    • 天空之蓝
    •   ( 439 条评论 )
    • 乔治?巴塔耶 /2019-01-24/ 西南师范大学出版社
    • 经由这部20世纪的情爱经典,读者可以踏上战前法国知识分子心灵的黑暗之旅。 彼时,欧洲正疯狂滑向法西斯主义的深渊。正值西班牙内战,亨利 托普曼离开巴黎的病床,前往巴塞罗那,在那里见证了加泰罗尼亚大罢工。让他进退维谷的三个女人这时也来到了巴塞罗那:拉扎尔,马克思主义犹太人和政治活动家,如果被捕,她可能被佛朗哥政权迫害;蒂尔媞(多萝西娅),无节制的酒精沉迷者,她是托普曼的性伴侣;格耶妮,一个年轻女子,在巴黎期间,她曾照料发高烧的托普曼。 作为巴塔耶公开的政治作品之一,它将暴力、权力和死亡结成可怖的一体,同时探索性作为一种颠覆力量的模棱两可。

    • ¥29 ¥58 折扣:5折
    • 不可能
    •   ( 228 条评论 )
    • 乔治?巴塔耶 /2019-01-24/ 西南师范大学出版社
    • 本书由三个文本组成。 *个文本是D(狄亚努斯)的日志,它构成了被称为 鼠的故事 的*部分。这部分以D的视角展开,记述了他与B的情乱,同时,在这场混乱的激情中,A(阿尔法主教)作为一个衔接D与B之关系的人物在场。 *部分也涉及了D与E的情乱,而这构成了第二个文本的记述核心。第二部分被称为 狄亚努斯 ,是A的笔记。这部分以A的视角展开。 这两个文本共同结构了本书的故事。被称为 俄瑞斯忒斯 的第三部分则更像是一个总的视角,或者说,一则诗性概述。它由诗歌和诗论组成。巴塔耶写道: 为了在一片明显的不可能中抓住一丝可能,我必须首先想象相反的情境。

    • ¥26 ¥52 折扣:5折
    • 肥肉【正版图书 无忧售后】
    •   ( 23 条评论 )
    • 朱赢椿编 /2014-02-01/ 南京师范大学出版社
    • 《肥肉》既收录了刘晓庆、许戈辉、杨澜、苏童、张嘉佳等会各界知名人士写下他们对肥肉的记忆,也收录了民间不同年龄不同领域的人对肥肉的记忆。同时也收集了日、韩、德等不同国家和地区的人们的肥肉故事。 这一段段时光的片段中,有美好,也有无奈,有辛酸,也有大笑,还有不为人知的感动,集中呈现了一个有关“肥肉”这个油腻而有趣的?话题背后的大时代、集体记忆和私人逸事。 这是一部中国人关于肥肉的经历和记忆,凝聚了中国人辛酸的过往、甜蜜的记忆以及正在发生的酸甜苦辣的故事。同时也是全球不同的人从不同的视角对肥肉的体味。

    • ¥17.9 ¥102.02 折扣:1.8折
    • 四时之诗:蒙曼品美唐诗【放心购买 无忧售后】
    •   ( 2 条评论 )
    • 蒙曼著 /2018-04-01/ 浙江文艺出版社
    • 《四时之诗:蒙曼品ZUI美唐诗》是著名隋唐史学者、中国诗词大会评委蒙曼老师讲解唐诗的作品,蒙曼老师带你重返大唐,品读ZUI美唐诗?。该书以古典24节气和现代节日为切入点,带领读者在四季时令中阅读精选的唐诗作品,品味唐诗的语言美、文学美,讲述文化典故、进入诗人心境。以此为主题精心编排修订32首诗文讲稿。这些诗围绕着四季的节气和节日,其实就是围绕着唐代的岁月轮回,围绕着唐人的生命轮回。希望在这轮回中看到他们——李白、杜甫、王维,更希望在这轮回中看到我们——你我和他(她)。我们和他们,古代和今天,传统和未来,就相遇在这如许美妙的四时之诗中。让我们和蒙曼老师一起,细细领略那穿越千年而来的风花雪月,和那历经千年而不朽的绣口锦心。

    • ¥14.78 ¥86.98 折扣:1.7折
    • 十方一念【放心购买 无忧售后】
    •   ( 4 条评论 )
    • 林夕著 /2010-05-01/ 广西师范大学出版社
    • 《十方一念》的内容简介:享誉华人世界的作词人林夕作品10×10首诗写下“有字天书”10×10帧图还原被遗忘的刹那感受当汉字的灵魂从流行音乐的旋律中挣脱,在文与图最玄妙的张力间,激发出三百二十万个将生即灭的灵光。

