    • 天空之蓝
    •   ( 438 条评论 )
    • 乔治?巴塔耶 /2019-01-24/ 西南师范大学出版社
    • 经由这部20世纪的情爱经典,读者可以踏上战前法国知识分子心灵的黑暗之旅。 彼时,欧洲正疯狂滑向法西斯主义的深渊。正值西班牙内战,亨利 托普曼离开巴黎的病床,前往巴塞罗那,在那里见证了加泰罗尼亚大罢工。让他进退维谷的三个女人这时也来到了巴塞罗那:拉扎尔,马克思主义犹太人和政治活动家,如果被捕,她可能被佛朗哥政权迫害;蒂尔媞(多萝西娅),无节制的酒精沉迷者,她是托普曼的性伴侣;格耶妮,一个年轻女子,在巴黎期间,她曾照料发高烧的托普曼。 作为巴塔耶公开的政治作品之一,它将暴力、权力和死亡结成可怖的一体,同时探索性作为一种颠覆力量的模棱两可。

    • ¥58 ¥58 折扣:10折
    • 不可能
    •   ( 228 条评论 )
    • 乔治?巴塔耶 /2019-01-24/ 西南师范大学出版社
    • 本书由三个文本组成。 *个文本是D(狄亚努斯)的日志,它构成了被称为 鼠的故事 的*部分。这部分以D的视角展开,记述了他与B的情乱,同时,在这场混乱的激情中,A(阿尔法主教)作为一个衔接D与B之关系的人物在场。 *部分也涉及了D与E的情乱,而这构成了第二个文本的记述核心。第二部分被称为 狄亚努斯 ,是A的笔记。这部分以A的视角展开。 这两个文本共同结构了本书的故事。被称为 俄瑞斯忒斯 的第三部分则更像是一个总的视角,或者说,一则诗性概述。它由诗歌和诗论组成。巴塔耶写道: 为了在一片明显的不可能中抓住一丝可能,我必须首先想象相反的情境。

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    • 十方一念【放心购买 无忧售后】
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    • 林夕著 /2010-05-01/ 广西师范大学出版社
    • 《十方一念》的内容简介:享誉华人世界的作词人林夕作品10×10首诗写下“有字天书”10×10帧图还原被遗忘的刹那感受当汉字的灵魂从流行音乐的旋律中挣脱,在文与图最玄妙的张力间,激发出三百二十万个将生即灭的灵光。

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    • 中国经典原境界:讲坛实录下【放心购买 无忧售后】
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    • 顾随讲刘在昭笔记顾之京整理;高献红整理 /2016-05-01/ 北京大学出版社
    • 《中国经典原境界》是20世纪国学大师顾随以课堂讲授的方式传习人文、培育人才、启迪人生的之作,六十多年后首度问世。它以中国初始的经典为核心,精湛的学识与睿智的思想融会贯通,徜徉在经典内外,求索于历史上下,升华至理想境界。古今中西,文史哲禅,博大精深却又通俗而富有生气;情思文采,妙趣横生,学问的真与讲述的美珠联璧合有逼近心灵。经典流淌在中华文脉中、赓续在日常生活中,一脉相承的智慧生生不息,恒久的魅力令人心安。做人与读经相映成辉,修身与悟道相得益彰,怡情与治学水乳交融。在中国经典的人文关怀中,追寻古典文化原初的清纯精神,开启现实人生本真的至高境界。 《中国经典原境界》为《顾随讲坛实录》的下册。

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    • Island of Sheep(Wordsworth Classics) 绵羊岛
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    • 本社 编 /2011-01-01/ Wordsworth Editions Ltd
    • In this, his final adventure, Buchan's hero Richard Hannay becomes embroiled in one of the most hazardous escapades of his life. Two men are honour bound to help the tormented Valdemar Haraldsen, and a third decides to mastermind the whole affair out o-f sheer love of adventure and a dislike of villains. In the final event, the fate of Haraldsen and his three redoubtable defenders rests on the undaunted bravery of two children. Buchan is one of the best-loved story-tellers of histime, and this thriller reflects a fundamental faith in the magnanimity of human nature that is both inspiring and refreshing.

