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    • 国防科技著作精品译丛?无人机系列?无人机协同决策与控制:面临的挑战与实践应用【正版】
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    • 希玛 (Tal Shima) /2012-12-01/ 国防工业出版社
    • 《国防科技著作精品译丛?无人机系列?无人机协同决策与控制:面临的挑战与实践应用》采用从具体问题中抽取出具有挑战性问题的方式来提出无人机协同决策与控制问题,使得其解决方法在更广范围内能够得到运用。为了对新的研究人员或已经从事该领域研究的人员有所帮助,《国防科技著作精品译丛?无人机系列?无人机协同决策与控制:面临的挑战与实践应用》对这个问题提供了一个全面的描述并陈述其中一些难点。一些采用多种方法解决的方案将呈现给读者,为后续进一步的研究打下基础。

    • ¥135.45 ¥393.9 折扣:3.4折
    • NOBODY TURN ME AROUND(ISBN=9780807001554) 英文原版
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    • Charles Euchner 著 /2011-07-01/
    • On August 28, 1963, over a quarter-million people—two-thirdsblack and one-third white—held the greatest civil rightsdemonstration ever. In this major reinterpretation of the GreatDay—the peak of the movement—Charles Euchner brings back thetension and promise of the march. Building on countless interviews,archives, FBI files, and private recordings, this hour-by-houraccount offers intimate glimpses into the lives of those keyplayers and ordinary people who converged on the National Mall tofight for civil rights in the March on Washington.

    • ¥51.8 折扣:3.5折
    • A Long Walk to Freedom:The Autobiography of Nelson Mandela
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    • /2008-06-01/ Little
    • The riveting memoirs of the outstanding moral and political leader of our time, A LONG WALK TO FREEDOM brilliantly re-creates the drama of the experiences that helped shape Nelson Mandela's destiny. Emotive, compelling and uplifting, A LONG WALK TO FREEDOM is the exhilarating story of an epic life; a story of hardship, resilience and ultimate triumph told with the clarity and eloquence of a born leader. 'Burns with the luminosity of faith in the invincible nature of human hope and dignity ...Unforgettable' Andre Brink 'Enthralling ...Mandela emulates the few great political leaders such as Lincoln and Gandhi, who go beyond mere consensus and move out ahead of their followers to break new ground' Donald Woods in the SUNDAY TIMES. 1990年2月11日,面带微笑的曼德拉以矫健的步伐和胜利者的姿态,迈出了监狱的大门。作为世界上的最著名的囚犯,经过了27年的铁窗生涯和出狱后4年的奋斗经历,他不仅被南非人民推举为总统,还以他完美的道

    • ¥78.4 ¥368.48 折扣:2.1折
    • AT THE DARK END OF THE STREET(ISBN=9780307269065) 英文原版
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    • Danielle L. McGuire 著 /2010-09-01/ Random House US
    • Long before Rosa Parks became famous for resisting Jim Crowlaws, she was engaged in advocating for social justice for blackwomen who were the victims of sexual violence at the hands of whitemen. Historian McGuire aims to rewrite the history of the civilrights movement by highlighting sexual violence in the broadercontext of racial injustice and the fight for freedom. Parks workedas an investigator for the NAACP branch office in Montgomery,Alabama, specializing in cases involving black women who had beensexually assaulted by white men––cases that often went untried andwere the political opposite of the allegations of black men rapingwhite women ending in summary lynching with or without trials.McGuire traces the history of several rape cases that triggeredvehement resistance by the NAACP and other groups, including the1975 trial of Joan Little, who killed a white jailer who sexuallyassaulted her. Despite the long tradition of dismissing chargesbrought by blacks against whites, several of the cases e

    • ¥85 折扣:3.5折
    • THERE GOES MY EVERYTHING(ISBN=9780307275509) 英文原版
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    • Jason Sokol 著 /2007-08-01/ Random House US
    • During the civil rights movement, epic battles for justicewere fought in the streets, at lunch counters, and in theclassrooms of the American South. Just as many battles were waged,however, in the hearts and minds of ordinary white southernerswhose world became unrecognizable to them. Jason Sokol’s vivid andunprecedented account of white southerners’ attitudes and actions,related in their own words, reveals in a new light thecontradictory mixture of stubborn resistance and pragmaticacceptance–as well as the startling and unexpected personaltransformations–with which they greeted the enforcement of legalequality.

