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    • 羊脂球 译林出版社
    •   ( 71 条评论 )
    • (法)莫泊桑 /2019-04-01/ 译林出版社
    • 本书精选法国著名作家莫泊桑的39篇中短篇小说,有《羊脂球》《我的叔叔于勒》《项链》等不朽名篇,内容丰富多彩,结构巧妙动人。

    • ¥18.3 ¥38 折扣:4.8折
    • Desperation (9781444707830)
    •   ( 7 条评论 )
    • Stephen King 著 /2011-05-01/ Hodder
    • Welcome to Desperation. Once a thriving copper mining town in the middle of the Nevada desert, Desperation is now eerily abandoned. It's the last place that travellers like the Carver family, bound for vacation, and writer Johnny Marinville, astride his Harley, would expect to be stopped and charged. But Desperation still has a local cop - a unique regulator who patrols the wilderness highway. The secrets buried in Desperation are as terrifying as the forces summoned to encounter them. A terrifying transformation is taking place and the travellers will soon discover the true meaning of desperation ...

    • ¥31.1 折扣:4.5折
    • Reluctant Fundamentalist (International Edition)(ISBN=978015
    •   ( 4 条评论 )
    • Hamid Yoshin 编 /2011-12-01/ Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
    • AT A CAFte TABLE IN LAHORE, a Pakistani man converses with an uneasy American stranger. As dusk deepens to night, hebegins the tale that has brought them to this fatefulencounter... Changez is living an immigrant's dream of America. Aftergraduating at the top of his class at Princeton, he lands an elitejob in New York City. His budding romance with chic, beautifulErica promises entry into society at the same ex-alted level onceoccupied by his family in Pakistan. But in the wake of September11, Changez finds his new American life suddenly overturned and hisidentity in seismic shift, unearthing allegiances more fundamentalthan money, power, and maybe even love.

    • ¥31.1 折扣:4.5折
    • Night Shift(9781444723199)
    •   ( 9 条评论 )
    • Stephen King斯蒂芬·金) 著 /2012-06-01/ Orion
    • A collection of tales to invade and paralyse the mind as the safe light of day is infiltrated by the shadows of the night. As you read, the clutching fingers of terror brush lightly across the nape of the neck, reach round from behind to clutch and lock themselves, white-knuckled, around the throat. This is the horror of ordinary people and everyday objects that become strangely altered; a world where nothing is ever quite what it seems, where the familiar and the friendly lure and deceive. A world where madness and blind panic become the only reality.

    • ¥31.1 折扣:4.5折
    • More Die of Heartbreak(ISBN=9780142437742)
    •   ( 10 条评论 )
    • Saul BellowMartin Amis 编 /2012-01-01/ Penguin
    • Kenneth Trachtenberg, the witty and eccentric narrator of"More Die of Heartbreak," has left his native Paris for theMidwest. He has come to be near his beloved uncle, theworld-renowned botanist Benn Crader, self-described aplantvisionary.a While his studies take him around the world, Benn, arestless spirit, has not been able to satisfy his longings afterhis first marriage and lives from affair to affair and from ablissto breakdown.a Imagining that a settled existence will end hisanguish, Benn ties the knot again, opening the door to a flood ofnew torments. As Kenneth grapples with his own problems involvinghis unusual lady-friend Treckie, the two men try to figure out whygifted and intelligent people invariably find themselves aknee-deepin the garbage of a personal life.a

    • ¥65.3 折扣:4.5折
    • Tin Drum(ISBN=9780151014163)
    •   ( 3 条评论 )
    • Gunter Grass 著,Breon Mitchell 译者 /2011-12-01/ Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
    • The Tin Drum, one of the great novels of the twentiethcentury, was published in Ralph Manheim's outstanding translationin 1959. It became a runaway bestseller and catapulted its youngauthor to the forefront of world literature. To mark the fiftiethanniversary of the original publication, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt,along with Grass's publishers all over the world, is bringing out anew translation of this classic novel. Breon Mitchell, acclaimedtranslator and scholar, has drawn from many sources: from a wealthof detailed scholarship; from a wide range of newly-availablereference works; and from the author himself. The result is atranslation that is more faithful to Grass's style and rhythm,restores omissions, and reflects more fully the complexity of theoriginal work. After fifty years, THE TIN DRUM has, if anything,gained in power and relevance. All of Grass's amazing evocationsare still there, and still amazing: Oskar Matzerath, theindomitable drummer; his grandmother, Anna Koljaiczek; his mother,Agnes;

