Created in 1959, Amway has had an integralpart in shaping and improving the lives and lifestyles of millions of people around the world. Not just a business, but an opportunity for personal success and achievement, it has spread the old-fashioned American dream across the globe--from South America to the Pacific Rim. This definitive history of Amway delves deep into the heart and soul of the organization.It is an inspirational,motivational chronicle of the company as a whole—its ideology,goals,beliefs,ethics,and sense of values.With provo cative insights, into the first four decades of Amway,this valuable book shows where the company satnds at the dawn of the nes millennium——and how it will continue to move forward in the twenty-first century. In addition to the actual history of Amway,you'll read the uplifting stories of people around the world whose lives have been totally transformed by its philosophy-astonishing accounts of personal success that will motuvate you to improve your own life by
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ManymanagersdreamofbecomingaChiefExecutiveOfficerinChina.MaybetheythinkthatCEOstandsforCashEnhancementOpportunity-butofcourse,failurecouldturntheassignmentintoaCareerEndingOption.SohowcanyouensurethatyourassignmentinChinaissuccessful? ManagementProfessorFernandezandbusinessjournalistUnderwoodtackledthisquestionbyinterviewing20topexecutivesworkinginChina,pluseightexperiencedconsultants.TheydiscussedtopicslikemanaginginChina,settinguplocaloperations,adaptingregional/globalbusinessestoChina,tacklingthelocalmarketandlivinginChina. Buthowdoyoureporttheresultsof28interviews?Theeasiestsolutionwouldbetopresenteachinterviewasaseparatechapter.However,FernandezandUnderwoodwantedtounderstandthechallengesfacinginternationalexecutivesinChinatoday.Sotheytooktheharder-butmoreuseful-approachofanalysingtheinterviewsandthenwritingaboutthemainunderlyingthemes,quotingfromtheintervieweestoillustrateparticularpoints. ThatapproachmeansthattopicslikeworkingwithChinesebusinesspartnersordealingwithIPpiracyarepulledtogetherintoawell
More than a thousand individuals of high net worth rose up toprotest the repeal of the estate tax-Newsweek tagged them the"billionaire backlash." The primary visionaries of that group, BillGates Sr. and Chuck Collins, argue here that individual wealth is aproduct not only of hard work and smart choices but of the societythat provides the fertile soil for succes. Weaving personalnarratives, history, and plenty of solid economic sense, Gates andCollins make a sound and compelling case for estate tax reform, notrepeal.
The author of Simple Spells for Love returns with everythingthe curious reader needs to know about the art of casting spellsand crafting charms to increase prosperity, enhance creativeprocesses, attract investors and partners, increase businessopportunities, and find the right career.