
  • 50~元以上
  • 5折-6折
仅五星 以上 以上 以上 以上
    • One Up On Wall Street : How To Use What You Already Know To
    •   ( 28 条评论 )
    • Peter Lynch 著 /2007-12-01/ Simon & Schuster
    • This book was written to offer encouragement and basicinformation to the individual investor. Who knew it would gothrough thirty printings and sell more than one million copies? Asthis latest edition appears eleven years beyond the first, I'mconvinced that the same principles that helped me perform well atthe Fidelity Magellan Fund still apply to investing in stockstoday. It's been a remarkable stretch since One Up on Wall Street hit thebookstores in 1989. I left Magellan in May, 1990, and pundits saidit was a brilliant move. They congratulated me for getting out atthe right time -- just before the collapse of the great bullmarket. For the moment, the pessimists looked smart. The country'smajor banks flirted with insolvency, and a few went belly up. Byearly fall, war was brewing in Iraq. Stocks suffered one of theirworst declines in recent memory. But then the war was won, thebanking system survived, and stocks rebounded. Some rebound! The Dow is up more than fourfold since October, 1990,from the 2,400 lev

    • ¥71.5 折扣:5折
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    • Andrew J. Sherman 编 /2010-10-01/ McGraw-Hill
    • Mergers and acquisitions represent a successful growthstrategy for many companies, but, while potentially profitable,M A transactions are complex and often risky. Covering thelatest trends, developments, and best practices for the post-Madoffera, this comprehensive, hands-on resource walks readers throughevery step of the process, offering practical advice for keepingdeals on track and ensuring postclosing integration success. Filledwith case studies and war stories illustrating what works and why,the third edition of "Mergers and Acquisitions from A to Z" offersvaluable tools, checklists, and sample documents, providing crucialguidance on: preparing for and initiating the deal; regulatoryconsiderations; due diligence; deal structure; valuation andpricing; and financing even during turbulent market conditions.M A transactions can quickly spell a company's doom if they arenot conceived and executed carefully, legally, and sensibly. Thisis the classic guide to mergers and acquisitions, now completelyupda

    • ¥180 折扣:6折
    • The Financial Peace Planner(ISBN=9780140264685) 英文原版
    •   ( 4 条评论 )
    • Dave Ramsey 著 /1998-01-01/ Penguin
    • The bestselling author and nationally syndicated radio host of"The Money Game" has helped thousands through his 12-week financialplanning program. His workbook format allows readers to frequentlyassess their progress and to face their situation honestly by usingthe questionnaires and fill-in charts throughout the book--the mostvaluable purchase a debt-ridden reader could ever make.

    • ¥56.4 折扣:5.2折
    • HOME ECONS(ISBN=9781594744617) 英文原版
    •   ( 20 条评论 )
    • Jennifer McKnight-Trontz 著 /2010-07-01/ Random House US
    • "Home Economics" reintroduces readers to all Grandma's thriftytips, down-home know-how, honest-to-goodness advice, and deliciousrecipes. Modeled on and compiled from vintage home-ec textbooks,this adorable guide contains everything needed to whip up and keepup a happy, healthy, and - most important - economical homelife.

    • ¥64.5 折扣:5折
    • HOW TO GET OUT OF DEBT (RKPG)(ISBN=9780553382020) 英文原版
    •   ( 8 条评论 )
    • Jerrold Mundis 编 /2003-01-01/ Random House US
    • With up-to-the-minute information . . . And an all-newpreface by the author! Out of the red . . . ? Do this month’s bills pile up before you’ve paid lastmonth’s? ? Do you regularly receive past-due notices? ? Do you get letters threatening legal action if immediate paymentis not made? ? Do the total amounts of your revolving charge accounts keeprising? Into the black . . . Whether you are currently in debt or fear you’re fallinginto debt, you are not alone. Sixty million Americans--from doctorsto secretaries, from executives to the unemployed--face the sameproblem and live under the same daily stress. Based on the proventechniques of the national Debtors Anonymous program, here is thefirst complete, step-by-step guide to getting out of debt once andfor all. You’ll learn: ? How to recognize the warning signs of serious debt ? How to negotiate with angry creditors, collection agencies, andthe IRS ? How to design a realistic and painless pay-back schedule ? How to identify your spending blind

