Unrivaled in its unique combination of analytical rigor and accessibility, Intermediate Microeconomics: A Modern Approach has garnered one of the broadest adoption lists in the market. Now appearing in its Sixth Edition, Professor Varian's hallmark text is better than ever, featuring new treatments of game theory and competitive strategy, and a variety of new illustrative examples. Modern, authoritative, and above all crafted by an outstanding teacher and scholar, Intermediate Microeconomics, Sixth Edition will expand students' analytic powers and strengthen their understanding of microeconomics.
There is an ongoing perception that public accountability inmodern-day governance is in 'crisis', caused by globalization andthe increasing power of private economic interests. This bookresponds to that idea, providing the most comprehensive survey todate of how different organizations hold persons acting in thepublic interest to account, and the various problems they face. Thebook shows how key issues, such as public-mindedness, democracy andresponsibility, and structures, such as bureaucracy, markets andtransparency, adopt radically different and sometimes contradictoryinterpretations when viewed from different experientialperspectives. It also demonstrates how underlying all this are corecommunities of experiences that bind these diverse interpretationsand perspectives into a complex web of mutual interaction andinfluence. The book includes studies not only of Anglo-Americanexperiences, but also of the experiences of foreign andtransnational organizations: NGOs, transnational resistancemovements, th
Created in 1959, Amway has had an integralpart in shaping and improving the lives and lifestyles of millions of people around the world. Not just a business, but an opportunity for personal success and achievement, it has spread the old-fashioned American dream across the globe--from South America to the Pacific Rim. This definitive history of Amway delves deep into the heart and soul of the organization.It is an inspirational,motivational chronicle of the company as a whole—its ideology,goals,beliefs,ethics,and sense of values.With provo cative insights, into the first four decades of Amway,this valuable book shows where the company satnds at the dawn of the nes millennium——and how it will continue to move forward in the twenty-first century. In addition to the actual history of Amway,you'll read the uplifting stories of people around the world whose lives have been totally transformed by its philosophy-astonishing accounts of personal success that will motuvate you to improve your own life by
In their 2007 bestseller, Wikinomics,Don Tapscott and Anthony Williams showed theworld how masscollaboration was changing the way businesses communicate, createvalue,and compete in the new global marketplace. Now, in the wakeof the financial crisis, theprinciples of wikinomics have becomemore powerful than ever. Tapscott and Williams show that in morethan a dozen fields--from finance to healthcare, science toeducation, the media to the environment--we have reached a historicturningpoint: cling to the old industrial-era paradigms or usecollaborative innovation to revolu-tionize how we work, live,learn, create, govern, and care for one another. Theiroriginalresearch provides vivid new examples of organizations thatare successfully embracing theprinciples of wikinomics to changethe world.
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Out of the red... Do this month's bills pile up before you'repaid last month's? Do you regularly receive past-due notices? Doyou get letters threatening legal action if immediate payment isnot made? Do the total amounts on your revolving charge accountskeep steadily rising? Into the black... Whether you are currentlyin debt or fear you're falling into debt, you are not alone. Fortymillion Americans--from doctors to secretaries, from executives tothe unemployed--face the same problem and live under the same dailystress. Based on the proven techniques of the national DebtorsAnonymous program, here is the first complete, step-by-step guideto getting out of debt once and for all. You'll learn: How torecognize the warning signs of serious debt. How to negotiate withangry creditors, collection agencies, and the IRS. How to design arealistic and painless pay-back schedule. How to identify yourspending " blind spots." How to cope with the anxiety and dailypressures of owing money. Plus the three cardinal rules for s