's de*ions of the everyday are as beautiful andhaunting as her portrayal of life's most dramatic episodes. Add anunexpected ending and the result is a graceful, powerful book.(Jan.) (c) C

    • ¥49.6 折扣:3.9折
    • Visible World(ISBN=9780547053677) 英文原版
    •   ( 2 条评论 )
    • Mark Slouka 著 /2011-12-01/ Houghton Mifflin
    • An immensely moving, powerfully romantic novel about thevagaries of love and the legacy of war, The Visible World isnarrated by the American-born son of Czech immigrants. His New Yorkchildhood, lived in a boisterous community of the displaced, issuffused with stories: fragments of European history, Czech fairytales, and family secrets gleaned from overheard conversations.Central in his young imagination is the heroic account of the sevenCzech parachutists who, in 1942, assassinated a high-ranking Nazi.Yet one essential story has always evaded him: his mother's. Hesuspects she had a great wartime love, the loss of which bred asadness that slowly engulfed her. As an adult, the narrator travelsto Prague, hoping to piece together her hidden past.

    • ¥49.4 折扣:4.1折
    • Star Bright(ISBN=9780451225719)
    •   ( 2 条评论 )
    • Catherine Anderson 著 /2012-02-01/ Penguin
    • Faking her own death to escape her murderous husband, RainieHall takes refuge in the rural community of Crystal Falls, whereshe finds work as a bookkeeper on a horse ranch run by dangerouslygood-looking Parker Harrigan. But as their initial attractionblossoms, Rainie fears she can never escape retribution from theman who has sworn to kill heraand that her mere presence couldjeopardize everything the Harrigan family holds dear.

    • ¥30.6 折扣:4.5折
    • Big Sur(ISBN=9780140168129) 英文原版
    •   ( 14 条评论 )
    • Aram Saroyan 著 /2012-02-01/ Penguin
    • Coming down from his carefree youth and unwanted fame, JackKerouac undertakes a mature confrontation of some of his mosttroubling emotional issues: a burgeoning problem with alcoholism,addiction, fear, and insecurity. He dutifully records hisever-changing states of consciousness, which culminate in apowerful religious experience. Big Sur was written some time afterJack Kerouac's best-known works, following a visit to northernCalifornia and the first feelings of midlife crisis. Kerouac stayedfor several weeks in a cabin in Big Sur, California, and withfriends in San Francisco. Upon returning home, he wrote thisaccount in a two-week period. Critic Richard Meltzer referred toBig Sur as Kerouac's 'masterpiece, and one of the great, greatworks of the English language.' --This text refers to the AudioCassette edition.

    • ¥49.6 折扣:3.9折
    • Beowulf(ISBN=9780140449310)
    •   ( 13 条评论 )
    • Anonymous 著,Michael Alexander 译 /2003-04-01/ Penguin
    • Finest heroic poem in Old English celebrates character andexploits of Beowulf, a young nobleman of the Geats, a people ofsouthern Sweden. Narrative combines mythical elements, Christianand pagan sensibilities, actual historical figures and events tocreate a striking work of great power and beauty. Genealogies.

    • ¥42.3 折扣:4.5折
    • 亦舒作品:玫瑰的故事(精装典藏版)【正版书籍,满额减,电子发票】
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    • 亦舒著 /2017-07-01/ 湖南文艺出版社
    • 玫瑰,你知道我DI一次见你是什么感受吗?? ?什么啊?? ?我觉得你美丽过美丽,? ?但是忧郁过忧郁。? ?我以后一定要让你快乐过快乐。? ? ?黄玫瑰,一个有着倾城容颜的女子。? ?见过她的男人都为之颠倒,见过她的男人都再无爱人之心。? ?她的美丽,亦的执着,她存在仿佛就是为了爱情,带给人快乐也给人莫大的痛苦。? ?她追寻着自己心中的爱情,却忘了,虽然爱情是人们都向往的,执着的,干净的,天空一样的,可也是毁灭性的。? ?四个与之命运纠缠的男人,奏出黄玫瑰绚烂又迷离的一生。? ? ?岁月悠长,韶光易逝,怪你过分美丽,怪你过分执迷。? ?很多时候,人们爱的是一些人,与之结婚生子的又是另外一些人。? ? ?亦舒“DU家畅销?旧欢如梦辑”收录了亦舒ZUI经典、ZUI知名的5部作品,

