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    • unknown 编 /2003-01-01/
    • Desde queen 1890 en Estados Unidos se utilizara el terminorascacielos para designar al edificio de oficinas en altura, esteha suscitado diversidad de reflexiones --entre el entornoarquitectonico y la opi-nion pOblica- acerca de sus limites ydisefio. El ras-cacielos es un producto genuinamenteestadouniden-se, fruto del siglo xx, cuya presencia y evoluci6n essin6nimo de progreso tecnologico, la sociedad de consumo y lapolftica liberal. Este volumen propone una revision de los rascacielos queinauguran el nuevo milenio, con la seleccion de edificios de laultima decada del siglo xx y principios del xxi de algunos de losarquitectos mas relevantes de la actualidad. Asf, se muestranedificios que forman parte del debate arquitect6nico actual y quemuestran como sus autores afrontan la arquitectura en relacion conla sociedad y la ciudad.

    • ¥164.7 折扣:4.5折
    • China Modern (ISBN 9780794600983)
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    • Sharon Leece 著 /2011-03-01/ Tuttle Publishing
    • Interior designers will enjoy this beautifully illustratedvolume of 39 interiors located in Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Beijing.Both private and commercial buildings are featured, includingrestaurants, resorts, and homes, in new and renovated locations.Many of the designs combine Asian materials and styles with Westerntraditions. Distributed by T

    • ¥162 折扣:4.8折
    • Six Steps To Songwriting Succe(ISBN=9780823084777) 英文原版
    •   ( 15 条评论 )
    • Jason Blume 著 /2011-11-01/
    • What's the secret to writing a hit song? It's as simple as1-2-3-4-5-6 Innovative, practical, and inspiring, "Six Steps toSongwriting Success" presents a surefire step-by-step approach tomastering the elements consistently found in hit songs. AuthorJason Blume, a songwriter with the rare distinction of having hadsongs on the Country, Pop, and RandB charts simultaneously, haspacked this book with such key aids as the three-step lyric writingtechnique used by the pros; lyric, melody, and demo checklists; andtools for self-evaluation-plus many other exercises that work.Blume's warm, humorous style features motivational anecdotes andentertaining stories of how hit songs came to be written andrecorded. Get "Six Steps to Songwriting Success," and get on thecharts

    • ¥51.5 折扣:3.5折
    • Seasons of the Arctic(中图特价艺术书)
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    • Hugh Brody 著 /2011-04-01/
    • Paul Nicklen, a resident of Yellowknife, Northwest Territories,has lived nearly all his life in the far north. Trained as abiologist, he is an experienced wilderness guide, as well as aninternationally acclaimed photographer. Huge Brody is an associateof the Scott Polar Research Institute at Cambridge University. Heis the author of several books, including Maps and Dreams, Indianson Skid Row, and Inishkillane: Change and Decline in the West ofIreland. He lives in London.

    • ¥137.7 折扣:4.5折
    • Succeed in Landscape Photography(中图特价艺术书)
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    • Mark Lucock 著 /2011-05-01/
    • Although developments in camera technology mean that qualityimages are now well within the grasp of the keen amateur, themarket place is competitive. How does an aspiring photographerimprove and promote his or her photography in order to earn extraincome, or to make the leap to professional status? This newsubject-focused series explains everything the amateur needs toknow, from planning a shoot to effective marketing of the images toclients. In the first title, Landscape Photography, renownedlandscape photographer Mark Lucock offers the keen amateur aninsight into the daily life and decision-making of the workinglandscape photographer, sharing professional insights and tradesecrets of producing successful commercial and fine artphotography. Equipment and technique are only part of the equation:Lucock's approach is also a spiritual one - his passion about theenvironment gives his approach a highly compelling, personal edge.Lucock equips readers with all the necessary information, andplenty of inspiration, to

    • ¥89.6 折扣:4.5折
    • Art Of Practicing, The(ISBN=9780609801772)
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    • Deline Bruser 编 /2011-11-01/ Random House US
    • This landmark book enlightens amateur and professionalmusicians about a way of practicing that transforms a sometimesfrustrating, monotonous, and overly strenuous labor into anexhilarating and rewarding experience. Acclaimed pianist andteacher Madeline Bruser combines physiological and meditativeprinciples to help musicians release physical and mental tensionand unleash their innate musical talent. She offers practicaltechniques for cultivating free and natural movement, a keenenjoyment of sounds and sensations, a clear and relaxed mind, andan open heart and she explains how to Prepare the body and mind to practice with ease Understand the effect of posture on flexibility andexpressiveness Make efficient use of the hands and arms Employ listening techniques to improve coordination Increase the range of color and dynamics by using lesseffort Cultivate rhythmic vitality Perform with confidence, warmth, and freedom

