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    • The Warren Buffett Portfolio: Mastering The Power Of The Foc
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    • Robert G. Hagstrom 著 /2000-11-01/
    • The Warren Buffett Way provided the first look into thestrategies that the master uses to pick stocks. A New York Timesbestseller, it is a valuable and practical primer on the principlesbehind the remarkable investment run of the famed oracle of Omaha.In this much-awaited companion to that book, author Robert Hagstromtakes the next logical step, revealing how to profitably managestocks once you select them. THE WARREN BUFFETT PORTFOLIO will helpyou through the process of building a superior portfolio andmanaging the stocks going forward. Building a concentratedportfolio is critical for investment success. THE WARREN BUFFETTPORTFOLIO introduces the next wave of investment strategy, calledfocus investing. A comprehensive investment strategy used withspectacular results by Buffett, focus investing directs investorsto select a concentrated group of businesses by examining theirmanagement and financial positions as compared to their stockprices. A strategy that has historically outperformed the market,focus

    • ¥135.9 折扣:7.9折
    • Finding the Next Starbucks: How to Identify and Invest in th
    •   ( 1 条评论 )
    • Michael Moe 著 /2007-12-01/ Penguin
    • Michael Moe was one of the first research analysts to identifyStarbucks as a huge opportunity following its IPO in 1992. And formore than fifteen years, he has made great calls on many otherstocks, earning a reputation as one of today’s most insightfulmarket experts. Now he shows how winners like Dell, eBay, and Home Depot couldhave been spotted in their start-up phase, and how you can findWall Street’s future giants. He forecasts the sectors with thegreatest potential for growth, and explains his four Ps of futuresuperstars: great people, leading product, huge potential, andpredictability. Moe also includes interviews with some of the biggest names inbusiness—like Howard Schultz, Bill Campbell, and Michael Milken—whoreveal their own insights into how they discover the stars oftomorrow.

    • ¥83.2 折扣:6.5折
    • The CPM Gold Yearbook 2008CPM黄金年鉴 2009
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    • CPM Group 著 /2008-03-01/
    • Written by Wall Street’s top commodity research firm, The CPM Gold Yearbook 2008 provides in-depth statistics, analysis, and forecasts for gold. The supply and demand fundamentals of this commodity are displayed in detailed charts and graphs, providing you with the information needed to make fully informed investment decisions. Filled with invaluable reference data, The CPM Gold Yearbook 2008 is a focused guide that will help you succeed in this dynamic market.

    • ¥559.7 折扣:8.8折
    • (股市法则(第3版))Stock Market Rules (3rd Edition)
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    • Michael Sheimo 著 /2005-12-01/ 上海蓝泉外文图书有限公司
    • Investing is governed by unofficial rules, passed to investors through brokers, the financial press, and even fellow investors. For more than a decade, in two previous editions, Stock Market Rules has helped investors separate the most valuable of these maxims from the meaningless and even potentially harmful. But with recent market turbulence and scandals blindsiding millions of investors, the time has come for a new, updated edition.

    • ¥75.7 折扣:8.8折
    • Prophecy富爸爸的预言
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    • Robert T. Kiyosaki 著 /2004-01-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • Today millions of people depend on their 401 (k) plans for their retirement income.Yet when 401(k) and similar programs first became popular over two decades ago, Robert Kiyosaki's rich dad warned that these plans will cause one of the biggest stock market crashes in history...a crash that will financially destroy the unprepared. Now in the new millennium, rich dad's. prophecy is coming true. On April 3, 2000, the U.S. NASDAQ exchange recorded its biggest ever one-day fall.Then Enron and WorldCom declared two of the largest corporate bankruptcies in U.S. history. Exposing the reasons behind the impending crash, RICH DAD'S PROPHECY reveals not only the best ways to safeguard wealth but how to actually prosper from the events to come. Learn: How the fears, dreams, and actions of millions of baby boomers will control the economic future Why the old advice "Buy, hold, and diversify" can lead to f'mancial disaster How another stock market boom is on the horizon before the big bust and when

    • ¥159.1 折扣:8.8折
    • CHASING GOLDMAN SACHS(ISBN=9780307460110) 英文原版
    •   ( 13 条评论 )
    • nne McGee 著 /2011-12-01/ Random House US
    • You know what happened during the financial crisis … now it istime to understand why the financial system came so close tofalling over the edge of the abyss and why it could happen again.Wall Street has been saved, but it hasn’t been reformed. What isthe problem? Suzanne McGee provides a penetrating look at the forces thattransformed Wall Street from its traditional role as acapital-generating and economy-boosting engine into a behemothoperating with only its own short-term interests in mind and withreckless disregard for the broader financial system and those whorelied on that system for their well being and prosperity. Primary among these influences was “Goldman Sachs envy”: theself-delusion on the part of Richard Fuld of Lehman Brothers,Stanley O’Neil of Merrill Lynch, and other power brokers (egged onby their shareholders) that taking more risk would enable theircompanies to make even more money than Goldman Sachs. Thathubris—and that narrow-minded focus on maximizing their