    • ¥64.5 折扣:5折
    • AFTERSHOCK(ISBN=9780307476333)
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    • Robert B. Reich 著 /2011-12-01/ Random House US
    • Updated for paperback publication, Aftershock is a brilliantreading of the causes of our current economic crisis, with a planfor dealing with its challenging aftermath. When the nation’s economy foundered in 2008, blame was directedalmost universally at Wall Street bankers. But Robert B. Reich, oneof our most experienced and trusted voices on public policy,suggests another reason for the meltdown. Our real problem, heargues, lies in the increasing concentration of wealth in the handsof the richest Americans, while stagnant wages and rising costshave forced the middle class to go deep into debt. Reich’sthoughtful and detailed account of where we are headed over thenext decades—and how we can fix our economic system—is a practical,humane, and much-needed blueprint for restoring America’s economyand rebuilding our society.

    • ¥64.5 折扣:5折
    • The New Financial Capitalists(ISBN=9780521642606)
    •   ( 2 条评论 )
    • George David Smith 著 /2012-01-01/ Cambridge University Press
    • Kohlberg Kravis Roberts's approach to leveraged buyouts was animportant aspect of the corporate restructuring and governancereforms in the American economy from the mid-1970s through 1990.During that period, KKR crafted a series of progressively moreelaborate deals tailored to specific companies and marketconditions. Through its creative debt financing and itsrelationships with an evolving cast of investors, companies, andmanagers, KKR drove the scale and scope of the buyout phenomenon tounprecedented highs. This book examines KKR's record in detail.Based upon interviews with partners of the firm and onunprecedented access to KKR's records, George Baker and GeorgeSmith have written a balanced and enlightening account of how KKRhas approached LBOs. This book focuses on KKR's founding,evolution, and innovations as ways to understand issues in modernAmerican business. In examining KKR as a unique form of enterprise- one that subscribes to a set of alternative perspectives onbusiness and value creation - t

    • ¥207.6 折扣:6折
    • VIGILANT INVESTOR(ISBN=9780814417508) 英文原版
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • Pat Huddleston 编 /2011-10-01/ McGraw-Hill
    • Making sound investments is tough enough without having toworry about unscrupulous financial advisers and outright frauds.But recently strengthened laws aren't enough to stop the"professionals" intent on profiting from - or just plain stealing -your money. As an Enforcement Branch Chief at the Securities andExchange Commission, Pat Huddleston witnessed countless people losetheir life savings to reckless stockbrokers and fraudulent schemes.Now an SEC-recommended Receiver and CEO of a securities andinvestment fraud investigation agency, Huddleston has intimateknowledge of how scam artists and bad brokers operate. In TheVigilant Investor, he explains WHY we fall for investment scams,HOW con artists play on our emotions, and WHAT we can do to protectourselves from predators. With its unique look into the science offinancial decision making, the book blows up the popular myths andsimplistic "do's and don'ts" of investing while sharing techniquesanyone can use to perform due diligence even better than the"experts.

    • ¥125.8 折扣:5.9折
    • The Motley Fool Investment Guide : How The Fool Beats Wall S
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • David Gardner 著 /2001-01-01/ Simon & Schuster
    • For Making Sense of Investing Today...the Fully Revised and Expanded Edition of the Bestselling The Motley Fool Investment Guide Today, with the Internet, anyone can be an informed investor. Once you learn to tune out the hype and focus on meaningful factors, you can beat the Street. The Motley Fool Investment Guide, completely revised and updated with clear and witty explanations, deciphers all the new information -- from evaluating individual stocks to creating a diverse investment portfolio. David and Tom Gardner have investing ideas for you -- no matter how much time or money you have. This new edition of The Motley Fool Investment Guide is built for today's investor, sophisticate and novice alike, with updated information on: * Finding high-growth stocks that will beat the market over the long term * Identifying volatile young companies that traditional valuation measures may miss * Using Fool.com and the Internet to locate great sources of useful information