    • ¥51.8 折扣:3.5折
    • REAGAN(ISBN=9780307405135) 英文原版
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    • Marc Eliot 著 /2009-09-01/ Random House US
    • Ronald Reagan was one of the most powerful and popularAmerican presidents. The key to understanding his political successand the remarkable likability and effortless charisma that made itpossible is hidden in his early years as a Hollywood moviestar. Other biographers and Reagan in his two memoirs have skimmed overthe thirty years he spent as an actor, union activist, and ladies’man. Now, for the first time, in this highly entertaining andprovocative new work, acclaimed film critic and historian MarcEliot reveals the truth of those formative years and presents a fardifferent and infinitely more detailed portrait of Reagan than everbefore. Based on original research and never-before-published interviews,documents, and other materials, Eliot sheds new light on Reagan’sfilm and television work opposite some of the most talented womenof the time, including Bette Davis, Ann Sheridan, and GingerRogers; his starlet-strewn bachelor days when his name was linkedwith Lana Turner and Susan Hayward

    • ¥51.8 折扣:3.5折
    • IRON CAGE, THE(ISBN=9780807003091) 英文原版
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    • Rashid Khalidi 著 /2007-09-01/
    • At a time when a lasting peace between the Palestinians andthe Israelis seems virtually unattainable, understanding the rootsof their conflict is an essential step in restoring hope to theregion. In The Iron Cage, Rashid Khalidi, one of the most respectedhistorians and political observers of the Middle East, homes in onPalestinian politics and history. By drawing on a wealth ofexperience and scholarship, Khalidi provides a lucid context forthe realities on the ground today, a context that has been, untilnow, notably lacking in our discourse. The story of the Palestinian search to establish a state beginsin the mandate period immediately following the breakup of theOttoman Empire, the era of British control, when fledgling Arabstates were established by the colonial powers with assurances ofeventual independence. Mandatory Palestine was a place of realpromise, with unusually high literacy rates and a relativelyadvanced economy. But the British had already begun to construct aniron cage to hem in t

    • ¥51.8 折扣:3.5折
    • MIND OF WAR, THE(ISBN=9781588341785) 英文原版
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    • Grant Hammond 著 /2004-08-01/ Random House US
    • The ideas of US Air Force Colonel John Boyd have transformedAmerican military policy and practice. A first-rate fighter pilotand a self-taught scholar, he wrote the first manual on jet aerialcombat; spearheaded the design of both of the Air Force's premierfighters, the F-15 and the F-16; and shaped the tactics that savedlives during the Vietnam War and the strategies that won the GulfWar. Many of America's best-known military and political leadersconsulted Boyd on matters of technology, strategy, andtheory. In The Mind of War, Grant T. Hammond offers the first completeportrait of John Boyd, his groundbreaking ideas, and his enduringlegacy. Based on extensive interviews with Boyd and those who knewhim as well as on a close analysis of Boyd's briefings, thisintellectual biography brings the work of an extraordinary thinkerto a broader public.

    • ¥54.7 折扣:3.5折
    • HOSTAGE NATION(ISBN=9780307271150) 英文原版
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    • Victoria Bruce 著 /2010-08-01/ Random House US
    • A blistering journalistic exposé: an account of governmentnegligence, corporate malfeasance, familial struggle, drugs,politics, murder, and a daring rescue operation in the Colombianjungle. On July 2, 2008, when three American private contractors andColombian presidential candidate Ingrid Betancourt were rescuedafter being held for more than five years by the RevolutionaryArmed Forces of Colombia (FARC), the world was captivated by theirpersonal narratives. But between the headlines a major story waslost: Who exactly are the FARC? How had a drug-funded revolutionaryarmy managed to hold so many hostages for so long? Had our costlyWar on Drugs failed completely? Hostage Nation answers thesequestions by exploring the complex and corrupt political andsocioeconomic situations that enabled the FARC to gainunprecedented strength, influence, and impunity. It takes us behindthe news stories to profile a young revolutionary in the making, anelite Colombian banker-turned-guerrilla and the hard-drivenAmeric

