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    • Microtrends The Small Forces Behind Tomorrows Big Changes小趋势
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    • Mark Penn /2009-06-01/ Hachette Book Group USA
    • 75个社会趋势的揭示,加上作者独到的深入分析,每篇都充满了可以造就新行业的商机! From "Soccer Moms," the legendary swing voters of the mid-1990s, to "Late-Breaking Gays" such as former Gov. Games McGreevey (out at age 47), Burson-Marsteller CEO (and campaign adviser to Sen. Hillary Clinton) Penn delves into the ever-splintering societal subsets with which Americans are increasingly identifying, and what they mean. For instance, because of "Extreme Commuters," people who travel more than 90 minutes each way to work, carmakers must come up with ever more luxury seat features, and "fast food restaurants are coming out with whole meals that fit in cup holders." In a chapter titled "Archery Moms?", Penn reports on the "Niching of Sports": much to the consternation of Major League Baseball, "we don't like sports less, we just like little sports more." The net result of all this "niching" is "greater individual satisfaction"; as Penn notes, "not one of the fastest-growing sports

    • ¥49.5 折扣:7.5折
    • Federalist Papers 联邦党人文集 美国宪政的基础性文件纲领 当当网5星级英文学习产品
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    • Alexander Hamilton 著 /2004-07-01/ Simon US
    • ENDURING LITERATURE ILLUMINATED BY PRACTICAL SCHOLARSHIP Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay's brilliant andcontroversial collection of essays and articles that define andexplain the ideals upon which the United States of America wasfounded. EACH ENRICHED CLASSIC EDITION INCLUDES: ? A concise introduction that gives readers important backgroundinformation ? A chronology of the author's life and work ? A timeline of significant events that provides the book'shistorical context ? An outline of key themes and plot points to help readers formtheir own interpretations ? Detailed explanatory notes ? Critical analysis, including contemporary and modernperspectives on the work ? Discussion questions to promote lively classroom and bookgroup interaction ? A list of recommended related books and films to broaden thereader's experience Enriched Classics offer readers affordable editions of great worksof literature enhanced by helpful notes and insightful commentary.The scholarship provided in En

    • ¥44.2 折扣:6.5折
    • Living History 亲历历史-希拉里回忆录
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    • Hillary Rodham Clinton 著 /2003-12-01/ Simon & Schuster
    • Hillary Rodham Clinton is known to hundreds of millions of people around the world. Yet few beyond her close friends and family have ever heard her account of her extraordinary journey. She writes with candor, humor and passion about her upbringing in suburban, middle-class America in the 1950s and her transformation from Goldwater Girl to student activist to controversial First Lady. Living History is her revealing memoir of life through the White House years. It is also her chronicle of living history with Bill Clinton, a thirty-year adventure in love and politics that survives personal betrayal, relentless partisan investigations and constant public scrutiny. Hillary Rodham Clinton came of age during a time of tumultuous social and political change in America. Like many women of her generation, she grew up with choices and opportunities unknown to her mother or grandmother. She charted her own course through unexplored terrain -- responding to the changing times and her own internal compass -- and b

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    • 铁娘子撒切尔夫人治国方略Statecraft : Strategies for a Changing World
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    • Margaret Thatcher 著 /2002-04-01/ 音像供货
    • In Statecraft, Margaret Thatcher, a unique world figure, discusses global military, political, and economic challenges of the twenty0first century. The former British Prime Minister brings her unrivaled political experience to comment on the threats that democracy faces at the dawn of the new millennium and the role Western powers should play in the world's hotspots, especially in the aftermath of September 11, 2001. Reflecting on the lessons of the Cold War, she outlines the foundation of U.S. dominance and its mission as the only global superpower. Thatcher offers wise observations about the dangers posed by Balkan instability, rogue states, Islamic extremism, and international terrorism -- and suggests strategies to counter them. She also examines current trends in Russia, China, India, the Far East, Europe and Great Britain, and offers guidance for the future. Noting how every contemporary problem evokes demands for a global solution, Thatcher also warns of over-reliance on international institutions

    • ¥39.6 折扣:8.8折
    • 美国民主Democracy in America 9781853264801
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    • Alexis de Tocqueville 等著 /1999-12-01/ Wordsworth Editions Ltd
    • Democracy in America is a classic of political philosophy. Hailed by John Stuart Mill and Horace Greely as the finest book ever written on the nature of democracy, it continues to be an influential text on both sides of the Atlantic, above all in the emerging democracies of Eastern Europe. De Tocqueville examines the structures, institutions and operation of democracy, and shows how Europe can learn from American success and failures. His central theme is the advancement of the rule of the people, but he also predicts that slavery will bring about the 'most horrible of civil wars', foresees that the USA and Russia will be the Superpowers of the twentieth century, and is 150 years ahead of his time in his views on the position and importance of women.

    • ¥42.2 折扣:8.8折