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    • The Coupon Mom's Guide to Cutting Your Grocery Bills in Half
    •   ( 1 条评论 )
    • Stephanie Nelson 著 /2009-12-01/ Penguin
    • A book that pays for itself! The creator of couponmom.com,with 1.6 million subscribers and counting, shares her strategicmoney-saving techniques for saving big while living well Americans are hungry for bargains these days, but one woman hasdeveloped the ultimate strategy for enjoying a feast of savings.Taking the nation by storm, with appearances ranging from The OprahWinfrey Show, Today and Good Morning America, Stephanie Nelson hasshown countless women and men how to save thousands of dollars bybecoming savvy coupon clippers-without sacrificing nutrition orquality. Now, in The Coupon Mom's Guide to Cutting Your GroceryBills in Half, Nelson demonstrates all of the tricks of thetrade-beyond coupons and tailor-made for a variety of shopperlifestyles. Whether you're a "busy" shopper and have only a smallamount of time each week to devote to finding the best deal; a"rookie" shopper who is ready to put more effort into cuttingbills; or a seasoned "varsity" shopper who is looking for new waysto get t

    • ¥49.6 折扣:5.2折
    • START OVER, FINISH RICH(ISBN=9780307591197) 英文原版
    •   ( 4 条评论 )
    • David Bach大卫·巴赫) 著 /2009-12-01/ Random House US
    • Let 2010 Set You on the Path to Wealth. Believe it or not, recessions make millionaires! Will you be one?In Start Over, Finish Rich, America's best-loved financial expert,David Bach, explains that 2010 will be the best opportunity forbuilding wealth we have seen in decades. And, as the economyrecovers, you must be set up to recover with it. Bach's easy,take-action plan will show you how. Start Over, Finish Rich supplies the ten crucial moves you mustmake in 2010 to get back on track and recapture your dreams of aricher future. Learn how to: * Get out of debt * Fix your credit * Rebuild your 401k plan * Improve your 529 Plan * Take smart risks * Reorganize your financial life for the high tech age * Update your real estate plan * Change your thinking about money * Recommit to wealth As Bach says, "A recession is a terrible thing to waste—so don'twaste this one! Use it instead to get rich." Read Start Over,Fini

    • ¥43 折扣:5折