    • ¥82.2 折扣:3.5折
    • SIGNING THEIR LIVES AWAY(ISBN=9781594743306) 英文原版
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    • Joseph D Agnese 等著 /2009-05-01/ Random House US
    • Denise Kiernan and Joseph D’Agnese have been published in The New York Times , The WallStreet Journal , The Village Voice , Wired , Discover , and other national publications. D’Agnese’s workhas twice been included in the anthology “Best American ScienceWriting.” Both are winners of Educational Press Association awards.They live in North Carolina.

    • ¥60.7 折扣:3.5折
    • IN LINCOLN'S HAND(ISBN=9780553807424) 英文原版
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    • Harold Holzer 著 /2009-01-01/ Random House US
    • On the occasion of the 200th anniversary of Abraham Lincoln’sbirth and in conjunction with the Library of Congress 2009Bicentennial Exhibition, In Lincoln’s Hand offers an unprecedentedlook at perhaps our greatest president through vivid images of hishandwritten letters, speeches, and even childhood notebooks—manynever before made available to the public. Edited by leading Lincoln scholars Wolf Shenk and HaroldHolzer, this companion volume to the Library of Congress exhibitionoffers a fresh and intimate perspective on a man whose thoughts andwords continue to affect history. To underscore the resonance ofLincoln’s writings on contemporary culture, each manu* isaccompanied by a reflection on Lincoln by a prominent American fromthe arts, politics, literature, or entertainment, including ToniMorrison, Sam Waterston, Robert Pinsky, Gore Vidal, and presidentsCarter, George H.W., and George W. Bush. While Lincoln’s words are quite well known, the originalmanu*s boast a unique power and

    • ¥106.5 折扣:3.5折
    • A Long Walk to Freedom:The Autobiography of Nelson Mandela
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    • Nelson Mandela纳尔逊·曼德拉) /2008-06-01/ Little
    • The riveting memoirs of the outstanding moral and political leader of our time, A LONG WALK TO FREEDOM brilliantly re-creates the drama of the experiences that helped shape Nelson Mandela's destiny. Emotive, compelling and uplifting, A LONG WALK TO FREEDOM is the exhilarating story of an epic life; a story of hardship, resilience and ultimate triumph told with the clarity and eloquence of a born leader. 'Burns with the luminosity of faith in the invincible nature of human hope and dignity ...Unforgettable' Andre Brink 'Enthralling ...Mandela emulates the few great political leaders such as Lincoln and Gandhi, who go beyond mere consensus and move out ahead of their followers to break new ground' Donald Woods in the SUNDAY TIMES. 1990年2月11日,面带微笑的曼德拉以矫健的步伐和胜利者的姿态,迈出了监狱的大门。作为世界上的最著名的囚犯,经过了27年的铁窗生涯和出狱后4年的奋斗经历,他不仅被南非人民推举为总统,还以他完美的道

    • ¥65.6 ¥308.32 折扣:2.1折
    • PLACE OF REMEMBRANCE, A(ISBN=9781426208072) 英文原版
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    • Allison Blais 等著 /2011-08-01/ Random House US
    • On September 11, 2011, the world will be watching astheNational September 11 Memorialopens on the site of the WorldTrade Center. With photographs and architectural plans never beforepublished, paired with comments in the very voices of those whowitnessed the event, those who struggled in its shadow for days andmonths after, and those who have dedicated the years since torebuilding a place of hope and meditation at Ground Zero, this bookwill stand apart from all the reston the tenth anniversary of thatworld-changing event. Heavily illustrated and elegantly designed,the book recalls the excitement and symbolism of the Twin Towers,the horror and chaos of the attack of 9/11, the fierce devotion andexhaustion as rescue of living victims became recovery of remains.But it also carries on from that date in history to tell the insidestory of the long, complex, and sometimes contentious efforts toturn eight acres of Downtown Manhattan into a lasting memorial tothose lost in New York, Pennsylvania, and at the Pentagon.

    • ¥60.7 折扣:3.5折