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    • Catherine Crier 著 /2003-09-23/ 上海蓝泉外文图书有限公司
    • As a child, Catherine Crier was enchanted by film portrayals of crusading lawyers like Clarence Darrow and Atticus Finch. As a district attorney, private lawyer, and judge herself, she saw firsthand how the U.S. justice system worked – and didn’t. One of the most respected legal journalists and commentators today, she now confronts a profoundly unfair legal system that produces results and profits for the few – and paralysis, frustration, and injustice for the many. Alexis de Tocqueville’s dire prediction in Democracy in America has come true: We Americans have ceded our responsibility as citizens to resolve the problems of society to "legal authorities" – and with it our democratic freedoms. The Case Against Lawyers is both an angry indictment and an eloquent plea for a return to common sense. It decries a system of laws so complex even the enforcers – such as the IRS – cannot understand them. It unmasks a litigation-crazed society where billion-dollar judgments mostly line the pockets of p

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    • HARD TIMES 艰难时事
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    • Charles Dickens 著 /2007-01-01/ 家庭电子杂志社
    • This story of class conflict in Victorian England serves as a powerful critique of the social injustices that plagued the Industrial Revolution.THIS ENRICHED CLASSIC EDITION INCLUDES: - A concise introduction that gives the reader important background information- A chronology of the author's life and work- A timeline of significant events that provides the book's historical context- An outline of key themes and plot points to guide the reader's own interpretations- Detailed explanatory notes- Critical analysis, including contemporary and modern perspectives on the work- Discussion questions to promote lively classroom and book group interaction- A list of recommended related books and films to broaden the reader's experience

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    • If I Die Before I Wake
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    • Sherwood King 著 /2010-05-01/ Penguin
    • Laurence is a young ex-sailor who can't resist the lure of the good life, and when he finds a job as chauffeur to the wealthy Mr and Mrs Bannister, his occasional work leaves him free to indulge. Bannister himself is bitter - his twisted leg keeps him on the sidelines while his ravishingly beautiful wife endures his moods with saintly patience. Or does she? It's the Bannisters' closest friend, Grisby, who starts stirring, getting Laurence to agree to a crazy plot. It will net him thousands, no strings attached. But is it all too easy?

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    • The Jungle (100th Anniversary Edition)
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    • Upton Sinclair 著 /2001-07-01/ Penguin
    • In this powerful book we enter the world of Jurgis Rudkus, ayoung Lithuanian immigrant who arrives in America fired with dreamsof wealth, freedom, and opportunity. And we discover, with him, theastonishing truth about "packingtown," the busy, flourishing,filthy Chicago stockyards, where new world visions perish in ajungle of human suffering. Upton Sinclair, master of the"muckraking" novel, here explores the workingman's lot at the turnof the century: the backbreaking labor, the injustices of"wage-slavery," the bewildering chaos of urban life. The Jungle, astory so shocking that it launched a government investigation,recreates this startling chapter if our history in unflinchingdetail. Always a vigorous champion on political reform, Sinclair isalso a gripping storyteller, and his 1906 novel stands as one ofthe most important -- and moving -- works in the literature ofsocial change. --This text refers to an alternate Mass MarketPaperback edition.

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    • 波得.番/PETER PAN
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    • J.M. Barrie 著 /1995-12-01/ 福光
    • Peter Pan is the boy who never grows up. Bringing the Darling children to Neverland, Peter introduces them to a world in which he and the Lost Boys are farever battling the evil Captain Hook, and Tinkerbell the ir-ritable fairy is the only mother any of them know... PENGUIN POPULAR CLASSICS are the per-fect introduction to the world-famous PENGUIN CLASSICS series - which en-compasses the best books ever written, from Homer's Odyssey to Orwelrs 1984 and everything in between. For a full list and ideas on what to read next, visit www.penguinclassics.com

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    • The Inferno
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    • Dante Alighieri 著,John Ciardi 译 /2009-10-01/ Penguin
    • Belonging in the company of the works of Homer and Virgil, The Inferno is a moving human drama, a journey through thetorment of Hell, an expression of the Middle Ages, and a protestagainst the ways in which men have thwarted the divine plan.

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    • Lysistrata
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    • Aristophanes , Douglass Parker 编译 /2009-04-01/ Penguin
    • In Aristophanes’ most popular play, sex is a powerful agent ofreconciliation. As war ravages ancient Greece, a band of women, ledby Lysistrata, promise to deny their husbands all sex until theystop fighting. And the battle of the sexes begins

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    • BREAKING CLEAN(ISBN=9780375701306)
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    • Judy Blunt 著 /2003-01-01/ Random House US
    • In this extraordinary literary debut third-generationhomesteader Judy Blunt describes her hardscrabble life on theprairies of eastern Montana in prose as big and bold as thelandscape. On a ranch miles from nowhere, Judy Blunt grew up with cattle andsnakes, outhouse and isolation, epic blizzards and devastatingprairie fires. She also grew up with a set of rules and rolesprescribed to her sex long before she was born, a chafing set ofstrictures she eventually had no choice but to flee, taking alongthree children and leaving behind a confused husband and the onlylife she’d ever known. Gritty, lyrical, unsentimental and wise, Breaking Clean is at once informed by the myths of the Westand powerful enough to break them down.