    • ¥66.8 折扣:5折
    • The How to Make Money in Stocks Complete Investing System: Y
    •   ( 55 条评论 )
    • 本社 编 /2011-05-01/ McGraw-Hill
    • Through every type of market, William J. O'Neil's nationalbestseller, How to Make Money inStocks, has shown over 2 millioninvestors the secrets to successful investing. O'Neil'spowerful CANSLIM~ Investing Systemma proven seven-step process for minimizingriskand maximizing gains--has influenced generations ofinvestors.Based on a major study of all the greatest stock marketwinners from 1880 to 2009, thisexpanded edition gives you:

    • ¥165.6 折扣:6折
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    • David Bach 著 /2008-03-01/ Random House US
    • Owning a home has always been the American Dream, and in The Automatic Millionaire Homeowner , David Bach shows thatbuying a home and investment properties is not only possible, it isstill the surest way to reach your seven-figure dreams on anordinary income. Whether you are a renter or already own a home,Bach’s book offers a lifelong strategy for real estate based ontimeless wisdom that is tried and true—in any market. He includeseverything you need to know, with step-by-step instructions,including phone numbers and web sites, so you can get started rightaway. As long as you’re alive, you have to live somewhere. Why notlet where you live make you financially secure and ultimately rich?David Bach will show you how.

    • ¥56 折扣:5折
    • CHASING GOLDMAN SACHS(ISBN=9780307460110) 英文原版
    •   ( 13 条评论 )
    • nne McGee 著 /2011-12-01/ Random House US
    • You know what happened during the financial crisis … now it istime to understand why the financial system came so close tofalling over the edge of the abyss and why it could happen again.Wall Street has been saved, but it hasn’t been reformed. What isthe problem? Suzanne McGee provides a penetrating look at the forces thattransformed Wall Street from its traditional role as acapital-generating and economy-boosting engine into a behemothoperating with only its own short-term interests in mind and withreckless disregard for the broader financial system and those whorelied on that system for their well being and prosperity. Primary among these influences was “Goldman Sachs envy”: theself-delusion on the part of Richard Fuld of Lehman Brothers,Stanley O’Neil of Merrill Lynch, and other power brokers (egged onby their shareholders) that taking more risk would enable theircompanies to make even more money than Goldman Sachs. Thathubris—and that narrow-minded focus on maximizing their

    • ¥139.8 折扣:6折
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    • Joel Greenblatt 著 /2011-04-01/ Random House US
    • When it comes to investing in the stock market, investors have plenty of options: 1. They can do it themselves. Trillions of dollars areinvested this way. (Of course, the only problem here is that most people have no ideahow to analyze and choose individual stocks. Well, not reallythe only problem. Most investors have no idea how toconstruct a stock portfolio, most have no idea when to buy andsell, and most have no idea how much to invest in the firstplace.) 2. They can give it to professionals to invest. Trillions of dollars are invested this way. (Unfortunately most professionals actually underperform the market averages over time. In fact,it may be even harderto pick good professional managers than it is to pick goodindividual stocks.) 3. They can invest in traditional index funds. Trillions of dollars are also invested this way.(The problem isthat investing this way is seriously flawed--and almost a guaranteeof subpar investment returns over time.) 4. They can read The Big Secret for the

    • ¥86.5 折扣:5折
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    • JEAN CHATZKY 著 /2003-01-01/
    • Not according to Jean Chatzky, one of the most popular personal-finance experts in the country, who has advised millions through her regular Today Show appearances and her columns in Money magazine. Now she shares the good news about a groundbreaking study she did with the Roper Organization; the Happiness Assessment. Her research shows that amount of money you make has surprisingly little to do with how financially happy you are. But the happiest people in America at all incorme levels tend to use the money strategies that Chatzky calls the "Ten Commandments of Financial Happiness." For instance, they pay their bills as they come in rather than all at one and minimize credit and debt. The bottom line: you have to pay attention to your money-and Chatzky shows you how to make the most of what you've got. But you certainly don't have to be rich achieve financial happiness. 作者简介:Jean Chatsky is the financial editor for NBC's Today show, has a monthly colomn in Money magazine, and is a featu

    • ¥56 折扣:5折
    • SMART COUPLES FINISH RICH(ISBN=9780767904841) 英文原版
    •   ( 19 条评论 )
    • David Bach 著 /2002-01-01/ Random House US
    • From first-time newlyweds to people on their second or thirdmarriage, couples face an overwhelming task when it comes to moneymanagement. Nationally renowned financial advisor and bestsellingauthor David Bach knows that it doesn’t have to be this way. InSmart Couples Finish Rich, he provides couples with easy-to-usetools that cover everything from credit card management, toinvestment advice, to long-term care. You and your partner willlearn how to work together as a team to identify your core valuesand dreams, creating a financial plan that will allow you toachieve security, provide for your family’s future financial needs,and increase your income. Together, you’ll learn why couples thatplan their finances together, stay together!