    • ¥139.8 折扣:6折
    • (小钱也能干大事——理财小窍门)How To Get What You Want In Life With The Mo
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    • Carol Keeffe 著 /1995-12-01/ 人民出版社
    • You don't need a belt-tightening budget. You don't need a second job. You don't even need a raise. What you need is the down-to-earth money strategies explained in this book. Carol Keeffe has helped thousands of people take control of their financial future and realize their fondest dreams. Her money solutions are inspiring, easy to do, and instantly practical. She explains how you can: ·get out of debt by paying the minimum on your credit cards ·save money by paying yourself first, not your creditors ·and much more... Sound too good to be true? Then listen to some of the people who have benefited from Carol's money strategies: "Before, we just barely got by month to month. We had no savings and no plan. In three years my husband and I have had two children, gone from two incomes to one, and have saved $12,375! We're not only managing on one income, we're saving to reach our next goal!" -Teresa and Peter Sparling "I went to Europe and Disneyland and paid for everything in cash. My

    • ¥30.8 折扣:8.8折
    • Rich Dad, Poor Dad(富爸爸穷爸爸)
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    • Robert T.KiyosakiSbaron L.Lecbter 编 /2000-04-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • RICH DAD POOR DAD will... Exploding the myth that you need to earn a high income to be rich Challenging the belief that your house is an asset Showing parents why they can't rely on the school system to teach their kids about money Defining once and for all an asset versus a liability ·teach you what to teach your kids about money for their future financial success

    • ¥71.6 折扣:8.8折
    • All the Devils Are Here: The Hidden History of the Financial
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    • Joe Nocera 编 /2012-01-01/ Penguin
    • As soon as the financial crisis erupted, the finger-pointingbegan. Should the blame fall on greedy traders, lazy regulators, orclueless home buyers? According to Bethany McLean, author of thebestselling Enron book "The Smartest Guys in the Room", and JoeNocera, the star "New York Times" columnist, the real answer is allof the above. Many devils helped bring hell to the economy. Yetdespite all the analysis of the crash, no one has put all thepieces together and named those responsible. Until now.

    • ¥85.3 折扣:7.9折
    • 富爸爸成功的故事 Rich dad's success stories
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    • Robert T. Kiyosaki 著 /2003-10-01/ 艺洲
    • The Rich Dad series, begun in 1997, is based on Kiyosaki's childhood observations of the lessons passed down by his father, a well-educated wage slave, versus those of his closest friend's father, an eighth-grade dropout and multimillionaire. The difference, he determined, is that the poor and middle class work for money, but the rich let money work for them. The wisdom passed on by the rich dad is a type of financial literacy that is never taught in schools. Kiyosaki also developed a board game, Cashflow 101, which is used in his seminars to generate ideas on how to achieve financial independence. This book, the seventh in the series, contains real-life stories of people who applied the Rich Dad principles to their lives and are moving from the rat race of employment to the role of business owner and investor. In their own words, regular folks show how they went from financial struggle and crisis to taking control of their financial education and future. 作者简介: Born and raised in Hawaii

    • ¥169 折扣:8.8折
    • A Random Walk Down Wall Street The TimeTested Strategy for S
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    • Burton G. Malkiel 著 /2012-01-01/
    • Skilled at puncturing financial bubbles and otherdelusions of the Wall Street crowd, Burton Malkiel shows why abroad portfolio of stocks selected at random will match theperformance of one carefully chosen by experts. Taking a shrewdlook at the high-tech boom and its aftermath, Malkiel shows how tomaximize gains and minimize losses in this era of electronicbrokers, virtual gurus, and flashy investment vehicles. Learn howto analyze the potential returns, not only for stocks and bonds,but for the full range of investment opportunities, from moneymarket accounts and real estate investment trusts to insurance,home owning, and tangible assets like gold and collectibles. Decodethe rating game for mutual funds and discover the unique advantagesof index mutual funds over the wide range of riskier alternatives.Year in and year out the best investing guide money can buy, thisenhanced edition includes an update of Malkiel's famous "Life-CycleGuide to Investing," showing how to match an investment strategy toyour stag

    • ¥132.7 折扣:7.9折
    • Rich Dad's Cashflow Quad 富爸爸现金流
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    • Robert T. Kiyosaki 著 /2003-10-01/ Hachette Book Group USA
    • This text, the follow-up to "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" reveals why some people work less, earn more, pay less in taxes, and feel more financially secure than others. The author argues that it is simply a matter of knowing which quadrant to work from and when. Have you ever wondered: What is the difference between an employee and a business owner?; Why do some investors make money with little risk while most other investors just break even?; Why do most employees go from job to job while others quit their jobs and go on to build business empires?; Why, in the Industrial Age, did most parents want their children to become medical doctors, accountants, or attorneys. and why, in the Information Age, are these professions under financial attack? Many of the brightest graduates from our universities want to work for college dropouts. Dropouts such as Bill Gates, Richard Branson, Michael Dell and Ted Turner; dropouts who today are the mega-rich of society. This book explores these questions and issues to assist in guiding