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    • Salman Rushdie 著 /2000-01-01/ 中国科学技术大学出版社
    • The internationally acclaimed autbor of The Satanic Verses crses creates a stunning literary masterpiece,brilliantly intermingling the themes of love,loss,music,myth,relism,bistory,and pop culure,wbile belling a captivating story of epic protortions "This is Rushdie at his absolute,almost nisolently global best-his adroit mastery of language serves brilliantly imagined characters and a mesmerizing narrative Completely scductive"-Toni Morrison 作者简介 SAMAN RUSHDIE has written six previous novels.Grimus,Midnight's Children,Shame,The Satanic Verses,Haroun and the Sea of Storiesm,and The Moor's Last Sigh as well as a collection of short stories and three nonfiction works.

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    • SONNETS AND OTHER POEMS, THE(ISBN=9780812969207)
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    • William Shakespeare 著 /2011-11-01/ Random House US
    • Shakespeare became famous as a dazzling poet before most peopleeven knew that he wrote plays. His sonnets are the Englishlanguage's most extraordinary anatomy of love in all itsdimensions-desire and despair, longing and loss, adoration anddisgust. To read them is to confront morality and eternity in thesame breath. Produced under the editorial supervision of JonathanBate and Eric Rasmussen, two of today's most accomplishedShakespearean scholars, The Sonnets and Other Poems includes all ofShakespeare's sonnets, the long narrative poems "Venus and Adonis"and "The Rape of Lucrece," and several other shorter works.Incorporating definitive texts and authoritative notes from WilliamShakespeare: Complete Works, this unique volume also includes anexpanded Introduction by Jonathan Bate that places the poems inliterary and historical context and illuminates their relationshipto Shakespeare's dramatic writing. Also featured are key factsabout the individual selections; an index of the first lines of thesonnets; a chron

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    • Leaf Storm ISBN=9780141032566
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    • Gabriel Garcia Marquez 著 /2008-05-01/ Penguin
    • Suddenly, as if a whirlwind had set down roots in the centerof the town, the banana company arrived, pursued by the leaf storm.As a blizzard of warehouses and amusement parlours and slumsdescends on the small town of Macondo, the inhabitants reel at theaccompanying stench of rubbish that makes their homeunrecognisable. When the banana company leaves town as fast as itarrived, all they are left with is a void of decay. Living in thisdevastated and soulless wasteland is one last honourable man, theColonel, who is determined to fulfil a longstanding promise, nomatter how unpalatable it may be. With the death of the detestedDoctor, he must provide an honourable burial - and incur the wrathof the rest of Macondo, who would rather see the Doctor rot,forgotten and unattended.

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    • Coll Poems Lord Byron ISBN 9781853264061
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    • George Gordon Byron 著 /1994-03-01/
    • Book De*ion A legend in his lifetime,Lord Byron was the dominant influence on the Romantic movement. Thetext of this edition, which contains nearly all of Byron'spublished poems together with the poet's own Notes, was firstpublished in The Oxford Poets in 1896, and has been reprintednumerous times. Fredrick Page's text has been revised by John Jump, who has made anumber of substantive corrections, and added to Don Juan thefragment of a seventeenth canto that was previouslyunavailable. Book Dimension : length: (cm)19.8 width:(cm)12.6

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    • Love Letters of Great Men (Paperback) 伟人的情书(男人篇)
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    • Ursula Doyle 著 /2009-04-01/ 经济日报
    • "Anton Lesser reads these extraordinary missives in his mellifluous, British-brushed voice...A perfect Valentine gift to give or get."--BookPage "Anton Lesser narrates with energy and sensitivity to the text, shifting his delivery to match the tone of each letter.... A great collection with a great narrator. Don't wait until Valentine's Day for this one!"--AudioFile "Under the bright sun, lie back, shut your eyes, and listen to the lovesick likes of Beethoven, Keats, and Napoleon. Whether the missives are stoic or sweetly goofy, British stage actor Lesser gives them timeless resonance." – O, The Oprah Magazine, named one of four "terrific audiobooks"

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    • Henry IV, Part II
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    • William Shakespeare 著 /2002-09-01/ Penguin
    • Picking up where Henry IV, Part One left off after theBattle of Shrewsbury, Henry IV, Part Two is the story ofEngland's King Henry IV during his final months of life, hisreconciliation with his wayward heir, and his eventual death.

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