    • ¥60.72 ¥440.88 折扣:1.4折
    • 地球杀场【放心购买】
    •   ( 1 条评论 )
    • 罗恩·哈伯德 /1997-08-01/ 海南出版社
    • 《地球杀场》是一部英雄史诗般的科幻小说。故事发生在公元三千年的时候,地球已被外星入侵者——塞库洛统治了若干个世纪。塞库洛用毒气毁灭地球人类,对捕获到的幸存者施以暴虐;他们依靠庞大的星系矿业公司,主宰着银河系。 在洛基山脉的一个贫瘠荒凉的小山村,幸存的人类过着野蛮人的生活。乔尼·泰勒决定出走山庄,去寻找乐土,不幸落入塞库洛的魔爪。在其他幸存者:苏格兰人、中国人、俄国人的帮助之下,乔尼巧妙地与宇宙间邪恶势力周旋,并运用人类的智慧,战胜了塞库洛和别的企图瓜分地球的外星入侵者。

    • ¥19.1 ¥42.7 折扣:4.5折
    • 冤鬼路【正版书籍】
    •   ( 2 条评论 )
    • Tinadannis著 /2007-01-01/ 中国友谊出版公司
    • 传说,夜深人静时分,走过那条小路的人,一定会满脸惊怖,血流满面,死在路上。她不信,一个人去了。最终怎么样呢?她死前拼尽全力说了两句话:“一定要死的!逃不掉的!”怪象环生,生灵罹难,一切都源于50年前的怀冤觅死的那个女生?何健飞、田音榛、阿强、李老伯、冬蕗、张君行、谭星莞带你走上这趟不归路

    • ¥42.5 ¥94.7 折扣:4.5折
    • 暗访十年第四季【放心购买 无忧售后】
    •   ( 10 条评论 )
    • 李幺傻著 /2011-09-01/ 云南人民出版社
    • 作者深入房地产行业内部,切身接触房产商、售楼小姐、房屋中介等不同环节的“迷人”规则,总结了几大不能相信:售楼小姐的嘴、媒体上的吹、定金会退、房源排队;还有关于房子价格表和销控表猫腻,房产中介的骗局等,无不让你生不如死还欲罢不能。 煤老板是一个特殊时期的群体,这个群体与二奶、悍马、伟哥、矿难等联系在一起。这个群体也长期被人们所诟病。煤老板迅速暴富,他们演绎着当代的传奇故事,成为了财富的象征。于是,围绕着煤老板,各色人等粉墨登场,贪官、假记者、黑社会、劫匪、殓尸工……上演了一幕幕当代社会的悲喜剧。 今年,随着煤炭资源重组,煤矿逐渐收为国有。此后,世间再无煤老板。

    • ¥17.75 ¥101.39 折扣:1.8折
    • Twisted缠绕
    •   ( 2 条评论 )
    • Laurie Halse Anderson 著 /2007-03-01/
    • High school senior Tyler Miller used to be the kind of guy who faded into the background—average student, average looks, average dysfunctional family. But since he got busted for doing graffiti on the school, and spent the summer doing outdoor work to pay for it, he stands out like you wouldn’t believe. His new physique attracts the attention of queen bee Bethany Milbury, who just so happens to be his father’s boss’s daughter, the sister of his biggest enemy—and Tyler’s secret crush. And that sets off a string of events and changes that have Tyler questioning his place in the school, in his family, and in the world. In Twisted, the acclaimed Laurie Halse Anderson tackles a very controversial subject: what it means to be a man today. Fans and new readers alike will be captured by Tyler’s pitchperfect, funny voice, the surprising narrative arc, and the thoughtful moral dilemmas that are at the heart of all of the author’s award-winning, widely read work.

    • ¥73.4 折扣:4.5折
    • 格列佛游记(诺顿英国文学评论系列) Gulliver’s Travels
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    • Jonathan Swift 著 /2002-12-01/ 华文出版社
    • Gulliver's Travels is one of the most popular works of fiction published in England in the eighteenth century, and one of the best satires ever written. This new Norton Critical Edition is based on the 1726 text, the version that textual scholars now maintain should be the basis for all modern editions of the work. It is accompanied by extensive textual annotations and a dozen illustrations.