    • ¥58.1 折扣:4.5折
    • THIS BUSINESS OF MUSIC, 10TH E(ISBN=9780823077236)
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    • Sidney Shemel 著 /2011-12-01/ Random House US
    • The bible of the music industry Now in its tenth edition,"This Business of Music" has been revised and completely updated toreflect the latest changes in the ever-evolving music business.Every chapter has been revised. An entirely new chapter has beenadded, asking and answering the question "Are there borders incyberspace?" The answer is yes, and the book clearly and conciselyexplains what they are and how to maintain them. Commentary onrecent legislation, a reader-friendly summary of the laws oncopyright duration, and much more insightful analysis--plus fullyupdated lists of music organizations and important websites--make"This Business of Music" indispensable for musicians, agents,managers, marketers, music publishers and groups, colleges anduniversities, and everyone who wants to make music and makemoney.

    • ¥116.6 折扣:4.5折
    • How to Draw What You See
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    • Rudy De Reyna 著 /1996-09-01/ Random House US
    • When it was originally published in 1970, "How to Draw What YouSee" zoomed to the top of Watson-Guptill's best-seller list--and ithas remained there ever since. "I believe that you must be able todraw things as you see them--realistically," wrote Rudy de Reyna inhis introduction. Today, generations of artists have learned todraw what they see, to truly capture the world around them, usingde Reyna's methods. "How to Draw What You See" shows artists how torecognize the basic shape of an object--cube, cylinder, cone, orsphere--and use that shape to draw the object, no matter how muchdetail it contains.

    • ¥88.2 折扣:4.9折
    • Indispensable Cat(中图特价艺术书)
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    • Jean-Claude Suares 著 /2011-04-01/
    • "A cat book with class, this sumptuously produced, highlyliterate collection of felinity as represented in art, literature,and photography is sure to elicit purrs, " raved Publishers Weeklywhen this BOMC Selection was published in 1982. Long out of print,this cat-lovers dream book is now reissued in paperback. 70full-color reproductions. --Ce texte fait référence à uneédition épuisée ou non disponible de ce titre.

    • ¥75.6 折扣:4.5折
    •   ( 13 条评论 )
    • Jan Swafford 著 /2011-12-01/ Random House US
    • The most readable and comprehensive guide to enjoying overfive hundred years of classical music -- from Gregorian chants,Johann Sebastian Bach, and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart to JohannesBrahms, Igor Stravinsky, John Cage, and beyond. The Vintage Guideto Classical Music is a lively -- and opinionated -- musicalhistory and an insider's key to the personalities, epochs, andgenres of the Western classical tradition. Among its features: --chronologically arranged essays on nearly 100 composers, fromGuillaume de Machaut (ca. 1300-1377) to Aaron Copland (1900-1990),that combine biography with detailed analyses of the major workswhile assessing their role in the social, cultural, and politicalclimate of their times;-- informative sidebars that clarify broadertopics such as melody, polyphony, atonality, and the impact of theearly-music movement;-- a glossary of musical terms, from acappella to woodwinds;-- a step-by-step guide to building a greatclassical music library. Written with wit and a clarity that bothmusi

    • ¥81.5 折扣:4.5折
    • Garden Home: City - Creating an Urban Haven(中图特价艺术书)
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    • Bonnie Trust Dahan 著 /2011-05-01/
    • Picking up where the best-selling Garden House left off, GardenHome: City demonstrates how to infuse an apartment, loft, flat, orother city home with the spirit of the garden. Clusters of yellowblossoms in brightly colored pails on a sill create a flower bedwhere there’s no space for one. Carefully arranged indoor topiariesbring the whimsy of a manicured garden inside. And a wall paintedthe vivid color of a favorite flower adds warmth and vibrancy to asmall room. Garden Home: City also shows how to soften theboundaries between indoors and out with the creative use of windowboxes, fire escapes, and balcony gardens. Anyone who lives in anurban setting will appreciate this richly illustrated,inspirational guide to transforming any space into a modern-dayEden.