    • ¥49.5 折扣:7.5折
    • Beating the Street战胜华尔街
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    • Peter Lynch (Author) ,John Rothchild (Contributor) 著 /1994-05-01/ Simon & Schuster
    • Lynch is the master stock picker who led Magellan (until May 1990) to its position as America's biggest mutual fund. In One Up on Wall Street (Simon & Schuster, 1989), also written with Rothchild, he described his winning methods. Here, he provides a few more elaborations and 21 "Peter's principles." Some are overly clever, e.g., being first in line is a great idea except on the edge of a cliff. Lynch takes three chapters to explain how he "done it good" at Magellan. One valuable chapter details methods for picking a mutual fund from the thousands available, but most of the book is devoted to demonstrating his research into picking the 21 stocks he recommended in the January 1992 Barron's roundtable. Still, since the average investor will not get to talk to the CEO or visit the company in person, maybe we should all just buy Lynch's recommendations each year. A tossup. Previewed in Prepub Alert, LJ 11/1/92. - Alex Wenner, Indiana Univ. Libs., Bloomington

    • ¥92.3 折扣:6.5折
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    • Benjamin Graham 著 /2004-12-01/
    • Graham and Dodd's Security Analysis is hands-down the most influential investment book in history. The classic 1951 edition is the first edition of the bestselling investment bible that was written during a time of economic stability and prosperity. It provides investors with techniques and strategies for profitable investing in an economic environment that most resembles today. Security Analysis: The Classic 1951 Edition features a far more contemporary focus on the wisdom and legitimacy of common stocks for individual investors. This essential addition to any investment library features: Graham and Dodd's original words and insights, unvarnished and still compelling Timeless methods for measuring asset values and cash flows, still a centerpiece of value investing worldwide Income statements and balance sheets moved to the front of the book for ease of use

    • ¥436.9 折扣:7.9折
    • Rich Dad Poor Dad 富爸爸、穷爸爸
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    • Robert T.KiyosakiSbaron L.Lecbter 编 /2001-09-01/ Hachette Book Group USA
    • RICH DAD POOR DAD will... Exploding the myth that you need to earn a high income to be rich Challenging the belief that your house is an asset Showing parents why they can't rely on the school system to teach their kids about money Defining once and for all an asset versus a liability ·teach you what to teach your kids about money for their future financial success

    • ¥49.3 折扣:8.8折
    • Value Investing: From Graham To Buffett And Beyond(ISBN=9780
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    • Bruce C. N. Greenwald 等著 /2004-01-01/
    • "This book deserves a place on every serious investor’sshelf." –FINANCIAL TIMES "A must-read for all disciples of value investing. In 1934,Graham and Dodd created fundamental security analysis. Greenwaldreinforces the worth of this approach, incorporates new advances,and takes their work into the twenty-first century." –Mario J. Gabelli, Chairman, Gabelli Asset Management, Inc. "The new title most deserving of your time is Value Investing . .. . Its authors aim to place their work next to Benjamin Graham’s1950 classic, The Intelligent Investor. My 1986 edition came withWarren Buffett’s endorsement–‘by far the best book on investingever written.’ Value Investing is better." –Robert Barker, BusinessWeek "Greenwald is an economist (PhD from MIT) who caught the valuebug. He has updated and expanded Graham’s ideas, and his summerseminars ($2,900 for two days) have become popular with everyonefrom well-known money managers to Columbia MBAs who couldn’

    • ¥135.9 折扣:7.9折
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    • : Frederick K. MartinNick HansenScott Link,Rob Nicoski 著 /2011-11-01/ McGraw-Hill
    • Use a master’s lost secret to pick growth companies bound forsuccess In 1948, legendary Columbia University professor BenjaminGraham bought a major stake in the Government Employees InsuranceCorporation. In a time when no one trusted the stock market, hechampioned value investing and helped introduce the world tointrinsic value. He had a powerful valuation formula. Now, in thisgroundbreaking book, long-term investing expert Fred Martin showsyou how to use value-investing principles to analyze and pickwinning growth-stock companies—just like Graham did when heacquired GEICO. Benjamin Graham and the Power of Growth Stocks isan advanced, hands-on guide for investors and executives who wantto find the best growth stocks, develop a solid portfolio strategy,and execute trades for maximum profitability and limited risk.Through conversational explanations, real-world case studies, andpragmatic formulas, it shows you step-by-step how this enlightenedtrading philosophy is successful. The secret lies in Graham’sv

    • ¥236.7 折扣:6.9折