    • ¥88.5 折扣:7.9折
    • RABBIT REDUX(ISBN=9780449911938)
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    • John Updike 著 /2011-11-01/ Random House US
    • The assumptions and obsessions that control our daily lives areexplored in tantalizing detail by master novelist John Updike inthis wise, witty, sexy story. Harry Angstrom -- known to all asRabbit, one of America's most famous literary characters -- findshis dreary life shattered by the infidelity of his wife, Janice.How he resolves -- or further complicates -- his problems, makesfor a novel of the first order

    • ¥69 折扣:5折
    • Memories Of My Melancholy Whores ISBN=9780141028736
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    • Gabriel Garcia Marquez 著 /2007-08-01/ Penguin
    • 'The year I turned ninety, I wanted to give myself a gift of anight of wild love with an adolescent virgin' He has never married,never loved and never gone to bed with a woman he didn't pay. Buton finding a young girl naked and asleep on the brothel owner'sbed, a passion is ignited in his heart - and he feels, for thefirst time, the urgent pangs of love. Each night, exhausted by herfactory work, 'Delgadina' sleeps peacefully whilst he watches herquietly. During these solitary early hours, his love for herdeepens and he finds himself reflecting on his newly found passionand the loveless life he has led. By day, his columns in the localnewspaper are read avidly by those who recognise in his outpouringsthe enlivening and transformative power of love. The publication of"Memories of My Melancholy Whores" spearheads "Penguin's"celebration of Marquez's 80th birthday in 2007.

    • ¥60.8 折扣:7.9折
    • 呼啸山庄 Wuthering Heigbts
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    • RICHARD J.DUNN 著 /2002-02-01/ 华文出版社
    • This best-selling Norton Critical Edition is based on the 1847 first edition of the novel. For the Fourth Edition, the editor has collated the 1847 text with several modern editions and has cor-rected a number of variants, including accidentals. The text is accompanied by entirely new explanatory annotations. New to the Fourth Edition are twelve of Emily Bronte's letters regarding the publication of the 1847 edition of Wuthering Heights as well as the evolution of the 1850 edition, prose and poetry selections by the author, four reviews of the novel, and Edward Chitham's insightful and informative chronology of the creative process behind this beloved work. Five major critical interpretations of Wuthering Heights are in-cluded, three of them new to the Fourth Edition. A. Stuart Daley considers the importance of chronology in the novel. J. Hillis Miller examines Wuthering Heights's problems of genre and criti-cal reputation. Sandra M. Gilbert assesses the role Victorian Christianity plays in the novel

    • ¥79.8 折扣:7.9折
    • The Smoke Jumper
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    • NICHOLAS EVANS 著 /2001-01-01/
    • For three young friends it had been the most golden of summers. But the fire on Snake Mountain, spawned on a moonless night by a single shaft of lightning, was to burn a brand upon all their lives. After a tragic death for which she holds herself accountable teacher Julia Bishop is forced to choose between the two men she loves. The one she spurns embarks on a dark journey to the heart of human suffering. Reckless of a life he no longer values, war photographer Connor Ford finds fame but never happiness, until another fateful day when he must walk through fire once more - for Julia, her child and all he holds dear.

    • ¥53.7 折扣:8.8折
    • WHEN WE WERE ORPHANS(ISBN=9780375724404)
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    • Kazuo Ishiguro 著 /2011-12-01/ Random House US
    • From the Booker Prize-winning, bestselling author of Remains ofthe Day" "comes this stunning work of soaring imagination. Born inearly-twentieth-century Shanghai, Banks was orphaned at the age ofnine after the separate disappearances of his parents. Now, morethan twenty years later, he is a celebrated figure in Londonsociety; yet the investigative expertise that has garnered him famehas done little to illuminate the circumstances of his parents'alleged kidnappings. Banks travels to the seething, labyrinthinecity of his memory in hopes of solving the mystery of his own,painful past, only to find that war is ravaging Shanghai beyondrecognition-and that his own recollections are proving as difficultto trust as the people around him. Masterful, suspenseful andpsychologically acute, When We Were Orphans" "offers a profoundmeditation on the shifting quality of memory, and the possibilityof avenging one's past.

    • ¥58.5 折扣:4.5折
    • The Norton Anthology English Literature 8e
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    • Stephen Greenblatt 著 /2006-03-01/
    • Book De*ion The classic survey ofEnglish literature in a vibrant new edition, with StephenGreenblatt as general editor. A legendary bestseller for more than forty years, The NortonAnthology of English Literature is the classic survey to the fieldfrom the Middle Ages to the twenty-first century. With more thanninety authors, the Major Authors Edition deepens itsrepresentation of essential works in all genres, ranging fromSeamus Heaney's award-winning translation of Beowulf andShakespeare's Twelfth Night to the greats of the nineteenthcentury—Blake and Wordsworth, Tennyson and Barrett Browning—totwentieth-century classics of a truly global Englishliterature—Conrad's Heart of Darkness, Woolf's A Room of One's Own,poetry by Derek Walcott, and prose by Nadine Gordimer and SalmanRushdie, to name but a few. Color plates—over seventy-five inall—bring to life the cultural concerns of each period. Conciseglosses and annotations, period introductions, biographicalheadnotes, timelines, and selected bibliogr

    • ¥298.6 折扣:7.9折