    • ¥118.4 折扣:4.5折
    • Reading Lyrics(ISBN=9780375400810) 英文原版
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    • Robert Kimball 著 /2011-12-01/ Random House US
    • A huge gathering of the finest American and British song lyricsfrom 1910 to 1975. Robert Kimball, editor of the complete lyrics ofCole Porter, Ira Gershwin, Lorenz Hart and next year's IrvingBerlin, and Robert Gottlieb, editor of the recent Reading Jazz,have collaborated to choose the 800 or more most distinguishedlyrics of the century, from early P.G. Wodehouse and the IrvingBerlin of Alexander's Ragtime Band through the greats of Broadwayand Hollywood -- Gershwin, Hart, Porter, Berlin, Oscar Hammerstein,Yip Harbourg, Dorothy Fields, Frank Loesser, Noel Coward -- to theearly triumphs of Stephen Sondheim. Plus many writers who arebarely remembered today -- Don Raye ("Mr. Five by Five", "I'llRemember April"), Bobby Troup ("Route 66", "Daddy") -- withsurprises like Ogden Nash, Maxwell Anderson, Dorothy Parker, andTruman Capote. Over 100 lyricists in all, each one introduced witha brief biography and commentary, and presented chronologically, sothat this big volume not only presents the core of an entireliterat

    • ¥137.2 折扣:3.5折
    • Guitar Handbook (Revised)(ISBN=9780679742753)
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    • Ralph Denyer 著 /2011-11-01/ Random House US
    • The Essential Encyclopedia for Every Guitar Player The GuitarHandbook is the complete guide to playing the guitar - from simplechords to advanced improvisations. Its uniquely devised learningprogram combines specially commissioned, step-by-step photographswith a chord dictionary containing over 800 easy-to-followfingerings, and clear, concise text. It is also a comprehensivemanual on guitar hardware and performance technology, soundequipment, special effects, and recording facilities. It examinesevery aspect of guitar maintenance, repair, and customizing, aswell as highlighting over 20 world-famous guitarists. 43 pages withfull-color photos and illustrations.

    • ¥108.5 折扣:4.5折
    • Bellini and the East(中图特价艺术书)
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    • Caroline Campbell 等著 /2000-05-01/
    • Situated between Western Europe and the civilizations ofByzantium and the Islamic world, Renaissance Venice was uniquelypositioned at the crossroads of East and West. In the beautifulAdriatic city, ideas and aesthetics were exchanged and developed ina remarkable age of cultural fusion. Venice’s distinctivearchitecture is already well known for integrating divergentcultural influences, but the impact of this synthesis on Venetianpainting has not been fully explored. This gorgeous book focuses onthe work of the remarkable Bellini family of painters—Jacopo andhis sons Gentile and Giovanni—who transformed Venetianpainting in the fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries. The authors examine the influence of Venetian trade with the Easton Bellini paintings; the Byzantine influence on Venetian art; theimpact of a visit to Mehmed II’s court in 1479 on Gentile Bellini,as well as his effect on Eastern-trained artists there; and muchmore. The book is abundantly illustrated with the Bellini family’

    • ¥134.6 折扣:4.5折
    • JAZZ(ISBN=9780679765394) 英文原版
    •   ( 59 条评论 )
    • Ken Burns 著 /2011-12-01/ Random House US
    • The companion volume to the ten-part PBS TV series by the teamresponsible for"The Civil War" and "Baseball." Continuing in thetradition of their critically acclaimed works, Geoffrey C. Ward andKen Burns vividly bring to life the story of the quintessentialAmerican music--jazz. Born in the black community ofturn-of-the-century New Orleans but played from the beginning bymusicians of every color, jazz celebrates all Americans at theirbest. Here are the stories of the extraordinary men and women whomade the music: Louis Armstrong, the fatherless waif whoseunrivaled genius helped turn jazz into a soloist's art andinfluenced every singer, every instrumentalist who came after him;Duke Ellington, the pampered son of middle-class parents who turneda whole orchestra into his personal instrument, wrote nearly twothousand pieces for it, and captured more of American life than anyother composer. Bix Beiderbecke, the doomed cornet prodigy whoshowed white musicians that they too could make an importantcontribution t

    • ¥106.5 折扣:3.5折