    • ¥101.3 折扣:4.5折
    • God's Harvard(ISBN=9780156034999)
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    • Hanna Rosin 著 /2008-09-01/ Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
    • Tiny Patrick Henry College, a Christian school just outsidethe nations capital, grooms ambitious young evangelicals intotomorrows conservative elite. The future front lines of politics,entertainment, and science will be commanded by these idealisticgraduates, who plan to lead the battle in reclaiming a godlessnation. Hanna Rosins "superb work of extended reportage" (ChicagoSun Times)takes us into the halls and dorms and hearts of PatrickHenry, following students from the campus to the White House,Congress, conservative think tanks, Hollywood, and other keycenters of influence. Lively and evenhanded, her account revealsthe evangelical movement at a moment of crisis and climax, itsfuture leaders struggling to resist the temptations of modern lifeeven as they try to remake the world in their image. Hanna Rosinhas crafted a vibrant, insightful look at kids who may very well bein charge of our country someday.

    • ¥54.5 折扣:4.5折
    • It
    •   ( 30 条评论 )
    • Stephen King 著 /1987-08-01/ Penguin
    • They were just kids when they stumbled upon the hidden horror oftheir hometown. Now, as adults, none of them can withstand theforce that has drawn them all back to Derry, Maine, to face thenightmare without end, and the evil without a name.

    • ¥25.3 折扣:4.5折
    • Window Across the River(ISBN=9780156030120)
    •   ( 3 条评论 )
    • Brian Morton 著 /2004-09-01/ Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
    • Isaac and Nora haven't seen each other in five years, yet whenNora phones Isaac late one night, he knows who it is before she'sspoken a word. Isaac, a photographer, is relinquishing his artisticcareer, while Nora, a writer, is seeking to rededicate herself tohers. Fueled by their rediscovered love, Nora is soon on fire withthe best work she's ever done, until she realizes that the storyshe's writing has turned into a fictionalized portrait of Isaac,exposing his frailties and compromises and sure to be viewed by himas a betrayal. How do we remain faithful to our calling if itestranges us from the people we love? How do we remain in loveafter we have seen the very worst of our loved ones? These are someof the questions explored in a novel that critics are calling "anabsolute pleasure" (The Seattle Times).

    • ¥50.4 折扣:4.5折
    • Tender Is the Night 夜色温柔
    •   ( 8 条评论 )
    • F. Scott Fitzgerald 著 /1995-07-01/ SCRIBNER
    • Published in 1934, Tender Is the Night was one of the mosttalked-about books of the year. "It's amazing how excellent much ofit is," Ernest Hemingway said to Maxwell Perkins. "I will say now,"John O'Hara wrote Fitzgerald, "Tender Is the Night is in the earlystages of being my favorite book, even more than This Side ofParadise." And Archibald MacLeish exclaimed: "Great God,Scott...You are a fine writer. Believe it -- not me." Set on the French Riviera in the late 1920s, Tender Is the Nightis the tragic romance of the young actress Rosemary Hoyt and thestylish American couple Dick and Nicole Diver. A brilliant youngpsychiatrist at the time of his marriage, Dick is both husband anddoctor to Nicole, whose wealth goads him into a lifestyle not hisown, and whose growing strength highlights Dick's harrowing demise.A profound study of the romantic concept of character -- lyrical,expansive, and hauntingly evocative -- Tender Is the Night, MabelDodge Luhan remarked, raised F. Scott Fitzgerald to the heights of"a mode