    • ¥64.5 折扣:5折
    • The New York Trilogy(ISBN=9780140131550)
    •   ( 1 条评论 )
    • Tracy Barr 著 /2008-08-01/ Penguin
    • Get smart about spending and saving –– and ride out arecession! Looking for practical ways to make every dollar count? This savvyguide gives you expert tips for tightening your belt and savingcash in every area of your life –– from your house and car todining and entertaining to banking and managing debt. You getrealistic solutions for making smarter choices and living well inthis time of economic turmoil –– without extraordinary sacrifice!Bump up your take–home pay–– spiff up your resume, find a good jobfast, explore telecommuting, or start a home–based business Getyour personal finances in tip–top shape –– create a budget, paydown debt, save on insurance, and protect your retirement fundsDevelop recession–proof habits –– use coupons and rebates, extendthe life of your wardrobe, utilize community resources, travel on abudget, and save on utilities and fuel expenses Decorate on a dimeand entertain on a shoestring –– plan parties, celebrate theholidays, and give

    • ¥81.6 折扣:6折
    • Private Investment in India 1900–1939(ISBN=9780521052757)
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    • Amiya Kumar Bagchi 著 /2008-02-01/ Cambridge University Press
    • This book deals with the history of private investment in Indiaand its determinants during the period 1900-1939. It develops asimple theoretical framework in its first part and tries to isolatethe influence on private investment in India of factor supplies, asagainst demand conditions. In the second part, all the majormanufacturing industries of the period are studied in detail. Mostof the analytical apparatus used is developed from orthodoxeconomic theory, but a heavy emphasis is placed on Keynesian ideas.Finally, the author presents a case study in the economic relationsbetween an imperial power (Britain) and a dependent colony (India).He also examines the social relations between the ruling race andthe Indians, and provides one of the few detailed accounts of themechanics of imperialism.

    • ¥326.4 折扣:6折
    • Lifecycle Investing: A New, Safe, and Audacious Way to Impro
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    • Ian Ayres,Barry Nalebuff 著 /1970-01-01/ PGW
    • Diversification provides a well-known way of getting something close to a free lunch: by spreading money across different kinds of investments, investors can earn the same return with lower risk (or a much higher return for the same amount of risk). This strategy, introduced nearly fifty years ago, led to such strategies as index funds. What if we were all missing out on another free lunch that’s right under our noses? In Lifecycle Investing, Barry Nalebuff and Ian Ayres—two of the most innovative thinkers in business, law, and economics—have developed tools that will allow nearly any investor to diversify their portfolios over time. By using leveraging when young—a controversial idea that sparked hate mail when the authors first floated it in the pages of Forbes—investors of all stripes, from those just starting to plan to those getting ready to retire, can substantially reduce overall risk while improving their returns. In Lifecycle Investing, readers will learn How to figure out the level of

    • ¥101.5 折扣:5折
    • HOW COME THAT IDIOT'S RICH AND(ISBN=9780307395085) 英文原版
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    • Robert Shemin 著 /2009-04-01/ Random House US
    • Have you ever wondered why some people attract wealth whileothers stay financially trapped? The key is learningwealth-friendly, upside-down thinking. In this New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Todaybestseller, Robert Shemin, one-time "idiot" and currently amultimillionaire, illustrates in a witty way how going against thegrain is, in fact, the surest way to gain. Learn how to: ? set only one powerful success goal—and make it a big one ? play while your money goes to work ? stop building someone else’s business and start building yourown ? live and think like a millionaire while you’re becoming one ? use the power and smarts of other Rich Idiots to help you jointhe Rich Idiot Club Spend just a few pages with Robert and his Rich Idiot friends andyou’ll be convinced that “if they could do it, I can do it.”