    • ¥39.79 ¥80.6 折扣:4.9折
    • 时间之墟【正版图书,满额减】
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • /2013-11-01/ 长江文艺出版社
    • 公元2012年10月11日,一次超高能量的强子对撞机实验引发了无人能够想象的后果。世界范围内,时间场被扭曲,每隔二十个小时,一切都会还原到10月11日早上6点47分的状态,除了人们的记忆之外。时间的循环无穷无尽,一个不可思议的新纪元由此开始。韩方,北京一名最普通的,和朋友们一起经历了这个新纪元最初的震惊和灾难。在每况愈下的混乱局势中,他们必须设法自救。此后的世界被疯狂和愚昧所席卷,他们的生活分崩离析,在黑暗的时代中仍坚守着希望。经历种种劫难后,一个自称受到时间之神指引的神秘教派又在全球范围兴起,教主保罗似乎掌握了幕后真相,通过精心安排的计划把人类带向不可知的未来。当令人窒息的真相逐步揭开时,韩方发现,在这片时间的废墟上,他和一个神秘的少女竟然肩负着世界最后的希望,可他们将如何拯救这个支离破

    • ¥32.4 ¥214.9 折扣:1.5折
    • DEATH BEFORE BEDTIME(ISBN=9780307741431) 英文原版
    •   ( 3 条评论 )
    • Gore Vidal 著 /2011-11-01/ Random House US
    • In Death Before Bedtime , dashing P.R. man Peter Sargentis invited to the home of a venerable senator to help strategizehis imminent run for president. On the night before he’s toannounce, though, the senator is murdered in his bed. Nolonger needed as a political publicist, Sargent finds himselfhelping the police find the killer. He deftly navigates aneccentric cast of characters, all of whom are suspects: therebellious daughter; the sycophantic aide; the grieving widow; andthe power-hungry governor with his eye on the senator’s job. Somehow, between charming the senator’s daughter and glad-handingWashington’s elite, Sargent still manages to methodically put thepieces into place and sees that politics truly is a cut-throatbusiness.

    • ¥45.5 折扣:3.5折
    • ORDINARY DAYLIGHT(ISBN=9780553381986) 英文原版
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    • Andrew Potok 著 /2003-02-01/ Random House US
    • Andrew Potok is an intense, vigorous, sensual man--and agifted painter. Then, passing forty, he rapidly begins to go blindfrom an inherited eye disease, retinitis pigmentosa. Depressed andangry, he rages at the losses that are eradicating his life as anartist, his sources of pleasure, his competence as a man. He hateshimself for becoming blind. But as he will ultimately discover, andas this remarkable memoir recounts, it is not the end of the world.It is the beginning. Ordinary Daylight This the story of Potok’s remarkable odyssey out of despair. Heattempts to come to terms with his condition: learning skills forthe newly blind, dealing with freakish encounters with the medicalestablishment, going to London for a promised cure through abizarre and painful “therapy” of bee stings. He wrestles with theanguish of knowing that his daughter has inherited the same diseasethat is stealing his own eyesight. And then, as he edges evercloser to complete blindness, there comes the day when herec

    • ¥36.3 折扣:3.5折
    • Drift(ISBN=9780547054940) 英文原版
    •   ( 3 条评论 )
    • Victoria Patterson 著 /2011-12-01/ Houghton Mifflin
    • Welcome to Newport Beach, California--a community often foundglittering in the spotlight, but one that isn't always as glamorousas we imagine. Through the lives of waiters and waitresses,divorced and single parents, and alienated teens, VictoriaPatterson's "Drift" offers a rare and rewarding view into the reallife of this nearly mythical place, all the while plumbing thedepths of female friendship and what it means to be an outsider.Fresh, energetic, deceptively powerful and delightfully frank, hersis a voice you won't be able to stop reading.

    • ¥46.1 折扣:4.1折