    • ¥66.3 折扣:4.9折
    • MIDNIGHT IN THE GARDEN OF GOOD(ISBN=9780679429227) 英文原版
    •   ( 8 条评论 )
    • John Berendt 著 /1994-01-01/ Random House US
    • Shots rang out in Savannah's grandest mansion in the misty,earlymorning hours of May 2, 1981. Was it murder or self-defense? Fornearly a decade, the shooting and its aftermath reverberatedthroughout this hauntingly beautiful city of moss-hung oaks andshaded squares. John Berendt's sharply observed, suspenseful, andwitty narrative reads like a thoroughly engrossing novel, and yetit is a work of nonfiction. Berendt skillfully interweaves a hugelyentertaining first-person account of life in this isolated remnantof the Old South with the unpredictable twists and turns of alandmark murder case. It is a spellbinding story peopled by a gallery of remarkablecharacters: the well-bred society ladies of the Married Woman'sCard Club; the turbulent young redneck gigolo; the hapless reclusewho owns a bottle of poison so powerful it could kill every man,woman, and child in Savannah; the aging and profane Southern bellewho is the "soul of pampered self-absorption"; the uproariouslyfunny black drag queen; the acerbic and ar

    • ¥79.4 折扣:3.5折
    • Christine (9781444720709)
    •   ( 6 条评论 )
    • Stephen King 著 /2011-10-01/ Orion
    • A supernatural tale about girlfriends, boyfriends and a car called Christine. Christine was eating into his mind, burrowing into his unconscious. Christine, blood-red, fat, and finned, was twenty. Her promise lay all in her past. Greedy and big, she was Arnie's obsession, a '58 Plymouth Fury. Broken down but not finished. There was still power in her - a frightening power that leaked like sump oil, staining and corrupting. A malign power that corroded the mind and turned ownership into Possession.

    • ¥31.1 折扣:4.5折
    • Second Chance
    •   ( 26 条评论 )
    • 本社 编 /2011-11-01/ Penguin
    • A group of friends that hasnt seen one another in years isreunited through tragedy. Working through their grief together,they find that each of their lives is impacted in ways they couldhave never foreseen, in this story of friendship, family, and lifecoming full circle.

    • ¥26 折扣:4.5折
    • Cujo (9781444708127)
    •   ( 8 条评论 )
    • Stephen King斯蒂芬·金) 著 /2011-11-01/ Orion
    • Once upon a time, not so long ago, a monster came to the small town of Castle Rock, Maine . . . He was not a werewolf, vampire, ghoul, or unnameable creature from the enchanted forest or snow wastes; he was only a cop . . . Cujo is a huge Saint Bernard dog, the best friend Brett Camber has ever had. Then one day Cujo chases a rabbit into a bolt-hole. Except it isn't a rabbit warren any more. It is a cave inhabited by rabid bats.And Cujo falls sick. Very sick. And the gentle giant who once protected the family becomes a vortex of horror inexorably drawing in all the people around him . . .

    • ¥31.1 折扣:4.5折
    • SW: TRILOGY 25TH ANNIV(ISBN=9780345453396)
    •   ( 36 条评论 )
    • Donald F. Glut 著 /2011-11-01/ Random House US
    • Here for the first time, the original, complete Star Warstrilogy in a special 25th anniversary collector's editionhardcover.Twenty-five years after the phenomenon was born, StarWars remains one of the greatest fantasy epics ever told. Here inone collector's edition are the original stories from the firstthree classic films -- Star Wars: A New Hope, Star Wars: The EmpireStrikes Back, and Star Wars: Return of the Jedi -- each a New YorkTimes bestseller with over one million copies in print. Read thesethrilling novels to see where it all began with Luke Skywalker, afarm boy looking for adventure in a galaxy far, far away....

    • ¥104.9 折扣:4.5折
    • Lisey's Story (9781444707892)
    •   ( 7 条评论 )
    • Stephen King斯蒂芬·金) 著 /2011-08-01/ Orion
    • Every marriage has two hearts, one light and one dark. Lisey knew it when she first fell for Scott. And now he's dead, she knows it for sure. Lisey was the light to Scott Landon's dark for twenty-five years. As his wife, only she saw the truth behind the public face of the famous author - that he was a haunted man whose bestselling novels were based on a terrifying reality. Now Scott has gone, Lisey wants to lock herself away with her memories. But the fans have other ideas. And when the sinister threats begin, Lisey realises that, just as Scott depended on her strength - her light - to live, so she will have to draw on his darkness to survive.

    • ¥31.1 折扣:4.5折