    • ¥60.5 折扣:5折
    • DEVIL'S DERIVATIVES(ISBN=9781422177815) 英文原版
    •   ( 8 条评论 )
    • Nicholas Dunbar 著 /2011-12-01/ Perseus
    • The Devil's Derivatives charts the untold story of modernfinancial innovation--how investment banks invented new financialproducts, how investors across the world were wooed into buyingthem, how regulators were seduced by the political rewards of easycredit, and how speculators made a killing from the near-meltdownof the financial system. Author Nicholas Dunbar demystifies the revolution that brieflygave finance the same intellectual respectability as theoreticalphysics. He explains how bankers created a secret trillion-dollarmachine that delivered cheap mortgages to the masses and richesbeyond dreams to the financial innovators. Fundamental to this saga is how "the people who hated to lose"were persuaded to accept risk by "the people who loved to win." Whydid people come to trust and respect arcane financial tools? Whowere the bankers competing to assemble the basic components intoincreasingly intricate machines? How did this process achieve itsown unstoppable momentum, ending in collapse,

    • ¥141.7 折扣:5.9折
    • Crash of the Titans: Greed, Hubris, the Fall of Merrill Lync
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    • Greg Farrell 著 /2010-11-01/ Random House US
    • The intimate, fly-on-the wall tale of the decline and fall of anAmerica icon With one notable exception, the firms that make up what we know asWall Street have always been part of an inbred, insular culturethat most people only vaguely understand. The exception was MerrillLynch, a firm that revolutionized the stock market by bringing WallStreet to Main Street, setting up offices in far-flung cities andtowns long ignored by the giants of finance. With its “thunderingherd” of financial advisers, perhaps no other business, whether infinancial services or elsewhere, so epitomized the American spirit.Merrill Lynch was not only “bullish on America,” it was a bigreason why so many average Americans were able to grow wealthy byinvesting in the stock market. Merrill Lynch was an icon. Its sudden decline, collapse, andsale to Bank of America was a shock. How did it happen? Why did ithappen? And what does this story of greed, hubris, and incompetencetell us about the culture of Wall Street that continues to

    • ¥116.5 折扣:5折
    • Learn to Earn: A Beginner's Guide to the Basics of Investing
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    • Peter LynchJohn Rothchild 著 /2007-12-01/ SCRIBNER
    • Mutual-fund superstar Peter Lynch and author John Rothchildexplain the basic principles of investing and business in a primerthat will enlighten and entertain anyone who is high-school age orolder. Many investors, including some with substantial portfolios, haveonly the sketchiest idea of how the stock market works. The reason,say Lynch and Rothchild, is that the basics of investing -- thefundamentals of our economic system and what they have to do withthe stock market -- aren't taught in school. At a time whenindividuals have to make important decisions about saving forcollege and 401(k) retirement funds, this failure to provide abasic education in investing can have tragic consequences. For those who know what to look for, investment opportunities areeverywhere. The average high-school student is familiar with Nike,Reebok, McDonald's, the Gap, and the Body Shop. Nearly everyteenager in America drinks Coke or Pepsi, but only a very few ownshares in either company or even understand how to buy them. Everystu

    • ¥66.8 折扣:5折
    • GIRL'S GUIDE TO BEING A BOSS W(ISBN=9780767922852) 英文原版
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    • Caitlin FriedmanKimberly Yorio 著 /2007-05-01/ Random House US
    • Forget what you’ve heard. Nice girls can get the corneroffice. As women, we haven’t always had the best role models at work. We’veeither worked for men or we’ve had female bosses who are, well, bigbitches. Woman still don’t have much of a road map right now whenit comes to taking charge at the office, so the team who broughtyou the national bestseller The Girl’s Guide to Starting YourOwn Business is drawing one for us. Caitlin Friedman andKimberly Yorio will teach you to be powerful without beingpossessive, to be opinionated without being brassy, and to have astrong voice without micromanaging. You’ll learn just how to ownthe role of queen bee in a positive way so that you can be morementor than manager, one who leads, inspires, and motivates. So, you finally got that promotion. You’re the boss now. Thesupervisor. The manager. The captain. The taskmaster. Those days oftaking orders, running errands, and clock-watching are over. Asexciting as all this might seem, once the rush of the pro

    • ¥60.5 折扣:5折